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Everything posted by Xenophy.2716

  1. The change didn't effect just people with legendary runes. Everyone was effected, especially people who were carrying around multiple sets of armor, because they didn't play enough to have legendaries yet. And if they ever reach a point to actually have legendary runes, they'll be the unlucky people who have to craft a legendary relic which might be even at 3k gold at that point. So YES, everyone who has been able to make a rune in time has been very lucky and everyone else is unlucky. Also, if Anet is changing something in the game effecting everyone but only compensates some people, that's straight unfair. I also think it's a good thing that legendary relics have to unlock unlock upcoming relics. They should do the same for stat combinations. I actually have preordered JW and I didn't know it had 9 free glyphs included. I also don't really know why this has anything to do with the discussion.
  2. Same here. Started playing it with Xpadder in 2012 but the layer system has been a bit buggy. Later I've bought me a Rewasd license and I'm very happy with it since. Started playing using a PS4 Controller, now it's an 8bitDo SN30 Pro+ because of better native support then PS controller. Even tho setting up native controller support for GW2 would be nice, I rather want see it implemented in GW3.
  3. Instead of gifting it to some lucky people, they should've made it an achievement like the legendary amulet. Either craft 1 or all 7 legendary runes to get the relic. That would've been fair to all players. However, they won't change it now.
  4. convenience, it's always about convenience. Why build legendary armor or weapons? They won't give you better stats. Just the convenience of not needing to have multiple of them laying around in your inventory. With Build templates, legendary armor became even less of a bonus in convenience because the templates keep your additional armor.
  5. Well, sure, that's an option. That way you still have to buy all the Infusions and carry them around. And if you have multiple builds with different Infusions and don't want to buy build template expansions then you might still carry them in your inventory. For example playing a character on Power, Condi and Heal might have you carry around at least one stack of infusion if you don't expand your build templates. Having a legendary infusion (or a stack of 25) in your legendary armory on the other hand will save you at least that one slot. You'll still have to switch them manually tho. Also I wasn't talking about increase of stats. I don't think that this is necessary. Increase of AR is also only useful for people who play Fractals anyway. People who don't play Fractals probably won't increase their Legendaries Infusion AR to +10 or up.
  6. Hi, I tried my luck on making a recipe for a legendary infusion. You can check out the rough sketch here: https://i.ibb.co/MZjHd3p/Legendary-Infusion.png My idea was to make only one Infusion which could then be used infinitely. This Infusion would also count as an Enrichment when slotted into an amulet. You would need 3 of each +9 stat Infusion, 3 of each WvW stat Infusion and one of each Enrichment plus the Account Swim Speed Infusion. All in all the price for this legendary would be around 3000g right now (I think). It would include one stack of each T1 and T2 mats, because I think they're heavily underused and the low amount of stat bonus is not really worth higher mats in my opinion. Also higher tier mats would ramp up the price significantly. The "precursor" is made of the 48 stat infusions from PvE and WvW. People who have played WvW for a long time could actually get the WvW infusions kinda for free, but hardcore Fractal players could also have theirs kinda for free. Even as a newbie you could farm everything in some weeks to months, depending on how hard you want to farm. The "gift" would be made of one of each Enrichment (because they need mainly laurels which are not easy to get), the account swim infusion and the T1 and T2 mats. Also the classic 77 Clovers and 250 MC. (Just reworked the Gift of Fortune a bit.) The last 2 items needed for this recipe should be gained by some collection achievement like with Coalescence. Not costly but time consuming or requiring some skill. The outcome should be one Infusion with infinite uses that would turn into an Enrichment when placed in an amulet or become a Account Swim Speed Infusion if placed in the Aqua Breather. It could also just give 25 Infusions which would kinda be the same. Also, after crafting the Legendary Infusion, the standard amount of AR is +9, but crafting higher infusions and binding them to your account would unlock this infusion to all your slots. So if you craft one +20 Infusion and bind it, you can have 360 AR. The +20 Infusion shouldn't be lost then, so that you could upgrade it to +21. Regarding cosmetic infusions, those should get their own wardrobe like selection for each of your slots if you bind one of them to your account. That way you can decide to wear them just on one slot or wear every cosmetic you have on all the different slots you have. And my last point would be that the WvW +1% damage bonus should be active besides the AR, so you don't have to switch it. Thanks for reading.
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