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Posts posted by thepenmonster.3621

  1. @"subversiontwo.7501" said:To all of you just looking at your one class:

    Getting nerfed to the ground for a game mode most don't play? I think some salt is understandable.

    But yeah, things will re-balance quickly and in a few months a new profession will be the subject of a dozen "Too OP. Plz nerf" posts a day.

  2. @Murshid.9854 said:I'm really so happy that I started playing this game and I really regret spending 5000 hours in dota 2 in the previous years, the relaxation I had in 2 months in this game is more than what I had with dota in the last 5 years.

    Aside from reddit the community is so nice and so friendly and I never asked a question and got anything other than great noob friendly answers, and ingame whenever I ask for help I get helped always just and barley met any flamers.

    Really a great community and even if its late but I'm so proud to join you guys <3


    Now stay the hell away from Reddit. :)

  3. @Sir Vincent III.1286 said:As for Wolverine, I think being a Thief has trained me how to effectively sneak, so it wasn't too hard.

    I caught on to the gimmicks of the other two shrines pretty quickly but with all of the floor clutter from the boneskinners and mushroom spam taking my attention I never noticed the lamps. (Too much crap on the ground is a very old problem with the game tho) I thought the lamp circles were just more stuff on the floor to avoid so I was at a loss for how to get through it. Thankfully I know that player base is helpful to a fault so I just asked what I was doing wrong and friendly folks in map chat hipped me to the the lamps being safe havens.

    I think all beneficial circles need to be green TBH.

  4. @"ugrakarma.9416" said:what??

    Here's the thing: I don't think Jormag is the Dragon of Lies like everyone has been treating it. They're the dragon of Chaos.

    Consider this... Some NPCs are being told what they want to hear. Some are being shown what they fear. Some are being tricked into doing things they didn't want. Some are obsessing over finding answers they already know. Some are having long-buried pain brought to the fore. Some have been given hope of reversing their bad fortunes. Some have blinded by desires. Some are having their desires used to undermine their confidence.

    As a result everyone is either working at odds or not working together at all

    Think of how running down a tunnel to face down a dragon lieutenant is a day that ends in a "y" for the Commander but they were in no way in control of the situation this time. Everything has been continually going pear-shaped for them since they arrived in Grothmar, but the Commander hasn't actually been doing anything different from their norm. . Everything fell apart for the Commander until Aurene stepped in.

    The theme of "things aren't what they seem at first glance" was front and center in the announcement trailer and it has been an ongoing theme in all three installments thus far. This is also why I suspect Braham's power-up isn't what it seems. It came way too easily.

    Obviously I could be wrong and the pissbabies' theory that devs are just making it up as they go along and hoping things work themselves out in the end might be right. Either way the story is being presented in drips and drops and it seems like something that will only be clear with the power of hindsight.

  5. The fantastic racism was limited to the Pact and the aftermath of Trahearne grabbing the idiot ball (or maybe Mordy was influencing him?) and charging into the jungle.

    I think there was one instance in S3 of an Asura calling Canach a crazy sylvari and running away but that still seemed limited to Phlunt's phlunkies working in Rata Novus. I dont recall any of that hitting the ambient world dialog at the time so I stand by the idea.

    Also everyone seems to still trust Javi and can separate her and the other Vigil norn from the Sons so I doubt any fantastic racism happens beyond the normal bookah stupidity.

    Also I'd be surprised if we see Canach any time soon. His v.a. is kind of expensive.

  6. @Hanakocz.5697 said:I would say that collectively, we as players are already quite good, everyone is equipped, everyone knows where to copy builds from, and so on....so of course things will feel to be easy compared to years ago when only few were on such tier of knowledge about the game. Especially when you have map full of people. Nowadays no boss fails with full maps, that's it.

    Oh you and your realistic take on things.

  7. @"Ashantara.8731" said:So regression is a preferable state for us long time players?

    It's not a regression. And after eight years what sort of bold new MMO methods are you expecting?

    Perhaps you should "get real."

    I'm so real Quantum Superposition is afraid of me. That's why I said habitual whiners players would be complaining about the exact same things they are now. Because they did.

  8. I'm here for...

    1. Story and muh homies in DW
    2. Exploring odd corners of the maps only to go, "Urg, it's just an effin jumping puzzle."
    3. Map metas (which give me all the co-op I need)
    4. Helping newbies out by rezzing them after they went AFK near some skales (oo, embarrassing)
    5. The occasional lulz in world chat
    6. The feeling of satisfaction when a profession I couldn't enjoy on previous attempts finally clicks for me (This month it's Ele. Maybe Rev and Mes will get their turn one day too...)
    7. Waifu
  9. @Gehenna.3625 said:I mean just the combination of choice in class, specializations, stat sets and weapon sets allow for hunderds of builds if not thousands. What's the point of that if 99% of them are kitten?

    I don't think this is a problem with the game... well, beyond the occasional bone tossed to the hardcores that sees these sponge & gimmick & hard CC adds & instagib attack bosses suddenly appear to drag down the story to crawl... it's a problem of 99% of gamers always wanting the most for the least amount of effort. Meta is, in effect, easy mode.

    @Astralporing.1957 said:That's actually generally untrue. Casual and hardcore are not about how veteran or experienced of a player you are. It's about a mindset and a playstyle difference. Most casuals remain casuals, even if they gain experience and in effect learn to play better. Most hardcores start as hardcores (even if initially they have a lot to learn).

    This is 100% correct. It's also why the other game modes have a hard time attracting casual players despite the rewards being far better than what you get from story and open world.

  10. @"Gehenna.3625" said:I think that ArenaNet's obsession with HP sponges also doesn't help. It makes your skills feel less significant because they do 0.1% damage each time and others do 0.2% damage unless you do this one build on your class and then it's 1% or 2%.

    That is due to them trying to make a boss encounter worth the time for the "10 times more damage" percentage of the players. It's also the main reason I skip the boss fight episode chapters if I can help it. They're tedious as fuck.

    After finally watching the video it's obvious what he, and a lot of the complainers, are on about: Anet is focused on casuals and when they do take hardcores into consideration no one is happy with the results. I don't disagree. Be it tedious bosses, or no one in a zerg knowing how to break bar, killing Trahearne due to complaints from a noisy lot with bad taste, to vets being the ones who are doing all of the leeching (Yeah, we can see your rank, son) because they feel it's not worth their effort to help, Anet trying to please players demographics with conflicting desires has made a bit of a mess in its wake.

    The easiest way to fix it is to go full in on their casuals focus and do a pass over the entire game for them.

    ! Hardcores can go play EVE or something.

  11. @"Ashantara.8731" said:I'm fed up with being spoon-fed little bits every few months of what seems to be a well-written and interesting story arc

    I don't disagree that the tiny amounts of story at a time has made it hard to maintain focus. I can see it being excruciating if you're a "Gimmie all nao!" type of personality. But it's obvious they're using S2 as a template (Which is why it seems a bit samey for long time players) . S2 was also a series of short stories but overall the plot had the direction and focus that was missing from S3. This seems like we're going to have to wait until it's all done before a valid critique can be made.

    getting the Icebrood Saga as an expansion would have resulted in a much more satisfying experience than receiving little bits and pieces every few months

    Get real. If it were released as an expansion folks will still be saying it's too short, the masteries are pointless, the bosses are too easy, "Where's muh raid wing?", "How come this wasn't an all PvP expansion?", and so on.

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