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  1. PoF was my Fav. Great story. The Maps were all super cool! HoT was 2nd Fav. Great Map Metas. EoD is.... ummm a giant disaster. Horrible writing. Extremely short compared to the other 2 expansions. Ugly maps. Characters that aren't given enough depth to them so whenever something "important" happens to them and we are supposed to feel something for them i just don't cuz... why should I? Their story was never flushed out enough, I was never given a reason to like them... just awful.
  2. True, it kills community interaction and makes people more selfish / introvert. Which is a terrible thing for an MMO. What you would love playing is like a good CRPG then. Try like divinity or something.
  3. Sorry mate. It's true a lot of old content hasn't been touched up / polished like... at all. And can be a buggy mess sometimes. The game is fun and if you were having fun outside of the buggy mess of the story missions i would suggest you try and break up doing the story missions a bit so you don't get overly frustrated. Open world content is fun, try running some fractals or something. Hunt around for some achievements, work on yer fashion game. Just break things up and bite off a little bit at a time here and there. If you decide to give it another try.
  4. I personally really like smaller touches like this as well. It helps the community just hang around and mess about. Gives more options. I highly doubt anything like this would be added though.
  5. I'm sorry yer having a rough time with it. I can guarantee you it is soloable though, just maybe not by most players. And i know tons of players do not care to even run "meta" builds and are try hards. Which is totally fine, i don't like the "meta" either. People should just play what is fun. Just try asking in map chat for some help. Or feel free to look for me online and ask me in game. I'll come help.
  6. I really don't think you need to worry about a GW3 anytime soon. I think they are just trying to re staff up since they got a lot of income recently from EoD and the great WoW purge. They just need more staff to help the steam launch and then try and give the game a future again. And yeah, 0% chance of GW2 ARR sort of thing happing. No company goes for that sort of thing. FF14 was the one and only for that kind of treatment.
  7. I don't see the need for all the extra info on Eve online. I used them as an example of an MMO with a very small player base at the time, yet still giving the time and resources to updating their game engine. That's it, yeah it's a P2W mess now, it honestly really sucks now. I haven't played it for years and years. But that's not what i was talking about. Just cuz i bring up a game as an example doesn't mean i am a zealot for that game. 😆
  8. Meanwhile destroying class identity, forcing more people that were avoiding a "boon meta" class to now play one if they want to be anywhere close to proficient with their class of choice now. And now every class can now do just about anything. Just go the extra step and delete classes completely. Everyone is basically the same now. Eve Online has done this regularly since they had a player base of roughly 2,800 - 3,000 players online at any given time. Sure there is less to render in a game like that. It's a completely different genre but they made base level changes to their whole game engine. Why everyone just seems to agree that it's literally impossible in these games that are 10x bigger is just dumb. The company just never prioritizes it. It doesn't add to making them money. You know what does? Rushing out the smallest expansion yet with more monetizable aspects so they can milk their players.... *cough cough* Boat skins, jade bot skins, turtle skins, freaking fishing pole skins.... 🙄
  9. So glad they didn't do that... too many games have artificial limits on marketplace transactions just so they can sell you a solution. GW2 does their marketplace best IMO. No one comes close to offering the amount of freedom, ease of searching, and listing with their marketplaces.
  10. please god no. I don't want the chat box to turn into just a giant wall of text spamming WTB / WTS ads.
  11. It's almost as if EoD is just a giant cash grab... minimal gameplay effecting systems with extremely high impact in the skin shop. (Jade Bot, Boat, turtle skins...) Wait...... FK we've all been had.
  12. I don't, i stated before saying this that it was my guess. Also all you have to do is see how many people are angry / posting that they are leaving on forums. It's never been worse. So yes i don't know for sure, but like i said it's my guess based on the feedback i can see. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to link information like that together.
  13. let's see... no special dmg types, or resistances. (fire, piercing, blunt, magical, etc...) There is only conditions and boons, and with the current builds you can pretty much guarantee you'll have 80%+ uptime on most of em. Soooo what is special about them? Boons don't feel like they "turn the tide" of combat because you always have em, you always need em. Same with conditions on enemies. There is very few combos of requiring a condition or something on an enemy before you can apply another. There is no difference of say like "conditions and hexes" like GW1 had, everything is a condition. Combo fields don't really matter much cuz you can guarantee them always being there in groups. Combat is just raw dmg, with passive fields being applied constantly. Very little thinking required to play. EDIT: I should also probably add that there is no changing out yer main weapon skills to make a unique build or anything. Every great sword warrior is just like every other great sword warrior. I'm sorry but linking class skills to weapons was just bad design. I know they did it so it would be much easier to balance but that doesn't seem to have actually helped them with class balance in the long run.
  14. GW2 is far from dead. They got a huge influx of players coming into the game from the great WoW purge. How many of those they keep is up to how they continue to change the game in the coming months. My guess is GW2 is more populated than ever before (maybe except for initial release) but also the game is in one of the worst states it's ever been in. Meaning they got lots of players, but also more are leaving the game than ever before. So they need to stop the bleeding which they seem to be having trouble with.
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