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Everything posted by Sarah.8354

  1. Enlarge the Equipment Preview. Now, when the character wields some weapons such as hammer or greatsword, you can't see the character and the weapon completely, you lose the very sense of Preview.
  2. Items, toys and portals made by stupid players in correspondence with chests and NPCs must be prohibited. It's not possible that after making a meta like in Auric Basin, but also in the new map, a player can't open the chests they've earned or accidentally use a portal and find themselves in other parts of the map because stupid players have fun with stupid pranks. This also applies to NPCs with which you have to interact. As with mounts, a Disable Zone must be created for Toys, Items and portals that prevent you from interacting with other objects, chests and NPCs. Or in the options put the possibility for the player to disable the use of such items if placed by other players. This problem needs a solution now.
  3. It's unfair that players who have taken advantage of a bug have an advantage over others who will have to take dozens of days to get the same rewards made by some in a few hours. You should be careful with these things, you are a professional not a hobbyist
  4. In the new meta, some players earn dozens of Clot of Congealed Scream while others don't earn the daily one.
  5. I need it for Wintersday Traditions.
  6. Holiday Musical is so boring. Play 1000 correct notes in Bell Choir Ensemble is too much. Please reduce the number of notes to play.
  7. Enlarge the "Equipment preview" to see the full character when holding a weapon.
  8. Over the years many things that were soulbound have become account bound. You've added shared inventory slots. Now you have announced the Legendary Armory so legendary items become shared. Now, I think it's time to make gathering tools shared as well. My idea is three shared slots for Gathering Tools with the ability to choose different skins for each character.
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