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Everything posted by Bred.3582

  1. Couple of notes: 1.) Rev has two stunbreaks and your ccs have animations, I can prepare myself to stunbreak once the animation lands, one is an aoe blind and vuln application with a small animation over the revenant, the other is a roll backwards that removes cc, chill, cripple, and immob, you should really understand a class before you make accusations. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Riposting_Shadows https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Gaze_of_Darkness 2.)I don't use macros, having consistent and efficient play on rev is far more beneficiary and outside of classes with a set combo that is optimal burst in essentially every scenario, macros are veritably useless, and as you stated, theres a gap in skill usage, which would defeat the purpose of a macro entirely and yes revenant has ports that lets them port through any wall to somewhere that you could walk to without needing to jump, that's pathing my guy, your assassins engineer's issues aren't on me 3.) I think the concept of kiting is lost on you, you swapped to condi virt which heavily relies on blocks and slower ranged animations, why would anyone feed into it unless they wanted to die on a class with low amounts of cleanse, not a macro, along with stealth, the most efficient use of cds is to walk in the opposite direction since you're at range and your only mobility is staff 2 and blink. I'm not obligated to eat your condi virts damage and going out of combat while you're stealthed with torch 4 or mass invis really isn't on me as I have no idea really outside of guess work where you would be when you can clearly still see me, you aren't obligated to feed into my kiting but getting upset at it doesn't mean you win either my guy. 4.)I know this will fall on deaf ear anyways, I'm just bored. I really don't understand why you accuse everyone of hacking the moment you lose or can't win, it's truly painful to watch.You got rolled, and it's really telling you have to insult people's lives outside the game, reference their sensitivity while at the same time blocking and subsequently rage whispering anyone who kills you, and reference contemporary politics because you can't take an L, keep coping.
  2. When everyone is apparently hacking is anyone really? https://imgur.com/a/Y10NWha
  3. Update on this. Mechanist is obscenely broken with pretty much any build it runs, with essentially no downside, it is unbelievable a developer dedicated to balance is allowed to buff the class he plays to an insane degree and completely outshine every other class in pretty much every available metric, just because he likes that class, it is wildly unhealthy and a complete disregard for the players in the game, I cannot believe how utterly slimy and honestly, unethical it is to exploit your position for your own gain within a select game just to make your experience better and disregard the entire rest of the player base, when you were hired to help create a better gw2 and help with balancing the game into a better state in all game modes, not destroy any semblance of balance.
  4. Honestly this follow up is just as bad as the patch. I don't understand how a developer can look at this and tell the community that their feedback matters. You are pushing through essentially your most hated update to date, to create this patch you allowed a dev to buff the class he likes, with no real reasoning given, while ignoring an entire discord specifically crafted to have the best players the game has to offer give their input on balance, especially for a dev who needs to use the wiki to balance because he can't actually be bothered to play every class and learn its mechanics, even if it's purely for research, as a main balance dev. All you've shown is that at the end of the day, your consumers really don't matter to you and you're completely out of touch. It's just disappointing that this patch and surrounding issues is ignorance and malice that Anet doesn't care to correct in order to make Guild Wars 2 a better and more enjoyable experience.
  5. Dueling Master Fencer: Now may activate on any critical hit, granting 4 seconds of fury on up to 5 allies in a circle with a range of 360. Internal cooldown is 8 seconds. Honestly just baffled that the only strong thing in dueling, perma fury, on a burst class that needs to crit consistently to do any meaningful power damage, would get nerfed, with no real change or anything to compensate on an already under-used class in competitive play.
  6. In your second point I think you're referring to animation cancelling, not cheating? And the idea of someone knowing what you're doing in stealth is not cheating people who have experience have general ideas about how they should counter stealth and the advantage you've gained also, some abilities have distinct voice lines and every skill has associated sound effects to them and if you're banking on a single skill in stealth that has a slow travel time and a loud sound effect I don't think you understand what it happening or why you're failing, and subsequently rage whispering or mailing because of your misunderstanding or inability to contend with your losses
  7. Did you consider that you use your steal too predictably and that your shadow strikes are poorly timed, curve your ego, everyone loses sometimes.
  8. Personally, I would also recommend power mirage for a returning mesmer, although it doesn't have the strongest burst, its over all mechanics are fairly forgiving and offers significantly more than other mesmer specs in almost every metric. It also has the benefit of synergizing the best with every mesmer traitline so a fair number of different builds can be played with fairly decent success, though personally would recommend domination/dueling for something a bit more akin to a burst mesmer ^-^
  9. Personally would recommend a mix of trailblazers and vipers gear for mirage roaming as it has the lowest learning curve in my opinion and typically chaos/dueling/mirage gives the best results, at least from my experience, although I wouldn't consider myself an expert or any hot shakes, just one random mesmers opinion ^-^!
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