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blade eyes.2034

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Everything posted by blade eyes.2034

  1. Now that is an interesting perspective, and you might actually be right. If that's the course, I'll indeed dislike GW3 as it would be just like any other MMO. Of course, it would still depend on how they implement it.
  2. I appreciate your perspective. Indeed, GW2 was unique, and I agree that it's similar to a first love, something you never forget. I had similar experiences with other great games like Skyrim and The Witcher 3, but they're not the same, as they miss the other players' factor within the world. They were amazing experiences in their own right. Although the possibility of me not liking GW3 will always exist until it actually comes out, if it ever does, my post was more about why I look forward to it. While I would like to see them build on the many great things that GW2 did, I actually do want it to be different in many ways. I'm not interested in playing GW2 in Unreal Engine.
  3. Thank you for your response; I can see where you're coming from, although you're making a lot of assumptions. I'll break them down to hopefully clarify my point of view. First of all, I absolutely value the social aspects of MMOs; it is what originally interested me in the genre. However, if we are being honest, the vast majority of MMOs fail at it. One of my biggest grievances with GW2 is their lack of support toward Guild systems, but they still do it better than most. I have enjoyed many adventures with friends in the game; in fact, my best memories of the game are with other players, whether it's in the Open World, Dungeon, Fractal, or the Living World events back in seasons 1 and 2. I made many new friends and memories from those shared experiences. My focus in the original post was on the unique experiences and exploration that GW2 offered, rather than solely on solo play. Moreover, my preference for GW2 isn't accidental. The game, when it first came out, was marketed toward those who want something new, those who disliked MMOs to an extent and wanted something new in the genre, while keeping and enhancing what made it great, which is the social aspect, as you correctly stated. "If you hate MMOs, you'll really want to check out Guild Wars 2." We explore and make friendships within those worlds, but monotony can easily creep up on us. The nature of existence is change, and that's what I look forward to in GW3. I have lost friends and connections as time went by, as we all do. But I still have a few close friends that I made along the way; hopefully they'll join, and hopefully I'll make many new friends in new worlds and adventures. The likelihood of me liking GW3; your statistic is false, as you dismiss too many variables and make too many assumptions. Although I dislike most MMOs, I have played and loved GW2 for the past 10 years or so. I already don't play video games anymore; the last few games I played were about a few years ago, and any games I play now are the occasional co-op with friend & family or mostly short games like Journey. But the fact is that I still occasionally check on GW2 news and sometimes jump on it, says enough. Lastly, I'm not a Reddit user, and that's why I posted on GW2, because even though I'm talking about GW3, it's still within the realm of the game.
  4. Hi, thanks for the summary, even though it wasn't accurate. To clarify, it's not that I dislike all MMOs inherently; it's more that I haven't found many that offer the same kind of immersive, exploratory, and artistic experience that GW2 did for me. GW2 was the exception because it felt different from other MMOs, focusing more on the world and experiences rather than just grinding for gear, even if that element does exist to an extent. What I hope for in GW3 is that it will continue to push these boundaries and offer fresh, engaging content that goes beyond the typical MMO formula. So, while GW3 might be an MMO, I'm looking forward to it because I believe it can provide those unique experiences that GW2 did so well.
  5. Hi everyone, Vet player here, just sharing his thoughts. GW2 is the only MMO I ever liked, and I was going to quit gaming before I tried GW2 in beta and fell in love with it. After EOD, I have stopped, since to me the game has ended there, and I don't want another 10-year story. What makes GW2 amazing is the world and the exploration of the world and the many other things you can do in the game, but it's all outdated now for a vet player like me. When I say outdated, I don't mean the graphics; I mean the world itself just doesn't seem to offer anything new or interesting experiences for me. I know many online players, especially MMO players, play to grind to get stuff, and they care about stuff, but for players like me, we play for experiences that make us feel something, for worlds to explore. I don't care about all the stuff; they can take it all away, and I want them to take it all away. Give something interesting, artistic, and beautiful. GW2 is an artistic masterpiece, a beautiful game, and an interesting world that I still recommend to new players. That's why I look forward to GW3 whenever it does come out. Thanks for reading :)
  6. I know right, like what the hell? The current trailer on Steam is awful, and it does not represent the game at its best, not at all. Honestly, who makes these decisions?
  7. Jesus Christ, that's why I hate PoF's open world. The exploration of the maps are uninteresting and full of tedious chores; it's 100% worst than core maps because of that. On the other hand, Core maps had many interesting places, hidden puzzles that don't take forever to finish, interesting events to stumble on, etc. It's up to Arenanet, but if that's the direction they want to take the game, gw2 will lose what made it enjoyable in the first place. The only thing that saved PoF was the quality of the story production, but aside from that, the open-world of PoF was uninteresting, full of chores to do, and hardly many people go back as result of that.
  8. Why are all the new players in a hurry to try and get the Giffen and Skyscape mount? I guess because they're flying mounts, but here's the thing, you don't need them. Also, they meant to be legendary mounts that take time to unlock, so take your time. Just play and have fun; you'll unlock them in no time. No need to hurry because once you unlock everything that you wanted, you'll soon enough find that there isn't much left for you to do anyway.
  9. Nope, not everyone wants Hearts to be removed because it'll make things take less effort, but because they're boring and don't add anything to the world. Whereas events, some of them are really interesting, like the witch and charr cups in Diessa Plateau. Some events even unlock secret places with ancient ruins that you can't access otherwise. That is interesting content, unlike Heart Quests which is like kill 10 of this and collect 15 of that. ArenaNet was onto something with their event system, it's shame they didn't pursue it harder. P.S. even tho the HoT map design wasn't the best, especially Tangled Depths. There is a reason why HoT still feels more alive than PoF, because PoF had those boring Heart Quests returned, even worse than ever before because this time they reset daily = boring as hell. Whereas HoT was and still interesting because of its events and meta which keeps those maps alive even after PoF released. PoF on the other hand, after a few months of its release, felt truly like an empty desert, players hardly go back to it after they finished with their stuff.
  10. Nope, I don't care about the rewards, personally. They can give as much reward as they want, and I would still 100% hate Hearts. They're a boring Quest system that Guild Wars 2 should have never implemented. Instead, they should have focused more on events and event chains with actually good stories/lore to tell, they do have events like that, but not enough of them. They should remove Hearts as part of map completion and have events replace them, that's how I really feel, to be honest.
  11. As someone who has been following the story since season 1, I agree. The living story should come with the expansions even if it means that the expansion will cost more; having a bundle of everything would also be a good idea. Also, I think they need to return season 1, I'm not going to get into it here, but yes, they can return it; they have the technology, and we have seen it in HoT and PoF. I still remember when I tried to get my brother into gw2 many years go, which he played until the personal story, and won't play the living story since he couldn't play season 1. Of course, he lost interest.
  12. Seems like most people here care about the reward, which I don't care much about. I 100% agree with OP that Heart Quests are boring as hell. Sad thing is that GW2 has some interesting events with actual story and lore to tell, yet so many players miss them because they think Heart Quests are the main focus, which I guess it is at this point.
  13. Thank you all for your thoughts and opinions. It seems that everyone has a different idea of where the problem is and how it can be fixed. I can't speak for everyone, but I think that Guild Mission is an important content to give purpose to Guilds. In another post of mine called "Repurposing Old Content Into Guild Mission," I talk about the lack of Guild content and the abandonment of Guild Missions. Knowing that Arenanet has other priorities, I suggested that they repurpose existing content that hardly anyone does into Guild Missions with rewards that are excluded to Guilds. Examples, "Activities" like Southsun Survival can easily be repurposed into Guild Missions, and so many other activities given by Crab Toss in LA, and the ones in other maps. Also, Mount racing, Bounties in PoF, champions, or events that aren't being done anymore; I also think they should add more world bosses for Guilds to do, existing Jumping Puzzles, etc. Officially repurposing those contact and adding new Rewards under the banner of Guild Missions, would benefit the game as a whole.
  14. Just rant, but seriously, what is there to do with guilds? You don't need guilds to do fractals, world bosses, PvP, strike mission, or even raids. Whenever I log on, I wonder if there is anything to do with my guildies, and the answer is nope. Everyone is working on their own thing, farming for gold, farming for AP, getting new legendary, maybe co-op with another guild member in PvP, fractal or other game modes. I don't know, and I feel like there isn't anything active to do with your guilds. There are only the same guild missions from 2013, but that's about it. Perhaps your guild makes up their events, like fashion wars and other ideas. My main guild used to do that, but these things consume a lot of time out of the guild leader and officers. Besides, the rewards have to be provided by them as well.
  15. Perhaps not for the Company, but for many players like myself, our Guild keeps us interested in the game, and it's the reason we come back. Anyway, I thought this would benefit the game overall, especially since guild missions has been the same since bloody 2013.
  16. I'll keep it short and sweet, I and my guildmates have been talking about the lack of Guild content and the abandonment of Guild Missions, sadly. I understand that Arenanet has other priorities like a living story and a new expansion that needs to be focused open. What I'm suggesting here is for Arenanet to add old contents that are hardly done by players nowadays into the guild mission, contents like (Mount racing, Bounties in PoF, Activities that are given by Crab Toss in LA and the ones in HoT that hardly anyone plays, champions or events that aren't being done anymore, add more world bosses for the guild to do, at the moment there is only triple trouble and tequatl as far as I know. Now, some of you might say what's the point? you can do that on your own or just do it now with your guild if you want to, but having it added to guild mission with some additional stuff or new rewards will make a big difference for guilds. Lastly, it's my opinion that vast majority of people play and stay in an MMO because of the community that they made, and Guilds are one of the most important elements when it comes to communities in any MMO, so it's sad to see Guilds in this game being banned the way that it has been.
  17. Hello folks, I have some thoughts that I want to share as a player who has played all of the living stories from season 1 to the current "saga." I don't know why Arenanet went back on this, but one reason they only added few maps during season 1 and 2 is that they didn't want old maps to be abandoned and become "ghost maps." Something that they were particularly eminent about, yet that's the problem they created today with the newer living story model. Another thing that the living stories were supposed to do is bring content to existing maps, now most of those maps, especially the mini maps that are introduced by the living story are nothing, but "ghost maps" where the only reason to visit them is for a collection that soon everyone will get and move on, no real content to add or expand on them. That's why living Story season 1 and 2 made much more sense, they created content for old maps to revisit while moving the story forward, and only adding maps occasionally like Dry Top and Silverwastes to expand on core Tyria. I don't think I would be the only one who feels like the living story should be used as a way to lead into an expansion, instead of trying to replace it with "saga." I think I and many like the feeling of exploring a whole new continent with our friends and guilds, instead of this Dreadful slow expansion. Lastly, I really loved the older model of the living story when it was capable of delivering new content every 2 weeks because Arenanet didn't have to create mini-maps that soon will be abandoned, which takes a lot of resources that can be used elsewhere.
  18. Interested, can I have an invite please, thanks.
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