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Everything posted by Squeakywitch.5381

  1. Sorry but I dont see your Stability. I still see the same over powered Blobs and Ques on a daily basis. They havent fixed anything. Where as before we could at least count on being able to keep at least one WP besides Citadel, now that doesnt happen at all. We are constantly Outnumbered, and the Que's are still as crazy as before. Not to mention the Huge groups of Overpowered Boon Balls that they keep coming at us with is unreal. What the Hell. I thought we were supposed to get some of this stuff fixed. Instead its worse than before.
  2. They have enough Boon Balls as it is. You need to decrease some of that crap to make it easier to kill off the Blobs.
  3. I agree the new Rewards stink. Though seriously someone noted that its basically the powerful guilds beating the crap out of the weaker ones. On that I agree as well. Wishing Anet would do something about Maguma is wishful thinking. They did nothing the last time this happened, and they will do nothing this time. Just like always. Maguma is a bully guild with Botters and cheaters, yet no matter how many times people complain or report Anet does nothing. Honestly if I hadnt spent so much money on this game to begin with, I would probably quit myself. They have made it impossible to do PVE alone. You have to follow tags all over the place and still get no where. Or have partys that no one wants to join, because they have already accomplished what your trying to do. Now they have made it impossible to do anything in WvW, without a massive Zerg with you to protect you. Seriously no matter what char I play, Maguma sends out 5 - 10 of their Mithril and Legendary Players to jump me. Really? Maguma is doing the same thing as last time, and no one at Anet gives a kitten, because one of their Devs is a Active member in there. Yea the Rewards stink, seriously how are we supposed to accomplish anything in WvW with Maguma running around like that. There is no way to accomplish the new rewards now because we cant even keep our map. Maguma has had all of EBG, their HBL and most our Map, plus the other map. We cant even take a Camp because they have their players in there preventing us from doing anything. It took 2 hours to get 1 camp back. What the hell Anet, if your gonna give us rewards at least make them so that we have a chance of accomplishing them 1 time in the week.
  4. Ok this just recently started. I was playing the game and suddenly it just crashed. Screen Froze, couldn't move mouse, nothing. Then message comes on screen saying it was a critical error. Ok I figured was a fluke. Restarted computer and game. Same thing happened again. So thinking that maybe something happened to my game itself, I uninstalled, and tried to use my Disc's to reinstall. Took forever. Well same thing kept happening. Checked to make sure all is ok with my Laptop, everything is up to date. Uninstalled again and tried to Download from the Website. Was told I may have a Scratch on my Disc. So to try from the Website. However even after letting it completely download, still having issues with Freezing Screens. Also when I shut down for the night and started up today, had to reinstall again. So my question is this, what is going on? I also noticed in WvW that I cant see the Counters on the Camps and Towers. Yet someone else can log into my game and they can see from their computer. Now when I got to level 146 -147, I could see them. However when I reached 150 and all my stats for WvW got reset, I couldnt see them anymore. Im totally confused on this. What is going on? Can someone please explain?
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