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Daedalus Palamaon.8934

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Posts posted by Daedalus Palamaon.8934

  1. On 12/11/2021 at 7:11 AM, Strider.7849 said:

    I have to respectfully disagree. Selling skins to generate profit for a company - which give no purchasable benefit over any freely obtained skin - is not milking the playerbase.


    Milking the player base would be selling buffs, enhancements, significant gear progression in order to be relevant or compete with other players, subscriptions that offer unfair advantages, etc. 


    If you tried literally any Asian MMO you would truely understand what milking the playerbase is. I can assure you if you spend time in any of them you will understand and appreciate the way their gemstone works. Heck, if you convert enough gold you can straight up buy the items without spending real cash..  


    You buy the game and you own it.. there is no paid subscription, you can get all unbreakable gathering tools over time through key runs, they give out free gemstone items frequently, gold can be converted to gems.. it's one of the best models for an MMO in the players favour - this is at Anets expense because they aren't generating anywhere near the income they could if they operated like any other MMO. There are many flaws in the system but greed on their part is not one of them. Just my 2 cents.



    Yeah - I am not sure why people took my post as an attack on Anet . 


    For those that do not understand sarcasm - I was very much sarcastic through out the whole post lol. 


    That being said...


    Anet - seriously tho... release the mythic skins... please. PLEASE. 

    • Haha 1
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  2. 43 minutes ago, hash.8462 said:

    What about a new set of 6 pieces of Mythic armor? (unisex/uniweight)

    So ANet can sell a pack with: 1 box of Mythic armor (1 piece) + 1 box of Mythic weapon... 😁


    Or.... or and hear me out Anet - why not a mythic weapon set.... where it can be like... 4000 gems for all of them 😆

  3. 10 hours ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

    Did you purchase the current bundle on offer?

     10000% - need those mythic weapons XD


    5 hours ago, Super Hayes.6890 said:

    I think the OP is willing to buy whatever bundles come out. The problem is that bundles including this item have not been released enough for any player to get the whole set. There is literally not an opportunity to spend any amount of gems to get all the skins.

    Also, OP we need a screenshot of your guardian. You make it sound awesome so we, of course, must see.

    Hope you get the rest of your skins 🙂

    Oh - I did not know there was a skin tax on the forums 😅. Not the most recent image (or best), but this is what my guardian looks like right now. I have recently swapped the gauntlets for more "real" ones, but the main thing is the Flameseeker shield and the right eye with the blue flame and scar.




    3 hours ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

    Well, getting closer; there's been 10 on offer so far, including the one on offer today. 

    I may have missed a few 😒

  4. Dear Anet,


    Listen - we need to talk. I have been playing since 2012 - love the game, always will. You released probably one of the sexiest weapon skins many moons ago - the mythic weapon skin set, and it matched perfectly with my Guardian. Now as you know, people may say that Raids are the endgame, others will say the WvW or Fractals; but, we all know the TRUE endgame of GW is pure, unadulterated fashion. We talking awesome, beautiful, make people whisper you and ask where you got that fashion wars. Now I have bided my time, and bought every package that has mythic weapon skins... but at this point I must ask...




    ANET - I will throw money at my screen to just purchase the mythic weapon skins alone. You want 4000 gems, I will give you 4000 games. You want my firstborn - well listen you can't have her but I can settle for like maybe a picture or something. You want my soul - TAKE IT - I teach middle school, I am already soulless. Anet, please, I beg you, I only have 4 unlocked but I NEEEEEEEED the rest for my guardian, for without them he looks less then awesome and the true endgame is delayed forever! How can I expect to enter Cantha looking less then lit, how can you deny me looking phresh AF? No cap - this guardian finna be ready for new expansion with some mythic weapons or he is gonna be hunting some Quaggans 😤


    So I implore you, in the name of all the fashion seekers and fashion enthusiasts out there, please just release the mythic set.... or at least release it more often 😅😘

    Edit: Further - whoever be making them capes - BRUH. Even my wife - who knows nothing about video games - looks over and says "that's a pretty cool cape" 😅. Point is.... more fashion... and release the mythic weapons to us!



    edit 2: or, you know, to appease at least me I will take at least 3 mythic boxes please 🤣

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