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Rakan Buuyon.8576

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Everything posted by Rakan Buuyon.8576

  1. But it's not. Glass builds still add sustain into their builds, which is why they aren't just running raid builds. The goal is for a quick kill, but your average glass build is still going to be able to sustain past hitting a skill or two. I think you have a fundamental misunderstanding about the things people are talking about. Nade Holo can do a bunch of damage, maybe even one shot another glass build, but 100% of the build doesn't rely on landing a single nade barrage. You miss it, you are still in the fight. You can handle incoming damage, even if you are full zerk. The gimmick version used to only be scrapper, but I guess people are using a version of it on core now, but on scrapper, your entire kit was based around hitting that singular nade barrage. You used full damage traits, and popped all your utility to sneak gyro up to someone and use one skill to one shot them. After that, you had to get out, you couldn't sustain any incoming damage, and you had nothing else that could kill another player. It was basically the same thing for Norn Bear. After that singular skill was used, you had to wait for a mostly full reset to really be able to do anything again because you have no sustain. Glass builds are simply builds people run with full, or mostly full zerker, yet still most definitely take sustain traits and utilities. Power thief and Mesmer are good examples of this, cause they don't rely on one singular burst to win a fight, even if one burst can end a fight. No one will call either off those builds gimmick builds, because there's no gimmick.
  2. Not really. The gimmick builds put everything they have into like one or maybe two skills. After that, they have nothing. That's not like glass builds that still build for some survivability. These gimmick builds don't just do high damage, it's that they use their entire toolkit to make one skill one shot someone. Engie one shot nade builds are prime examples of this, because they use literally every utility and tool belt skill to buff up and use a single skill to get their kills. If you know how to deal with the singular grenade skill they use, they literally have nothing left in their kit to survive with. Another would be Norn bear ranger. You again, use your entire kit to boost the damage of a racial elite skill that's on a super long cooldown. You miss that hit, you might as well start role playing as a punching bag. They are pure gimmicks. Once people start learning how to deal with the singular skill they use, there's nothing left the build can do. These builds have long set up times, so you get one kill, and then hope you can escape, and that's it.
  3. I've been accused of running a perma stealth teefo when I was S/D, which has access to no stealth outside of dagger 5, which is very very very far from perma stealth. The average player is so brain dead they have no idea what they are actually fighting, let alone how to counter it, so all they do is rage message.
  4. Okay but there is no legitimate way to do this. I'm by no means the best thief in the universe, and maybe, just maybe, there is some weird interaction with traits and things that has some minorly weird interaction that might be a small help for a very very very specific matchup, but I can assure you something like on demand reveal cleanse wouldn't be some ancient Chinese secret. It would be common thief knowledge, not something everyone is like "yeah that can't happen". Thief never had a trait to cleanse reveal. It was DE elite. If there was something like this that could be done on demand it would probably be huge in PvE because of how much more damage stealth attacks do in PvE. There would be some weird thief build that just spams death judgement doing 100k DPS. That doesn't exist, so there's only one other option. Your build isn't as good at countering stealth as you think it is, or you aren't that good at playing it. Either the skills you are using aren't reveals, you are missing the reveals, or you are expecting reveals to last way longer than they actually do. I've been a thief since day one, and most of my hours of this game have been spent in WvW. Everyone who doesn't main thief constantly say thieves are cheating. I'd bet everything I own on this just being another case of someone fundamentally not understanding the core basics of the class if its a problem you keep running into with every thief. Most classes just don't really have much to counter a stealth build. Tether warrior running on my mark can be scary if there is someone with burst who can burst you down in a few seconds, or lands a tether on you, but even they can miss their reveals and just be more or less a sitting target. Everything else has like one reveal, and can easily miss it, or even when they land it, simply just wait it out for a few seconds and then not have to worry about reveals anymore. But yeah, post your build. Let's check it out cause I have a feeling you are expecting something to work in a way that it just doesn't.
  5. Thief can't remove reveal. If you are using traps, you are marking them, not revealing them. They can go stealth for a couple seconds while marked. Reveal is absolute since the nerf to Shadow Meld.
  6. AoEs wouldn't matter at that point. At that point, any damage will instant melt whoever the target is, which is way easier to do when everyone is off in their own direction. 30 guardians, necros, whatever, using something like staff 1 all on one person, hitting for 1k, is 30k damage. People will melt to autos, let alone actual skills. Good luck healing them too, as heals are around or in front of the healer. Target cap is the bigger problem. Buffs don't matter much if you can instant down 50 fully buffed players with one hit. I'm sorry but one lone little guardian isn't going to be able to tank 50 people focusing them, no matter how many boons they have. A stacked group isn't going to survive an 30 AoEs that all hit for 5k, no matter how many boons they have. People in this game really over estimate how much boons really do. Two players are worth significantly more than one player with full boons. The reason why "boonballs" can dominate maps, is because it's 50 organized players VS roamers. The boons are the least important part here, other than maybe stab. The more players you have and the more organized they are, will always dominate no matter what changes you make to boons or target caps. The people taking your keep will still be the people taking it after any change.
  7. They did, which is why they did a bunch of class nerfs a couple years ago. Soulbeast only has one pet, Daredevil has a steal that's only 600 range, etc. They weren't supposed to be flat buffs. It wasn't supposed to be "I'm you but stronger". They where supposed to be unique, but many specs where just core but better. Clearly they don't believe this anymore since they reversed every single one of those changes, but that was their stated reason for nerfing them originally.
  8. Hell no. Close the wall on the tail and get some kills, upset the commander. Yeah sure, they can get it down easy again, but it's not about making a permanent change, it's about causing chaos. Now the head either needs to accept the loss of players, or jump back out and get work on getting people back in. At that point, you simply just put a couple supply into the wall and do it all over again. Most groups simply aren't coordinated enough to keep it composed when kitten goes wrong, even more so when they lose their commander. I can't even begin to tell you how many times I've seen map queues lose to cloud because a couple pin snipers took out just the commander. These new changes stop hit and run defending, and basically require a defense squad on the attacked wall until the siege is destroyed, and the wall is full. With only needing 10% you could simply use the wall repair as a quick way to split a group, at 50% it pretty much means that wall isn't going back up.
  9. That sucks and all, but you can't put a class in a PvP mode that let's you play at 100% while inputting like zero inputs. Why play literally any other class when there's one where you press one button and deal more damage than most other classes when played by the sweatiest try hard there is? There have always been low intensity builds in the PvP modes in this game. They just had weaknesses to support the fact that they require very very few inputs to be played at 100%. Mech was busted, it couldn't stay where it was.
  10. I agree, axe 5 nerf makes no sense.
  11. If you have to OoC to win a fight, you didn't win the fight. Do it all you want, but definitely don't feel proud about it unless it was some crazy 1vX.
  12. Oh my, a variant of one shot sic'em soulbeast! No one has ever tried this before! It's a meme build. Yes. Ranger is broken in very many ways. No, this build is not going to be the death of WvW. Tons of people run things exactly like this, and have been for years. There are very many ways to counter this build, from dodges to invulns. Nothing in this build is new, it's stuff people have been doing for years. Many classes have their own one shot builds, and they are equally as meme as this one. This one probably does have more survivability than others, but they all share the same weakness. If your one shot fails, you get owned. You need to face bad players for this to be most effective. You can forget about any kind of 1vX against anyone who isn't effectively AFK in the brain. Just like with every other one shot build. And before you find your next "discovery", yes, Nornbear ranger is a thing everyone knows about too. As well as immob condi druid.
  13. Yes, that's why Crowfall died. Not because the millions of failures the developers made with that game. But because of support classes. Because there clearly never RvR games before Crowfall, and they certainly didn't have dedicated support classes. WvW definitely wasn't inspired by them either, no matter what the devs say. In your head, WvW is something that it isn't. It's not just a roamers paradise. It's not just randos getting together in a big CF and having at it. The games that started this type of MMO, where created around comped play, just like GW2. You aren't losing to minstrels, you are losing to comped groups. If minstrels was removed from the game nothing would change. Minstrels isn't why these groups win, being comped and good at the game is why they win.
  14. Actually, most of the places you can't teleport are the ones that are bugged. Blinking up cliffs and walls is it working as designed. Weird no port spots are generally the bug. Things like rocks, half of SMC, all that good stuff, is the bug.
  15. Even though you are stealth, a lot of skills are still visible to enemies. It's how you can track people who are invisible. For example, engies toolkit stealth elixer has what looks like a little puff of smoke when they use it stealth. You can look for hints like this to find and guess where a stealth enemy is heading or is. With thieves, if you are quick enough, you can see and get into their pistol 5 and get them to hit you to reveal themselves. There's a lot of tricks with dealing with stealthed enemies. Now, I haven't tested it and really can't be bothered to bother someone to help me with this, but perhaps scorpion wire has a visible tell while you are invisible? I've played a lot of WvW in my time, and the only cheating from using third party tools I've seen is, A) the infamous duo who was porting into towers and capping them, and B) Scourge bots that just run a path around red BL at night, attacking sentries and camps. In FPS games there used to be a joke that the hardest player to shoot is someone who doesn't know they are being shot at. Theoretically, it should be an easy shot, they aren't expecting it, yet somehow they move in the most unpredictable way making them incredibly hard to shoot. With my time in WvW, I can say the same is pretty accurate here. Someone who doesn't know a backstab, pull, moa, etc is coming, is almost impossible to hit with them. I've never seen anyone expertly dodge a backstab better than a random player who doesn't know they are about to get hit for 20k on no downstate week. I've never seen someone dodge a moa better than a player that didn't see the scrapper invis the Mesmer that's going to moa them. Sometimes it's just dumb luck they dodged something. At this point, people have been dealing with thieves for so long they have a feel for how much stealth you have, and about how long until they try something when invisible. Maybe they are expecting a backstab, and felt it was a good time to dodge for a backstab, only you used a pull instead. Maybe wire has a visible tell. Maybe you didn't realize they had stability or aegis and you hit them with it, but it was ineffective. Whatever it is, the answer is almost certainly not "they where cheating". If that was the case, the top PvP players would all know about this "dodge every CC hack", likely be using it, and someone would have spilled the beans about it by now. Now, I'm no top PvPer, but some of my friends are. I've had people tell me about all sorts of exploits in this game. All the biggest drama about such and such win trading, such and such doing this rule breaking thing. Never once have I heard anyone mention a "dodge CC" hack. People who are really good at this game, look at things in a way you might not. Know things about this game that you might not. There are interactions with different skills that you might have no idea about. I've had questions for friends on stuff that seemed sketchy, how they could always do something, or counter something every single time without fail. Usually it's just an exploitable (not as in cheating exploit) weakness of the skill. For example, a warrior can counter another warriors bullscharge, by just using bullscharge after they do. The answer is probably a lot more simple than "hacks".
  16. The caps are around 70 per server. You have the same amount of people on your map, the other servers are just working more united than yours is.
  17. Thanks alot for your input! Few quick questions: Which weapons do warriors generally use? Or Dragonhunters? Do reapers go berserker stats with the greatsword for melee cleave, or whats the general consensus? Do weavers use staff, or is there a better alternative? Thanks! Warriors are generally heal spec and use sword/warhorn, and hammer for CC/boonstrip. Guardian use Staff scepter/ then offhand can be shield, focus, or torch, or staff GS if you are doing a lot of melee hits. Depends on the Reaper. If I'm running a more comfy build, or just not taking much damage, I'll run zerk, otherwise I'll run marauders. Greatsword staff, or GS axe focus. Staff for weaver I think. I don't know much about them, as I don't care for ele so never really looked their builds up.
  18. Warrior is mostly boon strip and secondary healer. Guardian is primary stab, DH and core is DPS. All DPS are power, as condi is mostly useless against any organized group. Rev is hammer, and brings useful utility with dwarf. Thief and Ranger are mostly useless, yeah. There are some builds where they can find use, thief more so for small scale, and ranger have more viable builds for large scale, but generally you are better off taking something else. Scrapper is main cleanse and PBAoE damage. The condis they cleanse turn into boons, so even trash condis are good for them to cleanse. Necro was good for it's boonstrip and damage, but the nerfs to Scourge are kinda bringing them down from that. They aren't awful, but the average Scourge just isn't great. Reaper is good for melee hits. Mesmer is good for boon strip, but not good enough that you want more than like 1 or 2. Generally you'll see a commander be the Mesmer, and maybe one other person. They do insane strips, but that's about it. That plus their pulls make them really good commanders. Tempest makes for a good cleanser, but scrapper is inherently better since tempest don't convert condis into boons. They can cleanse a ton of condis though. Weaver can dish out a lot of damage, but it's delayed damage so against mobile groups it can be hit or miss. They also die really easily, so generally there are better classes to pick. For the last question, yes, power guard is better then Scourge in basically every way. It can throw down about the same amount of AoEs, only all of them hit for a ton of damage.
  19. Stopped reading at "Warrior doesn't have any use in WvW." It's damn near the most important class.
  20. Forgot how your skills work, didn't you?
  21. The reason people didn't like it was because it was a huge benefit to blobs, This change makes it a defensive tool so helps out more against blobs than anything. You can no longer take the banner from a tower to defend your keep. This is too much, they killed it.What should be done is to decrease the damage of the DB in uncontrolled areasAnd with that same logic, they can no longer take a banner from their tower to attack your keep. However, you can still put banners in keeps to help defend them. This is not a nerf to the little guy. Defenders are the only ones with banners 100% of the time now. There is no snowball effect of attackers gaining access to more and more banners as they capture the map, increasing their attacking power as they capture and hold more. Now you can only use them for defense. This is a massive buff to defending teams. Anyways, there's not many times when you would really have access to many banners to defend things anyways. Generally, when a keep is going to be hit, multiple towers go down first. If you have no towers, you have no extra banners. Banners until now have always favored the dominating side, which is why they where busted. They are a force multiplier designed for defense, but instead where being used for offense. The more towers you have, the more access to banners you had. The more banners you had, the less relevant it was when one went down. Sure, you only have one on demand banner now, but the attackers will never have more than 0, no matter how many towers, keeps, or castles they own.
  22. And then what, all soft CC has absolutely no counter?
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