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Everything posted by thepenmonster.3621

  1. As long as the story isn't locked behind modes I'm not interested in I'm looking forward to what I hope is a more active and cohesive Harathi Hinterlands.
  2. I have mastered my build! I'm ready to show my skills to the world. "You gotta throw rocks at 'im!" What? "Rocks. There on the floor. Only rocks work." O-okay. "PSYCHE! The floor is on fire!" The hell?! "Double PSYCHE! 25 second chill!" For the love of... "Now do this six times in a row."
  3. [ snip] There's a list of practical benefits to doing it, especially if you eventually plan to do some high level crafting. But if I'm reading your post right: it'll give you a basis for getting into your Commander and the story and characters that surround them. Be warned- While Rytlock does appear in the core game the rest of the pals you're currently with in the desert with all get introduced in content that is no longer playable. If you want to get to know Dragon's Watch naturally you will have a mild gap if you start with Season 2 but you can very quickly catch up. That gap gets a bit deeper in HoT and as you can tell by PoF it's like starting a TV show in season 4.
  4. The point that I realized that we can probably kill all of the ED with burning floors.
  5. As mentioned: What game mode are you trying to do? Also... Even the uber players get downed on the regular. Don't feel bad about it.
  6. 80 levels of the game hammering home the importance of dodging, then "LOL, Nope!" It's like them finally adding a breakbar tutorial and then giving you nothing but bosses with a perma-locked grey bar after that. Careful. Mod Bot doesn't like it when you call out this sort of crappy attitude.
  7. He wasn't getting enough opportunities to sexually harass employees in Divinity's Reach.
  8. I know the feeling... Internet died out for 10 seconds during the final encounter for one of these chapters a few days ago. Just long enough to disconnect me from the game. I was absolutely pissed. Yep. Tedious AND buggy. That's the worst duo since Dennis Rodman and Jean-Claude van Damme. They're not worth doing more than once IMO and even once is too much for some of them. AHEMmordremothHEM
  9. If you're going to use a focus remember that the only acceptable skins are Adam, Ambrosia, Asef's Brew, and Courage.
  10. I've always felt the bosses to be the least worth-the-effort parts of the game. The ones where you MUST throw some landscape trash at them for your five second window of damage? Why did I master all of these skills for 80 levels just to wind up throwing rocks? Then the big insult of the insta-rez when you get downed because they designed the attacks to negate the all important dodges that are the hallmark of the game. And don't even get me started with the CC on the adds! Imagine the screaming if the competitive players had knockdowns or immobs that lasted that long. And then they bug and you have to leave the instance and do it all over again.
  11. Voice acting thread: "Please stay safe, precious geek celebrities" This thread: "Please breathe virus, want gaem nao!"
  12. I'm glad it's empty. It makes it easier to go get ranger pets.
  13. A few weeks ago Keg Brawl was the daily. I beamed in to someone berating his teammates for not not knowing what they were doing. Keg Brawl! No one knowing how to play a mode no one plays should be expected.
  14. Working from home? Using American internet providers to move game files around? Get outta here wit that jibber jabber! We'd all be dead by the time it all arrived.
  15. Piano playing your keyboard while having some sustain? Sounds like a kit engineer to me.
  16. I must have blinked and missed that era. Anyway- Something for everyone every update should be Anets mantra.
  17. Is it that new one that came bundled with Telling People They're Having Fun the Wrong Way is a Bad Look? I think it's by the Goat Simulator people.
  18. Given the evidence provided: Pretty danged entitled.
  19. Gear treadmills are crap. ALL crafting mats should be sellable. Dungeons need to be rolled into the PS. Dailies need more variety. That is all.
  20. Historically: Scrapper. I never want to play it again. Currently; Daredevil and trapper SB
  21. Treating "dead content" as akin to a beloved but never played game is a far more realistic approach to understanding the state of an MMO's population than the constant "If you have more raids, which I happen to love entirely by coincidence, you'll have more players" threads like this one.
  22. Anyway, stop trying to negate @JTGuevara.9018's experiences because you feel it reflects poorly upon your in-group.
  23. Probably the same reason I haven't played Chrono Trigger in over a decade. No matter how lovely you feel it is, you do eventually get tired.
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