Yes. Exactly that. I would much rather fight a power spec than a condition spec regardless of circumstances. There is NUMEROUS ways to counter power damage. The same cannot be said for conditions. If you don't realize that, you're either acting dumb, or don't know how to play the game. Condition mesmer is one of the hardest builds to counter play, hence why it is considered the strongest 1v1 spec. So, since you obviously don't know, the counters to power damage are:DodgeStealthBlockInvulnerabilityEvasionArmorProtectionWeaknessetc. etc. What do we have against conditions?Condition removalResistance YEP Looks like you're fighting against silver players who don't know how to dodge. Though I hate condition builds as much as the next person, I do want to point out that dodging and generally avoiding an attack that applies conditions is the same as dodging and generally avoiding an attack that does heavy power damage. You aren't hit by the effect, so you countered it. So if you want a more accurate list, I would add dodge, stealth, block, invulnerability and perhaps whatever else you have in mind in the etceteras. The power counter list is still a higher number, but I just wanted to make sure the list is accurate, to help your argument.