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Everything posted by SoulGuardian.6203

  1. Well then. You're not so original after all. So what's the difference? one more reason to add my idea. After all this, you made my case easy. We both agree. Ponders and shrugs. Oh good. We both agree then. It will help. We both know it makes sense. Alternatively, why not? Would be better than nothing. But it seems youryou're pushing your idea to show that you were the first person who thought of that name. just speculating. but wouldn't it be better to just have your bound unique 4 digit number? It has been discussed before. I am surprised this isn't actually a thing yet. Jeez. But Xx just ruin a name so much. Well, at least they're not as bad as this: IiiiLlllIiililililLIli You find these a lot in pvp. 😆 Edit. Aaaa Deep breath of relief. Add x member to ignore list. Best thing ever. 😄
  2. The problem is not coming up with original names. I have plenty of those, and imagination is something that thankfully i have plenty of. The problem is when you want to recreate some characters from other games... and yes, I like to Cosplay characters... for instance Squall from final fantasy. That name is used so many times in this game already that I was lucky to manage to use an á in lionhárt like so. All other combinations were taken. The idea is not to create an "impostor" as you so personally describe. I doubt anybody would want to use your character's name on the first place. The issue is that someone who have may named those characters squall leonhart in many different ways, may even be free accounts who probably haven't played in years, and some probably for just a few hours. Adding the unique account number to this would always guarantee the name to be available just as the player wants. I have loads of unique names. 10 of them are my original gw1 crew. Now, I would be absolutely bunkers, if those gw1 names were already taken in gw2. Fortunately, they were not. But what if they were? I would have liked a way, to name those characters just like I did in gw1. But also just proves to you that the likelihood of someone else coming up with the same original names is very scarce. All my original character names were still free even after years of having those characters deleted. I remade 4 more recently i had years ago anf the names were still free. So you see that you got little to none to worry about your"originality" The issue is mostly about Roleplaying characters. Famous character names that people use, and probably most accounts haven't been active for years. I have a Lara Tombraider, which originally wanted to be Lara croft. All the possible combinations were taken. And why should I not have a Lara Croft? Just because a bunch of people took all possible combinations first. I have to give up my desire to roleplay lara croft because some fancy pants decides they are the only ones who can? What an entitlement. So it ended up being tombraider instead of croft, but even then i think i had to put an í instead of an average i. The unique account number added to the ingame character name would solve many problems.
  3. Guild 1. Soul Temple Guardians [Soul] Level 41 300+ members /500 Hall: Isle of Reflection Most Upgrades Complete Recruiting mostly for WvW. Prefer members which will represent while in WvW and PvP. Need Commanders. (If you have a commander tag, do wvw, condider yourself promoted to commander immediately) Guild 2. Final Fantasy Omniverse [Omni] Level 1 2 members Hall: Gilded Hollow Recruiting anyone, old, new, veteran, rookies. Not limited to, but intended to be focused on PvE, Roleplaying, helping new players, and doing tutorials to show newbies the ropes. You may join both guilds if you want, or just the one that suits you best. Reply here, or mail/pm ingame. See you there.
  4. Could to tweaking. Should be faster and more powerful. As you said. Suggestion. Shoot a light sphere so powerful that knocks you back. The sphere explodes on impact causing massive damage, and you can continue shooting whilst on the ground. Get up by pressing any directional button.
  5. I only kick people from my guild who have been inactive for a very long time and had not contributed at all. I often check how people have contributed and raise their rank so they become immune from kicking. Got a whole website explaining how my system works. But it's hard to get people motivated to participate in guild missions and other events. My two best contributors and highest ranks have gone. One moved to america derver, and the other one account's seem to have been deleted, as there is no info on it, as well as being inactive for one and half year. It's hard to find good guild members these days. Most just want freebies. You know what's funny, a third top contributor, who admittedly was really good in gathering people and motivate them, left because of decorations... dispute, despite me telling him from the beginning that i didn't want the hall looking like a circus. One day i go to the hall, and there's super adventure decos crap everywhere. So I removed his permition to decorate. Then he left a message in the guild vault for people to report my guild. He left because he wanted to, i never kicked him the first time. Wanted to comeback, and started with the same decor problem again for the second time. I never used vault gold nor materials for personal gain. Always invested in the guild. So much so, that many times I didn't buy things i wanted with my own gold, just to invest in the guild. But there ya go. As a guild leader you must make it clear from the start how you run things to avoid people like these. In mine, i never pressure anyone to rep. You're free to do what you want. But if after a while you have no purpose, then you're just another useless number. Not a valuable member. But each to their own.
  6. I have a request for the dual pistols. Skill 2. Peacekeeper Not sure what this skill is meant to do here.. Change to a fast single shot that explodes on impact, and calls down a ray of light. Alternatively, change it to a kick combo. Kicking 4 times from low to high kicks, and end with a spinning kick that knocks back targets. Skill 3. Symbol of ignition. Why does every guardian weapon must have a ground symbol or whell of some kind? Change it to a 2x 360° spins shooting bullets in all directions while spinning. Skill 4. Hail of justice. Actually can you move this skill to slot 3 and make it a dual attack. Remove the ammo and instead give it a speed press sensitive mechanic. So no cooldown needed. The character shoots one bullet each pistol alternate. The faster you press the button, the faster it shoots from both pistols in alternate fashion. Please, please, consider this.
  7. There's a possibility that the guild leader might have deleted the guild. Support won't do anything. They say it themselves, they don't meddle with guild affairs. I accidentally left my main guild once, and they said in support they can't do anything. I was lucky that one of my best members and friend added me and reinstated my ownership. I really almost soiled myself. So right after that, I created another account and made the character top rank, just in case. I now have a second guild with hall, but no upgrades yet. If you wish, and are in Europe, I can make you top rank, after me, and you may lead that guild. I bought the hall, but the party that helped cap didn't want to stay. Let me know if you want. My main guild is hard enough to manage as it is.
  8. 1. Sidekicks mercenary slots 2. Jade Mech parts and upgrades 3. More outfits. Like mini skirts, cool jackets.
  9. I'd like to request the following, please: 1. Siege turtle to be added to WvW. Also add a new mount quest for WvW. The Siege Devourer. In this quest, you have to travel to Charr Homelands aswel as complete achievements in WvW. This will motivate people to play Icebrood Saga aswel as End Of Dragons. Could potentially bring more players to buy EoD. 2. Update and improve classes visuals, and mechanics. A few examples: A: Make engineer bow a weapon kit, and give it an off-hand mace that works loke a stun weapon and flare. Also make turrets like mini bots that can follow you around. Allow us to buy mech pieces from gem store to upgrade our jade mech look into a unique one, such as adding jet wings, and legs, and change colours. More gemstore money. Which is good. B. Revenants could actually become the legend they summon, visually. C. Soulbeast could have a mode to become the animal they fuse with. 3. Naming characters. Please consider adding and extra couple letters to names. Also, add a [] which contain their account unique 4 digit number by their name. This way, it's always guaranteed the name they want for the character to be available. Players can choose to either didplay or hide that account unique 4 digit number from ingame names. 4. Sidekicks for Personal instances. Add a gemstore sidekick character slots item. Once bought, it will appear in character select screen. We then have the ability to assign to each playable character a sidekick from our roster. For instance, I click on Mario, then I click on sidekick slot. Then will be prompted to select the character we want. Let's say I click Luigi, then confirm. From that moment on, everytime you play with Mario, then Luigi will always appear in private instances as sidekick. You can do that with any and every character individually. 5. Increase wizard's vault currency cap to at least 1500. Also, add black lion statuettes to the items. That's all for now. Thank you.
  10. I hardly ever, ever comment on other people's concept ideas. I like to respect other players above all. The same way I like to be respected. But I gotta say with all honesty that I did not read one single change in this whole thread that would positively benefit the game in any way, shape, or form. You did get close to some actual good changes for WvW, but yet not... quite there. I believe that what WvW needs is to merge every single team into a bigger one. For instance. Grab the most wvw populated team and merge with the least populated team, and keep it permanently. Which is what I think the devs are already in the process of doing. I'm not sure. Then, bring wvw into the future. I mean, we already had asura and charr tech from the start. Now we have jade tech too. Why are we still using catapults and trebuchets? What we need, is new tech, and more exciting ways to fight. Now, some rules should be changed. Yes. Mostly in eternal battlegrounds. Stone myst castle should have a much longer period of invulnerability. I find it quite frustrating that one team may capture smc, then 10 minutes later has changed colour already. Players focus way too much around it, and the rest of the map is almost empty. This period of time should be extended to much longer, so players move on to other buildings, and other maps. This is why wvw is not that exciting anymore. They have done a few changes recently which just deteriorated the experience rather than enhancing it. We also need more siege mounts. Siege turtle and siege devour are way long overdue in wvw. It will give more mobility, dynamic, freedom, and fun. I Don't know why the devs can't see this. These are just some of the ideas I've been requesting them for years now. But WvW, despite being one of the player's favourite modes, is set aside, like that nonsense task you know you should do, but don't really want to.
  11. Joy to key. Just make sure you don't assign more than one action per key press. For instance, on button 1 in JtK, you assign jump. That's it. One action. If you put jump+skill 1, that's classed as cheating and is against the game's policy. Google JoyToKey. But remember. One action per button. It doesn't matter if it's even, jump+collect loot around you, or something that may seem benign or harmless, not an advantage. So far it's best i found. There's another one called XPadder or something, but i believe that one is designed gor xbox controllers. Not sure.
  12. You have a good point, but the likelihood of anet now placing the bow as a kit, and give engies a brand new weapon is next to none. Not impossible, but highly unlikely. Would that be done though, I'd probably accept the change, if the new weapon was an off hand, which engies lack of... such as a mace, and perhaps stop requesting weapon swap. To be completely honest, now that we're at it. Most engineers weapon skills, either main, kits, or otherwise, are imho a joke. They have a ton of unnecessary nets. Rifle net, turret nets, toolbelt nets, underwater nets. There's a never-ending supply of nets. They should have called it fisherman rather than engineer. Pistol is a joke. The flame shot hits nothing but air, and that glue shot is infantile and something out of looney toons. I despise it with all my being. Turrets are only good for those, so lovely, game economy-ruinmakers, afk farmers. Currently farming Southsun, and Instan caves. Elixir gun is useless. Grenades are only useful at close range, if you are taking down a tower gate, but even then, why would you, when flamethrower exists? ... mass damage holding down a button. And don't get me started on holosmith. The whole thing is just a mess. I hate those skin textures it displays, and the skills are just allover the place with no relevance to one another whatsoever. The only good thing about it is the sword, which now you're free to use in any spec anyways. Only the elite skill has some spark to it. Engineers as they stand now, it's like a car boot sale, or an antiques sale. You walk around for ages looking at A lot of junk, but in the end only finding the one or two decent pieces. I can describe all my 3 engies rotation in just 5 steps or less. I'll give you +5 stars 🌟 if you can guess what they are.
  13. That, and turrets. How many times has been requested that turrets need upgrading. More than I can count. There has even been some really cool and neat ideas, such as giving them mechanical legs, like spiders, or some can hover, and they follow you around...? Then the F toolbelt skills need to be exactly related to the turret you have equipped. EG, the flame turret has a Fskill blast fireball that creates a ground fire field. Put the imagination at work, and call them mini bots instead of turrets. Another thing is the engineers have way too many nets. A net turrets, net toolbelt, net on elite turret, nets underwater. Surely there are so many other skills that can be used other than nets. Even the rifle has a net. Why not change the rifle, and just slightly alter it to crippling shot? A normal bullet that cripples or immobilises? But I still think that weapon swap should be given to mechanists. They have no toolbelt skills, and only have 3 mech fskills. But you spend just as much time fighting without it as with it. In a wvw scenario, when you're fighting another team, the mech isn't that useful to begin with. I've seen some really good 1vs1 mech experts, true. Using knockdown skills, but it's an entire different story in squad vs squad. Mechs could definitely do with having weapon swap.
  14. Maybe upgrade the weapon kits as an alternative. Elixir gun is outdated, and imho was never that good to begin with. Why not call it link gun or shock rifle, or a fusion of both, and change their skills? 1. A continuous auto rapid fire that shoots green plasma. 2. Shoots a continuous solid but flexible beam that seeks enemies. This skill can also fix wvw gates, walls, sieges, and when linked to a friendly player, boosts up their attack stats + or by a % 3. Shoots a solid powerful beam. This skill has a +10% chance to critical hit. Critical hits have a 1% chance to one shot kill while using this rifle. 4. Shoots seeking lightning spheres. Skill 3 can explode these spheres, causing wider damage. 5. Hold to charge a massive shot that explodes on impact. Improve grenades with a grenade launcher weapon. Functions similar to mortar, but much lower ranger, but shoots faster. Skill effects remain the same. Replace barrels, with another weapon. This time a melee weapon. Equip special combat gloves. You can now use punching as an alternative. Each skill have the effects of barrels. Eg, explosive punch. These are just some ideas as an alternative to weapon swap. Even though I would still prefer weapon swap.
  15. I think that I commented in that said thread too, and concur, it was mostly about short bow being more a kit weapon than a main. If they made those changes, it would be all nice and dandy. I think that what engineers really needed as a weapon is an off-hand melee weapon, like a mace, which they very much lack of. I even made a thread requesting one and giving ideas how that weapon would function. If there was an official sign up request thread, that would be great. I don't know how much devs read this, at late. So one can only hope. I'm a bit disappointed that trade offs, a concept they were so excited about was completely abandoned. I don't know for what reason. Either lack of resources, ideas, or something else. I like this bow now, it's not bad, despite needing tweaks, here and there. But imagine you having it equiped. The only close range weapon you can use is flame thrower. Which is fine in a squad. But if you're in a small group and face a few melee experts, you Automatically become useless, unless you're on a holosmith. Which I personally don't use. I'm sorry, but I just don't like a lot about it. Which leaves me with mechanist, which has no toolbelt skills, and once your mech is gone, you're totally vulnerable holding a bow. Or scrapper, which you can go the coward way and make a runner, while your team mates get decimated. Unless you could swap to hammer or sword and pistol. So to recap. Move bow into utilities and give engies a offhand melee weapon. Or, Allow weapon swap in core engie, and perhaps on mechanist too, which have been stripped of toolbelt skills. As you said, whether engineers were meant to have wrapon swap from the beginning or not. We may never know for sure. I understand people used to it not having so feel that there's no need for it, despite me mentioning several times that it would be optional, and people don't have to use it if they don't want to. It's not a forced mechanic shoved down your throat. Just like the latest set of weapons. People just simply don't equip a second set of weapons, and as you were. Nothing changes. Most people who are against the idea probably don't even play core engineer to begin with, or mechanist. In my xp, scrapper and holos are the most used in WvW. There was a mech hype when they were first released, but soon squads started getting fed up of seeing a mountain of green scrap floating around them and began kicking mechs out of squads... for many other reasons. I personally wouldn't mind mechs being further nerfed to gain weapon swap. They are only useful for the first few seconds in a squad vs squad scenario anyways... and in wvw altogether. They walk up to too many necro whells, they're gone. They wont attack if you're up on a wall. So they are useless most of the time. Players will target you not them, so they can hardly even be condidered tanks. Ranger pets pursue foes until they're out of action. These oversized green tins of baked beans spend more time walking up and down the passarelle as if they are modeling, than they do attacking. Like they're gps is screwed up. Probably mechs do need weapon swap.
  16. Regardless if you use Deadeye, or not, the rifle itself still functions the same with any other spec. The rifle itself is supposed to be like a sniper rifle. Except isn't quite there. But the question is: Would you like the rifle to have a much longer range, a zoom scope, a prone position, and the chance to one shot kill? All of the above? None of the above? Or which ones would you pick? I personally would like to see a sniper mode for deadeye, or the rifle itself. Since it is a sniper rifle. To me, it would be a lot of fun to lay down between a bush, or high in a hill, and use my scope in first person view, and take my time to get a well placed one shot kill. Even if that is achievable while on yhe move, or even in a squad. (Some people say you can, others say you can't.) It still not the same or as fun, as being an actual sniper, and support your team from miles out. What do you think?
  17. Thanks for this marvellous long essay, when we already established from page one, that weapon swap would be for core engineers only, and restrictions to one weapon kit only. That way, it would max at 4 weapons, counting sword/pistol and pistol/shield, bow or rifle, and 1 weapon kit. 5 if you use sword and pistol twice, but you'd have skill cd to consider. So, after all that long essay, what exactly is the advantage here, or all that panic over possible nerfs? And let's get one thing clear here once and for all. "Nothing is set on stone." ESPECIALLY, not with Arena Net, as we have had the experience countless times throughout the years. It doesn't matter if this is my OP. Could have been someone else's... I would still state the same thing. But it seems it's all or nothing for some people. No middle ground, no happy medium. There is always a middle ground. The suggestions people made so far to apply weapon swap to core only, and restrict weapon kits seems logical and reasonable enough. Furthermore, they have been said that the option would be there, but they don't have to use it. The contradictions seem more like dictatorships to me, rather than trying to reach a solution through democracy. The lengths people go to, in order to reinforce their own preference is amusing.
  18. You're right. It would be cool though. To have some old school skills, and not just for thief. For all other pros.
  19. I would like to propose a change for thieves. Swap the preparations for utility skills such as good old Flashing blades, and then hand over preparations to rangers, such as ignite arrows, or kindle arrows. The thief gets a brand new set of powerful utilities, such as the one mentioned. Flashing blades; For 30 seconds, You have a 50% to a 100% chance of blocking attacks every second. The attacker gets the same amount of damage it would deal (back to source.) Effect lasts for 30 seconds, and has a 30 second cooldown. Critical Eye: For 60 seconds, You have a 50%....100% to land a critical hit. You gain health and vigor each time you land a critical hit. Evasive shadow venom: Shadow step away from foes to a safe location. All foes in the area will get poisoned for 10 seconds. Shadow refuge: Teleport away from foes, and stealth for 10 seconds. You gain health each second while stealthed through this skill. Sacrificial shadow. Stealth and gain superspeed for 10 seconds. You cannot be revealed through this skill. However, if you attack while this skill is in effect, you lose half your health, and cannot stealth for 30 seconds. I have more ideas if you like.
  20. It really is. I don't think you read your own posts. And yes, reply to whatever you want. Still doesn't change the fact that this is wrong. You're wrong. I'm still on mesmer, and am already fed up of going through each traitlines. I haven't done my mirage yet, and I just wanna log the frock out of here. This is a nuisance, and you know it. Cmon. You got peopleil in here saying they only have like 4 characters, and they don't find it fun nor useful doing this. Just leave traitlines the heck alone. For goodness sake. Do you know that I have to search wiki for each single trait they change to find out which spec they beling to? Again, and again... I'll explain it. With 34 active playable characters, I can't have my precious time monopolised like this. They have to choose! Between selling characters and all that comes with them, or stop messing traitlines. You can't have both ways. My girlfriend already asked me why I didn't reply to her this afternoon while I was reading all the god darn changes. Just aswel she's a very patient woman. I should probablkeep p this to myself, but I already lost my ex wife because of guild wars 1. I surely do not want to lose my girlfriend over gw2. Hence... bah, to heck with this. I say no more.
  21. But see, you just contradict yourself here. When I have to go through 34 characters, it's not just the simple "one click". Now I've got to check gear, weapons, and relics, and everything else so in order to get it to perform as close as possible as it did Eg. I have 4 elementalists. one for dps, one for healing, one for support, and a fourth somewhere in between. now i have to brainstorm all 4 eles, and think about which elite spec and weapons better suits them for their purpose. and now i have to decide If i want to change elite specs. I want to keep weaver as a weaver for a reason. Now, that one simple click I never asked for just messed up my entire character. Mow there's no uniqueness. one tiny little change to the traits, and i have days or weeks of mind frock, over "just a tiny little click" i don't think you realise the magnitude of the issue here. Well, no. Unfortunately I do not have legendary gear. Just a couple of clicks X34 X3 = That's a lot of clicking my friend. Ask yourself how much profit does buying character slots makes. Then a possible instant level 80 boost. Then gear, then weapons, and all that comes with a new character. Perhaps a new outfit too, and throw a mount skin in there also. Not to mention possible hairstyle kit, among other gem store items. I don't think ANet can afford to NOT take this seriously. People get fed up, they stop buying all that. There goes the second major source of income after xpacs. 3 presets. Auto assing with one click. DPS, Support, Healing. That's all they need to do. Easy cake, we're done, home in time for dinner.
  22. I wish you would just stop messing with the traitlines. I have about 34 characters, and every single time you change something, i gotta go through all 34 characters X3 build templates in order to change traitlines to something more suitable or i like more. I'm not happy at all about the arcane spec changes on eles. I'm really not happy. I understand the game needs balance, but there's gotta be another way, other than change traitlines, everytime there's an update. I'm really not in a freaking mood to go through all of my 34 characters to change all of their specs. It's very time consuming, and you can't just monopolise people's time like this. I am so flaming furious, that do not even want to think about touching any of it. I'm slowly but surely giving up on this game, more and more, everytime. Oh flipping well, back to play UT and all my delicious mods. Just added 3 new fun game modes with 3 mere clicks and 30 different characters... and counting. Guess I'll save the money to buy a car, or brand new TV to play on my PlayStation.
  23. That's a way to go. Core only, using F5 as a trade-off. Very good Jski. I like that.
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