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Everything posted by SoulGuardian.6203

  1. Can you hide the ears in the adventurous cat outfit without hidding the tail?
  2. Few players been at it for ages... attacking an enemy player that keeps respawning in our keep. When I first came In I attacked it a few times thinking it was an enemy thief, but a few seconds later realised something was not right. I asked several times and a player doing this says that people warning them are just whinning, when I said to them if they have reported it, and that may be classed as an exploit. I also asked if they let the so called "botter" do something to see what happens, and they replied "off course not" I tried reporting in game, but can't find anything on wvw. So I'm just going to ignore it after this and keep playing as normal. One of the players is being extremely rude, with the excuse that he is not going to let the botter/hacker take the keep. Information is given, ANet. It's in your hands. Update: They are saying that it stopped at this very moment.
  3. Yeah. I just typed "sunspear" and show exotics. The first one looked like a spear, but it's actually a staff. Price gone up to 50 gold anyways. Thanks for the help.
  4. Hi all, What's the easiest way to get a sunspear spear without spending 30 gold aprox. In Trading Post? According to your experience, where does it drop more often and when? Thanks in advance.
  5. Hi, I'm not into decorating at all. So much so, that tbe only thing I've placed in my guild hall was trees. And in homestead, just the intial bed. But can we use decorations from the guild to the homestead? If so, how we go about doing that?
  6. Hi Alll Good morning/afternoon/evening . Wherever you are. As you know, the characters you leave in your homestead when you log off, will remain there. So when you log in with a different character, you can get those characters to follow you, or order them to wait. This is cute, for a little while, but since they can't do anything else for the time being, and I don't know if any other functions will be added to them in future updates, I'm requesting this, exactly on the basis of the lack of knowledge on what's to come for future Janthir updates. 1. The characters that you choose to follow you around the homestead, will appear in story private instances, solo dungeons, and similar. They will use the weapons, gear, etc, as is, at the time you left them there in homestead. 2. Create activities in homestead for them to do. For instance, if you start fishing, the ones following you will start fishing too. Whatever they catch, goes in your inventory. 3. Create a dialogue editor in homestead, so each one of your characters will say something you can choose, everytime you interact with them, including the baloon pop up. For instance: You want one of your guardians to say "It's tough being a leader... especially with soldiers such as you lot." Or your ranger to say: "You can predict your prey's next move, but you can never predict what a thief is going to do next." Or whatever you really want them to say. You can change this at any time. Other dialogue you can add to them: If you walk around for a long time: "How much longer are we going to walk around in circles?" "I've got blisters on my feet." Or if you're idle for a long time: "Let's get a move on." "I'm falling asleep here." "Come on, are we going to do this or what?" 4. Some other things you could add in homestead is getting all your characters to play games, which also other players can join. For instance: Add a pvp arena, a racing track, etc. 5. Ranger pet companion menagerie. This is the perfect time to add all your tamed ranger pets in your homestead. That way, if you create more rangers, you can just pop in your homestead and tame the ones you want for that new ranger, provided that they have been tamed at least once. You can even get our characters staying in homestead to feed and play with pets as you login. 6. Last but not least. Please add the options to follow to the character that is mounted on the raptor. I know that right now is not such a big deal, since they don't do anything else but follow you around. But if you decide in yhe future to integrate any of the requests, or actually already have some coming out with next update anyways. Thank you very much for taking the time to read this. Looking fowards to future content.
  7. What's the best way to make gold with karma now, after the release of Janthir? Still the same, or there are updates? I've been exchanging it for orr lost jewellery boxes. Are there better ways?
  8. I miss your commander leads in Aurora Glade. There's no other commander like you in game, with the inspiration and determination you have. I remember that specific time we took SMC from Undeworld, with your tactics, strategy, and determination, with only a handful of people. What a fight. Unfortunately, I changed to WSR about a year ago out of impulse, and used my free home transfer. Now I'd have to pay 1000 gems to transfer back, which neither I feel like nor think it would make a difference in WvW anyways. But as you said. Hopefully we'll cross paths someday and be able to fight together. Anyways. Good luck with the events. All the best partner.
  9. Would like to thank you for the good job on this expansion. I first thought that housing didn't interested me at all, but you got me very interested after I've seen what you've done with the place. Especially when we can hang around with all our own characters. I must admit... I like it... I like it a lot. Which leads me to my request: ANet. You're half way there to add helpers to dungeons and private instances in story mode or otherwise. You've done it, that's half the way . We're almost there... all you need to do is, when we press follow on our characters, the ones we chose (up to a certain limit) they go with us to any private instance we go to, and fight alongside us. Weldone ANet. Really well-done. Please finish off this so long desired dream of mine and few others. Fulfill our needs to have our favourite cosplay characters fight together. Many, many thanks. Edit: By the way, can you add the same options to follow/stay to the character that's mounted on the raptor? So it will dismount and follow you. Thanks.
  10. The flame in the Dragon Sword, aka Sohothin twin, now only displays the fire effect for a few seconds to a minute tops, then just disappears completely; displaying only the orangey glowing cross blades. I reported this twice already through the ingame bug report. It's been a few months, but the issue persists. I haven't tried Jormag's breath yet, to see of both swords have this bug, so I can't tell for sure. It would be nice of you could fix this soon, please. It has been several months. Thanks.
  11. Wizard's tower? Oh ok. Thank you. Which one is specific? There are so many.
  12. My eldest are 8 or 9, so I wouldn't know. What are the gifts, and they worth the wait? Bedides. OP is sating they don't like asura, and has enough alts, so a new slot is out of the question. So what are they supposed to just keep a character because you say so? It's their character, their choice. It's just a game after all.
  13. Hello. Is the travel tome to janthir available yet? If not, can we get there with other characters without going through the story again?
  14. I understand your dilema perfectly. That's why I've asked for a race change feature many times to no avail. Just do what I do: 1. Gain some courage 2. Take everything of value out of that character and into the bank. 3. Delete that character. 4. Start a new one. It will only bother you for 0.3 seconds, then you'll move on. Unless you have some really important thing on that character that you don't want to get rid of, just restart. Birthday gifts only thing of real value are the tomes of knowledge anyways. I just restarted like 10 characters out of my 30 odd, and I do that often, when, and if eventually I get bored with them eventually. I have about 3 characters that can't decide what they should be best at, two classwise, and one racewise, so neither of them lasts more than a year, and always end up deleting them and restarting. So I know exactly what you mean. It would be tremendously good, if there was a way we could change race. The personal story doesn't really matter anyways, because once you go pass that, the story is the same for all characters. But apparently, it is an impossible feat. So whatever. Do the next best thing and follow my list of "instructions" frim 1 to 4. haha 😄
  15. I will help you, no problem. Just tell me what are the times you are on, and which character name should I be looking for? PS. Kamadan is the usual place to meet up, or embark beach, but your choice.
  16. Edit: I didn't quite grasp at first what OP means. Thought they were talking about grinding. But I can see their point of view. There are certain aspects of the game, such as housing now, which seems more like the sims, or a chore to do. But apparently it was a popular request, so now you're forced to go through it to proceed in the main story. It's one of them. I don't think they're about to change anything. Ir is what it is. Either play the game or don't.
  17. Please add a bio section to each character we have, similar to a message of the day, so we can write each character's bio, so other players can read just like when they inspect our gear, in the drop menu. They can click bio and read that character's information. Age, place of origin, hobbies, and their story, which you can edit at any given time.
  18. Magic? Haha 😄. Good point actually. Wont a seed with another seed germinate? Cloning? 😆 An inquest experiment? I don't know, just brainstorming here.
  19. Interesting. Sorry for the late reply. Not really related to new races, but I can see why you've mentioned this. Nice one. Hopefully Anet will intergrate it in future content.
  20. First, honest, impartial, and respectful opinion. No malice, no arrogance. Now, why can't the forums have more people like you? Keep it that way , you'll go far in life. I like your idea. That's a way to go. That and more combat tonics.
  21. I deleted 3 humans and 1 asura characters to create 4 charr in their place. I think I might delete all the charr again. What do you think?
  22. Because toxicity contaminates a post that's supposed to be fun. But that just shows the majority of human condition. The only one single person that got it was @Mic.1897 As far as I can see, they're the only person so far that can read an entire post and not lose focus, nor start blasting with guns blazing out of impulse. Just aswel, the devs and moderators are intelligent people, and are used to this. Which happens more often than not.
  23. I just answered to that. I continue to say that I don't know what's the issue with the VA is, since I never once mentioned it in OP. Someone brought it up, and made a big issue out of it. Go read my previous reply.
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