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Everything posted by Dreams.3128

  1. Eddie is a washed up PvPer. I don't know why y'all are entertaining them like you are going to change their mind.
  2. Man they really purged the responses here lol. I can't even see what was talked about here after being gone for two hours.
  3. Forgot to put League of Legends in that part, my mistake. Was trying to make a comparison since league is very much a team game with fights and objectives.
  4. Everytime you say this, the mmos mentioned either die or fall out of popularity after a year. Remember when people said BDO will kill GW2? Then Wildstar? Then New World? Then Lost Ark? And most of the games don't even have a quarter of their population that they once had or in Wildstar's case, it is flat out dead. So when are you going to be right for once?
  5. To be fair, league has this same issue except for the fact you legit can't carry a whole game. Maybe 2 out of 5 times if that. If your mid or top lane feeds, and you are jg, support, or adc you might as well ff since a fed mid laner or top laner is a death sentence. I swear on everything I have no idea why team games has to be based on the performance of you covering everyone else's bases in order to gain rank. What is that exactly saying? You can cover people's mistakes better than the dude struggling to gun down the other side and rack of kills as fast as possible. Hell, I even saw a Diamond player struggle in Iron and Silver when he was smurfing not because he is bad, but when his team would actively int because of skill differences. It's weird and I cannot begin to wrap my head around exactly why games are set up this way.
  6. This last page of the thread shows how people don't play other classes, be blatantly wrong confidently and don't have the right to talk whatsoever. Holy help, someone kill this gamemode already so you people can finally scatter.
  7. I wish we had a mode like how SWTOR, WoW, and FF. 10 v 10 and you get points by either taking objectives or farming the opposite team enough times. SWTOR's version was pure objectives, but you would still get the adrenaline rush of going in with a tank if you were a healer and laying down some serious CC and light dps skills while your tank 1v5s to possibly win/ Or in FF you can be with your fellow Black Mage, rev up a big asz AOE spell, and kill a group of 10 with only you two. Or WoW where you push the cart, but then scattered across the arena there's small skirmishes where you run into these awesome 3v3 scenarios while sneaking across the fields to snipe the squishy or two you know you can one combo. They are simple and repetitive by design, but they WORK. They promote FUN. Conquest is literally the worst part of all of those modes.
  8. Understandable, lol. We all gotta lean towards that at some point. Oh really? So we're gonna ignore the entirety of HoT and PoF before Guardian's specs got nerfed? We are gonna ignore pre-expansion Guard? The only time Guard has been actually weak is essentially now and EoD era. I wasn't around for when Willbender dropped or its beta, so if anyone wants to tell me about that, that would be neat.
  9. To sum it up very nicely: Elementalist has a feast or famine playstyle. It's either really good or it just simply falls off. No in between. People (that are not ele mains) have been so dillusioned by the strength of D/D Cele Ele that even a DECADE later, they still apply its strength like it matters. Anet doesn't know what to do with it. It used to be a glassy mage that did pretty respectable damage. Now it keeps turning into this boring condi spell fencer that doesn't have any of the protections of a normal melee class outside of boon spam (which is only achievable through cata) or healing (which depending on the meta is completely useless). Add on top of the fact that non-Ele players have chimed in over the years to gut Ele weapons because they fail to realize that not nerfing the one specific thing that made it OP (again Cata), that when they do something like the signet changes the rest of the class crumbles like paper. Then, they proceed to pat themselves on the back like they did something useful. Anet and their stupid fan boys can't decide what Ele they want so we play pin the tail on the Ele every major update until Ele mains move to another class or drop the game entirely. Grimjack is the only one who is 'loyal' and even he pointed these dogwater takes when things like were signets were changed. CMC isn't really a main because if he was, he would've been able to answer all of this with actual good reason, but instead we have annoying Ranger mains and God knows who else acting like they are suddenly grimjack and know what they are speaking about. Ele is gonna be stuck on the hamster wheel permanently as a binary heal support or this crappy condi bruiser whatever hybrid they think is fun when its really not. I rather gut condi altogether and just bring back FA, then tweak from there. And for the long of God I wish they could destroy Cata because the class is one of the worst designed specs. Reminds me of when everyone said Daredevil is just an upgrade to core thief. That's basically Cata to Core Ele.
  10. I can't tell if you're typing like this unironically, you're young, or just doing this to troll others. Either way, smokescale stopped doing damage a long time ago. So if anything this is just gonna force more rangers to go SB so they can either one-shot folks harder or tanky build comes out. Or we see a resurgence of boonbeast. It's gonna get worse for people if something like drake or pig against comes out and people are crying once more about pets. Edit: Nevermind, I just remembered deer. Deer was doing damage and CC. Lol.
  11. It was picked because it has slightly better AI and has a smoke field that gives utility to rangers. That's why it was picked even after its initial nerf.
  12. Burn, here's the hilarious part about statements that you make: Games like this don't die easily. There are games that have way less players and still very much alive because people will always shove money into this game. PVE players that are into the 'lesser' aspect such as fashion will always fund Anet and their 'projects' because they are far more willing to dish out larger amount of money in a short time span. The whole PvP scene could die today and that would mean nothing. PVE will more than make up for you leaving because they will always pay more. Anet will be kept alive because this is the most 'fair' f2p mmo out there. No one really wants to pay or feel like they have to get on a sub mmo, when they can just come here, mess around, dip altogether or have another game playing in the background while they socialize or do whatever on here. You can scream until you turn blue, but PvP doesn't matter. This community doesn't matter and won't dent Anet's plan of how things work since PVE will make up for anything you do currently. I'm not saying this to be vindictive, but more saying this because you seem to be under the impression this game will die anytime soon without taking into consideration how much sway the PVE/Casual crowd has over Anet's form of business.
  13. No one cares about the competition anymore in this game tbh. Most people outside of this game just outright clowns the league and players. Idk why people would even be surprised by this discovery anymore.
  14. Now I'm gonna assume you meant I want more power and less condi for ele, because that is a huge jump if you assume I want ALL things power. I like both playstyles. One simply feels better than the other depending on the class. As of now I feel that Power should very much be a more prominent thing on ele because of the most part outside of Cata, power was never really out of control. Even FA weaver at its absolute peak was not oppressive by any means, given the fact during this time people were also facing freshly launched Spellbreaker, Soulbeast, Mirage, etc. Also, condi actually becomes more problematic than power in Ele's case because there are FAR less stats you have to worry about as a condi Ele, then a Power Ele by a long stretch. You are essentially giving up SOMETHING when you play a power build Condi you give up nothing. You get sustain, offensive pressure, defensive pressure. So tell me how that is fair in any capacity where condi is not weak by any means, I'll wait.
  15. Read. I didn't say ALL of Ele is bloated, I said Condi Ele is bloated. Which it usually is. So. .
  16. Sir, I don't know what your intention is with this point, but I've literally played Ele since I started this game back in 2015. I already know all of this, so what was the point of tagging me and giving me a whole paragraph of what does and didn't work, why something works and about condi damage when I expressly showed the fact that I am BORED of condi Ele and actually want some solid power builds that don't surround an overbloated spec that does nothing for Ele as a whole when it comes to playstyle changes? Seriously, what point were you trying to make?
  17. I'm honestly about to do this. Instead of sword/warhorn maybe staff with greatsword lol
  18. Meanwhile actual ele mains don't give two shts about condi ele and actually want a caster. I don't want a melee, I want a FA build that is solid. Yet, everytime we have these conversations it ends up with Power anything getting hit from Condi's transgressions and sins. PvP in this game is so kitten tiring.
  19. What are you talking about? I have a friend that mained spellbreaker in PvP since the start of it, and she is still getting high plat consistently. Hell, in my rare moments of wanting to rank for whatever reason, Spellbreaker gets me up to the low end of Plat. Spellbreaker isn't falling behind, Berserker is actually in a very compromising position because with all of these extra buffs, it's going to only get nerfed stupidly hard back into nothingness. And Berserker has always struggled with that. It's either stupidly broken or useless. Spellbreaker is probably the one spec that is actually 'balanced' since it hasn't gotten out of hand in a good while, while also still being solid enough to always be a problem for boon heavy/reliant specs.
  20. Imagine sending condi warrior into the void once again and then proceeding to nerf power warrior because apparently Berserker is dominating the latter???? People don't make sense anymore lmao.
  21. I was referring to the keys and chests for Gyala. People were complaining about the way Gyala handled it. Saying there wasn't enough to open them with or something very minor. The thing that people didn't realize that while we may or may not have gotten keys for ALL the chests that were around, we were getting A LOT of yellows for each chest we opened. For whatever reason they got up in arms over that.
  22. It's been dead because people were mad about keys and how chests were getting opened. That was one of the best gold making maps at one point when it started and because of some of the most asinine complaints I've seen, it turned into a dead map because of SOME (not even the majority) people's complaints. I don't feel bad with this point, the initial frustration is just gone and so has a good way to make gold.
  23. Hold on, theorycrafting thought here: With the stacks of daredevil and other ferocity sources, could you possible fit the intelligence sigil for more possibilites of guranteed crit, which could mean higher crit damage if it connects? Correct me if I'm wrong, but from a quick glance I feel you could activate instances a decent amount of instances where you can crit fairly hard.
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