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Posts posted by TheArtOfMouts.7468

  1. 1 minute ago, Infusion.7149 said:

    Unless you are a pro-level raider (~30 min full wings), openworld farms give more gold per hour. Therefore you're saving money in the long run, especially for Coalescence which requires Wing 5-7 unless you convert 150LI to LD (you still need the bosses).

    The WvW trinkets/back especially give you extreme value as it takes 1850-2800 tickets, which is 5+ weeks of WvW if you don't have a high rank. WvW is on average 7g/hour...

    Yeh, I'm only missing Coalescence to complete my full legendary trinkets/back ''Armory'' !
    I was a bit temped by the Heavy weight Raid Armor ... the Skin only , as I already have all armors weight unlocked in the Armory.
    But, I as I know myself, I wont use much the skin, I dont really play fashion.

    In any case, thanks for that conversation 🙂

  2. 8 minutes ago, Infusion.7149 said:

    It's a good deal if you pick a legendary trinket/back (Ascension/Warbringer/Ad Infinitum, Transcendence/Coalescence/Conflux/Vision/Aurora) or gen 2 legendary that needs a ton of PVE : Astralaria, Nevermore, Chuka, HOPE.


    I got that Legendary Coffre for 6 excessing Leg Runes.
    1 Leg Rune is 483 gold to craft.
    Although I need Coalescence, which is 1650 gold.
    Seem I'm not getting a fair trade as per gold amount comparaison.

    But yeh, .. escaping the fact to do the associated content as it value (doing Raids)
    As i'm not playing Raid content.

  3. 38 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

    Depends. The problem first appeared when loadouts were introduced, but only affected the weapons/runes that were used in more than one loadout. In fact, the reason why armory was introduced was partially due to such losses of fuctionality that were inflicted on legendary gear by the "template" system. It is thus ironic, that armory not only did not fix those problems, but even made them bigger.

    They told us : We spent hundreds of hours thinking about all edge cases!! 😱

  4. 3 hours ago, Crystal Paladin.3871 said:

    just 2 months? u do know they are going to release legendary armory and lot of content creators also released videos about it.. like wooden potatoes and few others... and yet u crafted more runes than necessary? one guy crafted 2 legy armor set of same weight even after legendary armory announcement and here u are with runes...  I guess they wont compensate completely maybe half of what u spent? maybe...  and idk if ppl are intentionally doing it or idk... 😵

    I don't know what you are defending !
    Details on the Legendary Armor showed  July 06.
    And specified max Legendary Runes last Friday, July 09.

    • Confused 3
  5. 30 minutes ago, DeanBB.4268 said:

    As I understand it, the LA only "absorbs" legendaries when you log in a character. So put any runes you don't want affected on a character you won't be logging in until such time as you know what will happen.


    Although at that point I don't see how it matters. You won't need more that the 7 you have in the armory, the extras serve no purpose, so anything Anet offers is a bonus. You've already had the benefit of the 18 runes for however long you've been using them.

    A 2 months benefit, that not really a bonus, comparing to all months of farming mats & golds !

    • Confused 1
  6. 3 minutes ago, Veprovina.4876 said:

    6 armor pieces plus a water breather. So 7.

    But yeah i doubt they'll return a lot of materials.

    You'll maybe get a gemstore skin of your choosing  or something like that...


    This is not what I call a great compensation ! I need nothing from the gemstore, nor does I collect skins !  :S
    I want my Clover's back !! At least !  🙂

  7. @"Cyninja.2954" said:Define "signets build". Is it 1 signet, 2, all signets? Condi or Power?

    The way you make it sound is that players are running 4-5 signets and doing high damage with that.

    Use 3 SignetsBane Signet | Signet of Judgment | Signet of WrathAs a Firebrand, Condi DPS.I guess it use at least the trait : Perfect Inscriptions

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