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Avernus.6817's Achievements

  1. I never said it was good, jus that you're 'buffs' are terrible. 'Staff if anything needs buffs in pve we dont need more nerfs', is what i said, i know its great at WvW tagging and such, thats all its useful for, but what you do would nerf that and everything else, you're idea is awful, we need buffs, not some randoms dudes 'brilliant' idea on how to nerf a weapon that needs buffs, the only thing that looks good about your changes is the increased speed on the auto.Do i really need to say it again...Get out
  2. First, I’m not getting out. Second, this is a buff to the weapon buddy. Third, there is more to the game than mindless spam in most parts of the pve game. Literally all you did was change some animations, swapped the skills around, reduced amounts of targets hit by 2 on every skill, removed condi transfer and made it so you can only fear if your right next to the enemy. That's a nerf to its ability to aoe, its ability to transfer own condis (self-inflicted,) reduced CC capabilities. You say its faster but the only thing slow about current staff is the auto, all the wells are basically instant, unless the porjectiles move at the speed of light the wells will be faster. It's a all round nerfGet out
  3. ANET plz dont do thisYou basically just swapped 3-4 but removed the condi transfer from 4, then you nerfed the the 5 range into melee for some reason then reduced everything from 5 targets down to 3 then you say it dosent affect the aoe features of the weapons.Staff if anything needs buffs in pve we dont need more nerfsGet out
  4. In the end though it's the Guardian/Firebrand that's the main issue. Neither the scrapper or scourge survive without the Firebrand, and the Guardian itself pretty much stops Rangers, Thieves, Ele's, and Dragonhunters from even stepping into a group either due to reflect or retaliation. In fact, knee-capping the guardian would have to force more warriors into the front line to soak damage. The single and sole issue behind the stale meta is the Guardian. Remove them (what I mean by this is nerf them down to the level of other classes by giving them only 1-2 things to do well), and suddenly game changes on a mass level. Wrong. Nerfing firebrand results in more firebrands. Not if you nerf everything except stability and make them not give out almost every boon in the game. After that, they can also give more stability to another profession to really hit the final nail in the coffin. There are solutions, but there has been no will to stop the firebrand dominance so far. And so you have achieved... nothing. Not diversity, not achieving an increase in TTK, or making larger fights more interesting. Just breaking FB because it exists. Did you completely skip the entire post you quoted before? FB is responsible for quite a few professions and specs not being good in zergs. It's way better than other supports, so it makes those redundant. It spams reflects and retal, which serve as a major restriction to what damage specs you can bring. That isn't how large scale fights work. The removal of retal and reflection won't make anything more common in large scale fights. In fact it'd probably produce the opposite. Large scale fights would cease to exist because everyone would quit the game. First of all, everyone wouldn't quit if they heavy nerfed firebrand, sure there would be alot of tears but everyone else will be happy about it.No one is suggesting reduced durations on stuff which you'd be right, more firebrands would be needed. People want thigns entirely removed from FB, they shouldn't do as much as they can.FB is powercreep gone mad, they need to be balanced with the other classes/specs This might come as a surprise, but the only thing FBs do that other support specs don't is give stab and aegis. If scrappers and tempests gave enough stab to be relevant, which being quite honest firebrand doesn't even do at the moment, then firebrand wouldn't even be played.Do you even play this game lolFb, does more than just stab/aegis, they can also have a perma reflecting shield, retal plus many other boons while also providing high damage and being tanky and a healer as hell.Stab is hard coutner to cc and aegis is basically hard counter to everything, these 2 things alone are incerdibly powerful, put with everything else and then compare it to other other supports, no one comes close to matching.Firebrand would still be played, it just wouldn't be a jack of all trades master of all trades.
  5. In the end though it's the Guardian/Firebrand that's the main issue. Neither the scrapper or scourge survive without the Firebrand, and the Guardian itself pretty much stops Rangers, Thieves, Ele's, and Dragonhunters from even stepping into a group either due to reflect or retaliation. In fact, knee-capping the guardian would have to force more warriors into the front line to soak damage. The single and sole issue behind the stale meta is the Guardian. Remove them (what I mean by this is nerf them down to the level of other classes by giving them only 1-2 things to do well), and suddenly game changes on a mass level. Wrong. Nerfing firebrand results in more firebrands. Not if you nerf everything except stability and make them not give out almost every boon in the game. After that, they can also give more stability to another profession to really hit the final nail in the coffin. There are solutions, but there has been no will to stop the firebrand dominance so far. And so you have achieved... nothing. Not diversity, not achieving an increase in TTK, or making larger fights more interesting. Just breaking FB because it exists. Did you completely skip the entire post you quoted before? FB is responsible for quite a few professions and specs not being good in zergs. It's way better than other supports, so it makes those redundant. It spams reflects and retal, which serve as a major restriction to what damage specs you can bring. That isn't how large scale fights work. The removal of retal and reflection won't make anything more common in large scale fights. In fact it'd probably produce the opposite. Large scale fights would cease to exist because everyone would quit the game. First of all, everyone wouldn't quit if they heavy nerfed firebrand, sure there would be alot of tears but everyone else will be happy about it.No one is suggesting reduced durations on stuff which you'd be right, more firebrands would be needed. People want thigns entirely removed from FB, they shouldn't do as much as they can.FB is powercreep gone mad, they need to be balanced with the other classes/specs
  6. What about firebrand, it literally does everything, heals, blocks and offensive/defensive boons for everyone ,tanks , it can also dps at the same time. Firebrand needs even bigger changes than what chrono got, firebrand needs gutting. Not only in pvp/wvw but pve aswell
  7. An outfit for the Shining Blade, not the crappy formal you get from exemplar attire, actualy shining blade themed armor as the banded/draconic armor that the npc shining blade wear is only for heavy classes. I recently got the Shining blade leg and obv its usable across light/medium armor types aswell but i got no armor
  8. Play as intended, the class was built with shade skills supposed to be used at your location and the shades, its literally in the description given by the elite spec mentor in domain of vabi. You talk like having the shades skills on both the shades and yourself made the gameplay braindead or something, most of the time it was used as a minor defensive aid when getting overrun and such.With these changes, if you're ranged and throw a shade at ranged, you lose defense, but if you play in melee you get all the offensive capabilities and all the defense, if you're power scourge (which most sand savant users are) you don't even have to worry about shades that much as you only drop 1 large range shade that gives you all the minor traits without effort. Sand savant is large radius oppressive power, its the braindead spec you hate, not condi scourge, condi scourge does not use savant, they are the ones that have to carefully place small range shades and manage them, as they need 2 up at all times to make use of the minor traits, they dont have the healing power or the barrier spam (it was nerfed so you have to take healing power, cond iscourge does not use heal power) This is a massive nerf to scourges who dont use the braindead sand savant, they buffed the braindead specThey nerfed the functionality of the scourge shades as a tradeoff for this and because ANET dont like ranged classes, they think that people in melee who are in range of all the buffs/heals/aegis spams should have higher damage than those at range because 'being in melee is more dangerous' LOLOLOLOL They need to revert the changes entirely, when they figure out how to balance boon spam/boon corrupts the scourge will be balanced mostly. Maybe if they removed epidemic from the game scourges could get more dps int otheir kit and maybe lowering some boon rip could mean that the scourge punishments skills could be actually damage deals instead of only does acceptable damage if the target has boons. Looking at you serpent siphon
  9. Sure WoW did it but thats not a good reason...Every civilization/religion/ideology got a calender based on stars/planets and such, not a good reason... Celestial magic seems really out of place on a Druid, they deal with nature/life/spirits and maybe dabble in a bit of elemental magic.
  10. Elon Riverlands pre meta event collecting wild magic, i really hate the sound
  11. Legendaries are in a good place now, super expensive which means you gotta put the effort in so it feels worth it when its done.
  12. Edit: Also make the diamon repeatable rewards better, maybe even add wvw skirmish claim tickets to itRemove warclaw from WvW and make it another PVE mountBefore we coudl do stuff like invisable strategiesWarclaw should not instakill downed players, thats too much power alongside an initiator abilityYou shouldn't get a speed increase in your own zones, warclaw means less successful roaming possibilities as people can defend too quick
  13. Well it seems like you're trying to do a chill build but with power gear instead of utilizing chill for condi where it could actually kind of work. EDIT: What content is this for, pve/pvp/wvw? In your spite spec tree you chose chill inflicts invuln instead of a 10% damage boost, same with soul reaping tree you chose 180 vitality over 10% damageYou're runes/sigils are also chill and vuln duration, if your fighting them in melee anyway the slow from chill is very useless and skill recharge meh, vuln can be covered by your choice in soul reaping shroud 1 inflicts vuln just fine. Not sure what you're trying to do here, as i said looks like a chill build without deathly chill which seems pointless
  14. P.S. The reasons they gave for the change was a lie, they dont want to open up the scourge spec for improvements, jsut look at what they have done, they forced even more onto the niche power of spec(boon corrupt) and epi remains untouched. Then they nerfed its ranged viabaility (0 defenses), buffed its braindeadedness (melee with no shades)which is what they wanted, dont listen to the lies about opening the spec up to imrpovements, they want to restrict it even more
  15. Why would they force power melee scourge, you don't even need to place shades.Why is epidemic still as powerful as it is, why is boon corrupt still the same. Sure these things are not useful everywhere but if the spec is nerfed because of the power of these 2 things then the 2 things are the problem, not the ability to cast your f1-f5 on your shades and yourself. I think people who called prior this patch scourge braindead must of been playing power melee, they get buffed and ranged scourge gets nerfed, because they believe ranged weapons should be lesser damage than that of melee for some reason. Oh sure all of you guys huddling together in melee, with full access to heals/buffs and being able to aegis/distort/block all mechanics really need to do more damage then ranged because you have to 'put yourself in danger' LOLOLOLOL. Sure in WvW its a massive buff for zerg content, but if you say are alone or a small group and you throw a shade at someone then they run at you, you can only defend yourself by placing another shade on yourself and tryign to bunker on that shade instead of kiting or w/e They have forced people to give up ranged because they dont think you should be able to be ranged and have some very minor option to defend yourself, they would much rather you play power melee scourge and ignore the shade mechanic entirely. That's waht they want, they want everyone to huddle up and ignore all mechanics and they will buff you if a ranged option is better. They balance based on what the end game pve community want only, if they listened to wvw people they wouldnt of been buffed so that they are more oppressive and have even less defense. Open worlders are forced to play melee or be defenseless. The only people that benefit from this are scourge supports (Which are melee) for raiding and the yare still niche epidemic bots while playing braindead melee power f4 for free revives if you team failed to aegis that certain mechanic. What they need to do is obv revert their changes entirely, even death magic coz its a worthless rework tbh... Then nerf epi for pve, buff sand savant to 10 targets for scourge support, with epi nerf you can buff the damage of condi scourge and ofc buff the punishment skills, apart from the worst punishement skill they are all melee, most are useless unless you got something to corrupt, thats the problem, everything is weak because if it just had OK damage alongside all the epidemics and boon corrupts it would be too powerful... You may think the mechanical change of casting the f1-f5 on yourself and shade is nothing important but its literally killed the spec for me, scourge isnt supposed to be power melee or even melee, the ability to cast on yourself and shade shows that they wanted you to play from afar
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