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Everything posted by Yuyo.5697

  1. Welcome to Im A Flamingo KAW KAW KAW [KAW] We are a PST/OCX time zone guild based around WvW/sPvP. Stronger emphasis on WvW. We are primarily a smallscale/roaming guild. We go where Zergs are not, and take objectives while they're not looking. We enjoy skirmishing with relatively even numbers and disruption to cover our larger guilds assaulting keeps, If you wish to join and be part of our guild you may reach out to any elder or leader for a personal invite.
  2. This.also Alliances will be released with GW3 2054
  3. Open/expand NA servers! Im tired of transferring every 8wks to a new server to follow my WvW guild also to deal with no pips for 2 weeks
  4. Get good and have a support with you
  5. Permanent 2v2/3v3 new game modes new maps?
  6. So That’s it? Only new elite specs..
  7. Why can’t they give us GvG from GW1. heck even permanent 3v3 conquest
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