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Everything posted by interloper.6892

  1. Plot spoilers are easy to avoid and not a real problem. Playing without the API is literally trolling at this point. Anet doesn't care, because their story is more important that what their customers want... which is the reason I'm getting the standard edition of JW instead of the ultimate one.
  2. Normal mode strikes being faceroll, while CM strikes were in some cases harder than raid CMs made no sense at all. Actually strikes made no sense at all. Raid story modes was the obvious answer.
  3. Overpowered solo openworld builds didn't affect other players. Nerfing them just ruins the fun for solo players for no reason. Doing these excessive nerfs on release day (with no communication) feels like Anet wants to make people regret buying their products...
  4. 3 years later this is STILL happening.you try to be helpful and organise stuff... and some troll merges 40 players into your squad. People in a different map doing something irrelevant. So you have to disband the squad and start over. Makes me wonder why I bother trying to help people in this game.It should not be possible to merge a load of players into a squad without the commander clicking OK. Obviously. They are only doing it to annoy other people that are trying to be helpful.
  5. its even more annoying when you've collected most of the stellar (ascended) weapons, which don't count, so you've gotta farm the same 'content' again...
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