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Everything posted by LARFERA.3749

  1. To: KidRoleplay.3615looking out for a Sylvari-themed cape myself. The Toxic one is alright but a bit on the furry side and not on the planty side. Hope that Guildwars would ask the players for any designs like before (weapons, cape, outfit, mount, and others).. Your Idea would be great.
  2. To: jinxykat.6519Love your Idea.. add more options if you have some.That would be great..
  3. LazyDad.2158 ✭May 22, 2020 And this is a horrible idea.. Sorry mate A lot of players said that mounts and gliders are a horrible idea. Now, all love them and can't play without them. Same idea..
  4. I,ve seen those capes and scarf. However, I fell like it's kinda linear for me. I want something out of the box.
  5. Good day to the creators of this magnificent Guildwars two game!! Just a gamer requesting a design of capes for all your player.It does not really need to be the exact copy of it but at least the idea and the looks will be similar. A cape or cloak inspire by: SUPERMANBATMANSPAWNVASH THE STAMPEDEVINCENT VALENTINEand others. The capes you gave us is nice, but it needs a bit of a style.. Hope you grant us this wish..
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