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Posts posted by thepenmonster.3621

  1. @coso.9173 said:Beats me when people don't pay attention to the story or skip cutscenes, it's one of the main reasons I play, because I enjoy watching the story develop.

    Most people eat the whole pizza slice. But some people only eat the crusts. Some only eat the pepperonis off the top. And some just lick the inside of the box. What kin yah do?

  2. @Liston.9708 said:

    • templates should have check box for default wvw / default pve / default pvp. People who only play 1 game mode got 2 extra slots for builds.

    As someone who only plays one game mode I actually agree with you. I might spend the gold to test out that Engineer In The Back of The HP Train build I had an idea for. But in general the slots are a solution looking for a problem for someone like me.

    • unrelated, I bet anet would have made more money with wardrobe templates...…..

    The Waifu Wars would lay waste to Tyria on a scale the dragons could never imagine.

  3. @ProtoGunner.4953 said:Especially on mounts like griffon or skyscale you notice a strange effect in the old map: the maps look like a diorama: a small version of what should be, they look out of proportion, just check the size of Divinity's Reach on map and compare it while looking at it. It's completely wrong. Also the mountains are super small. You'll notice it if you are on a Skyscale.

    Yup. Core Tyria is meant to be experienced on foot. Mounts made it far more trivial than any power creep.

  4. @TESLA.7415 said:Such a youngster. I played RPG's before they had graphics in the form of Infocom's text adventures. That's right: Completely text-based games. You should try them.

    I had an older friend back in the 80s who was really into text games. He was a real cutting edge computer type of guy. Part of the Church of the Holy Amiga. Died of cancer back around 2000 so it just goes to show.

  5. @Cal Cohen.2358 said:What issues do you see on a fundamental level that should be addressed?

    That everyone wants to make incompatible modes (Teamwork vs Me kill u & Me and friends kill u) work with the same game core.

    Nerfing something that's OP in WvW means you're nerfing something I might rely on to get through the trash bobs more quickly in PvE, for example. Same seems to happen in the other direction. No one is happy.

    Impossible suggestion all things considered- Making a pure competitive server with its own builds, and economy only partially connected to PvE side so the rewards can be passed across.

    A bit more sane suggestion- Adding PvP/ WvW-only traitline that takes what each profession is good at and amplifying it. To put it another way, if everyone is OP no one is OP.

  6. @Stephen.6312 said:Why did Aurene have to die?

    For a cliffhanger that worked like gangbusters.

    Do dragons hate mortality? What's the deal there?

    They seem to hate a lot of things. I think it's because they're all old men and they want all these mesmers to get off their damned lawns.

    I feel like Joko is a big piece of the puzzle.

    If Joko didn't end up dragon chow he probably would have told the Commander everything in a great villain monologue while he had us on the rack.

  7. @Mister Asdasd.6194 said:

    @Yannir.4132 said:These kids, complaining about graphics... Back in my day, characters were a blob of pixels, and I was still happy enough to play. I still do. I never understood why people bought Pokemon Fire Red over the regular red... (and I'm under 30...)

    Back in my days Fallout was a top down turn based rts/rpg with pixelated 2d sprites, and it is still better than the newer ones that came out from Fallout 3 and after

    You fetuses. Generation Asteroids, son. And I still got the scars from my Pac Man Fever.

    @Elvirais.5472 said:Black Desert Online looks good as long as you stand still..

    It's the world's best waifu builder.

  8. As a result, I am looking for a build that can trivialize Open World and story content.

    Are you saying you want brain-dead play that makes trash mobs a speed bump more than anything? Level 1- 80? Have you considered grenadier engineer? You can toss grenades over your shoulder as you run away from the small army of centaurs. It's fun and only requires being able to reach the 1-5 keys.

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