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Everything posted by Sithis.3564

  1. The achivement doesn't require the helmet anymore. To those that want it for their favorite character. I know how You guys feel. Charr players were always some kind of 2nd class citizens. It's been years I've been waiting for new faces and horns. However I also look at this from other perspective. This is something unique that no other race can wear. Almost like an Legendary skin. Is it worth thousands of Gold? You need to decide on your own. To me it is.
  2. You cannot preview Your character in a chair.
  3. I was tempted to buy it for my Charr but I'll wait. Consider asking for refund.
  4. I'm starting to think the helmet drop rate is bugged.
  5. I use Tidal for free with my cellphone operator. I'm happy.
  6. The new skin looks fun. We might get a charr motorbike someday, patience ?.
  7. People somehow forget that we had a tengu helping the Pact. Not to mention that a single individual could leave the Dominion to help. The future Commander. Anyway I highly belive that the Dominion was build at a time when krytan's did not have any resources to stand against it.
  8. I'm laughing so hard. This is almost the same thing I hear from people complaining about the prices at the store I work. "Who can afford that?! Why it is so expensive?! This is absurd, I won't spent that much!" Yet.. there are people buying a single luggage for 500 €.. and they sometimes take a full set!If you can't afford it or if you don't like it enough to spend that much money, don't buy it. Simple.
  9. Done this mission on 4 chars already. It requires some focus but boy.. never had any real issues here. Either people have some strange bugs or not everyone knows how the sentries work. The only thing I would tune a bit are the enemies spawning during the boss battle. Annoying very much.
  10. https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/151654/#Comment_151654Standing on the same platform isn't enough. You need to place yourself at "your purpose", not an inch past it, not in the middle, not even near the stairs, to look Balthasar in the eyes, but simple at that damn bird ;) . I agree however that it's a bug and needs to be fixed.
  11. Did it twice, it breaks at Balthazar. EDIT.Indeed the fault is in the last memory with Batlhazar. DO NOT, I reapet DO NOT go past the last stairs. Simply stop where "Your purpose" lands. Two times I ran straight to the same level as Balthazar and it failed. The fact the there are flames and smoke on the way up doesn't help either. This needs fixing, small adjustment in range.
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