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Posts posted by thepenmonster.3621

  1. @pointaction.4639 said:

    @TheGrimm.5624 said:I think you might find some bias by posting this poll here versus in the general discussions since. But at the same time you might see some PvE bias there too.

    If ANET wants to move it general discussions instead of being in the WvW section then I have no problems with that.

    ANET is the only one that can move this POLL.

    Or you can just ask a mod.

  2. @Psycoprophet.8107 said:Why still play if u leave in disgust everytime u play

    Without pointing fingers: If you watch the usernames for long enough you'll pick up that there are certain players who are very obviously losing fights in PvP/WvW on the regular and then running off to the forums and reddit to rant about toxic / OP builds, and how they're uninstalling because the game is crap, and the devs are incompetent, and the players are lazy morons, and, and, and, and, annnnnnd... we'll see them again making the same post in a few weeks.

    Asking this is like asking your cat why it unrolled the toilet paper.

  3. @"MikeG.6389" said:It's annoying when you don't get credit for an event in a starter zone when it's daily and everyone "one hits" the objective...

    I see you had as much fun in Wayfarer today as I did trying to tag anything so I could get credit for an event.

    Anyway I said "other" simply because competitive should have its own set of traits unrelated to co-op.

  4. @"zityz.6089" said:How many people attack the ooze without colour changing? a lot, because I'm sure most of them cannot even see the colours on the ground due to the bright intensity of the skills being spammed to kill the oozes.

    I just highlighted something that I, as an experienced player, didn't pick up on the first couple of times either. I had the same trouble with the Wolverine challenge in Bjora. When I finally did notice the circles I thought they were just more things to be avoided. Ground spam is a long standing problem.

    I think a far simpler "Green is good. Red is bad." alteration to the floor skills might be in order. No one really cares what the boons are doing in metas, they just want them. Keep the fancy clock animation for the Chrono themselves and let the rest of us just see a green circle.

  5. @"Wandidar.1692" said:

    • I'm 52, and my twitch reflexes definitely aren't what they used to be (I'm not glacially slow, but slow enough that I probably shouldn't be playing a class that's all twitch)
    • I often heal in MMO's, because I like the responsibility of being a healer, and because I'm usually pretty good as a healer
    • I have a love / hate relationship with pet classes. I always love them in theory, I sometimes love them in practice (and when I do, I really love them)
    • I often perform better when I'm playing a class where I can keep things out in front of me a bit
    • I solo a lot in MMO's until I feel like I'm competent enough in the mechanics of the game to feel like I won't kill a group just by being in a group.

    Pity about your ambivalence towards pets because it seems like a Ranger would suit you. The pet AI in the game can generously be described as "meat shield" though. The Druid elite spec is traditionally the go-to healer for the game though I have no idea about these days.

    Guardian might also work for you but it takes a bit for the profession to come into its own and can be a drag to play in early levels due to having one of the lowest health pools in the game. The Firebrand elite spec is versatile and can be used for support, healing, or setting things on fire.

    Engineers do need a lot of keyboard ballet to be played at their peak, but they can also be played in a "For The Olds" method with the grenadier and/or flame thrower for the core profession and Scrapper in general for their elite specs. They do have some decent support abilities though it's not meta (AFAIK) due to other professions being much better at it. If you're looking to support other players the two above would be better methinks.

    As mentioned minion Necromancer is probably the easiest thing in the game to play and the minions are numerous enough to make up for their AI. There are also some Reaper elite spec "can't die" builds, but that's something you might want to look into at a later date.

  6. @"maddoctor.2738" said

    do elite specs alone make "expansion-level" content?

    The mistake in asking this is that the people complaining are simply looking for excuses to complain. They'd be kvetching about any new elites because that what they did the last two times.

    As the old meme goes, "I don't want an answer. I want to be angry."

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