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Everything posted by Dreams.3128

  1. The only reason people are asking for in-game mounts is because WoW and FF does that to lure people in to spam the same raid for hours on end. Then, they realize the mount goes out of style by the next big thing that people rush through and just hook people on a treadmill like that. If you want to gain mount skins in that manner, be my guest, but I promise you, Anet probably will lock it behind some of the most egregious bit of content to date. Or, they'd slap a very high gold tag onto it.
  2. If I had to take a guess (and no this is not to argue or say Stone Heart is reasonable), the reason why Stone Heart is considered fair is because when you take the Condi Immune Rev and the almost Power Immune Earth Tempest, the Condi Rev has a higher base health than the Elementalist. Elementalist, while it does have things like basically perma protection and stability, you are still not gonna facetank with the small HP pool Ele has. Even with the amulets it used to run, that only pushed it up to only 16k maybe? Rev, at base, starts at 15,992 health. That's my guess as to why they keep it but, I could be completely wrong as well 🤷‍♀️
  3. Update: Eight losses in a row and it has been legit Reaper Core NEcro Support Guard Tempest Scrapper This is in g2-g3 and even up to p1. Across the board in every other match with throwers. This game is actually broken and I see why people stop giving a kitten.
  4. Unironically, yes he is right and I agree with you. But I mostly said what I said because Trevor is being disingenuous slightly. But, you are right. You HAVE to run basically hybrid if you are going to expose Tempest's weaknesses, because it is a solid class, but it's not a GOD class either. It is simply a hard counter to one damage type. I only wanted to point out ALL of the facts, not just some cherry picked point tbh. I don't care what people do, but at least say you had other games where that wasn't the case 🤷‍♀️
  5. Trevor as someone who had played like three or four games with you when I was duo'd and running solo, I'll say you didn't just lose to Tempest. You also lost to things like core support Guard with random dps stuff. You were in g3 complaining about classes in our matches or whenever brought up Cata. I get you want things to be BALANCED, but the whole guaranteed Tempest Support thing and you guaranteed losing against it is NOT true.
  6. I mean Anet does have passion, they just don't have passion for this gamemode. They don't know how to fix it and they honestly don't pretend that they do. Is what it is. It isn't dead, but it sure as heck feels dead on the PvP only side of things. But, to be fair, I keep forgetting that people ONLY pvp and that's it.
  7. People here act like they get revenue from this game when its honestly the complete opposite. Folks in this community need to wake up and stop acting like this is an end all be all. It's a game. If people want to seriously climb they will seriously climb. If they want to farm for their armor or backpiece, let them do it. The fact that I have a blocklist longer than the list of bills I have to pay is ridiculous. Hell, my block list is even smaller of League of all places. Folks need to gain some emotional intelligence and realize that more established folks are not going to sit here and talk trash or flame someone for mess ups. Also for the people I did see this season: Seriously get a freaking grip.
  8. Hilariously enough you are not wrong. Some dude named Wave was doing that in one of my matches with greatsword willbender. Other two teammates did nothing, they just supported him with aegis and everything while he hopped either me or my scrapper at the time. Support tempest with staff that sat in the back and auto attacked. I had to burst out laughing because it was so ridiculous. He was in top 5 two days ago, he might be lower or higher now.
  9. We're not going to get any new amulets because Anet listened to the crowd of simply deleting amulets instead of fixing them. Blame the community on that one. Support users only have ONE amulet to use, one. Power builds have ONE, maybe two. Condi is the only one that has MULTIPLE options.
  10. Mobility powercreep- ALOT of these classes should not be moving like thieves or even mesmers. A lot of these classes don't DESERVE mobility because they were tailored around originally be able to simply just run from point to point, but being REALLY good in their specific niche. Now that we don't have that limiter, a lot of classes simply break the game because they have their strengths PLUS being able to either speed to wherever they need to go or port through walls, little cliffs, etc. Boon uptime- Too many boons. Too many boons equals too much survivability. Builds that SHOULD be dying to proper combos, don't which is due to powercreep from elite specs and other various vuffs/nerfs that classes received. Conditions- Same with boons, powercrept to high h ell and back. Player engagement- It's at an all time low. People simply don't care anymore. And if they do care, they care too much because they've put too much investment in this game to ever be consider healthy. It's one extreme or another, never both. Also, this gamemode is not newb friendly in the slightly. I don't think I've ever seen people talking about actually helping new players, only flaming them because they are trying to get the rhythm of this game and instead of being welcoming, they act like absolute toddlers screaming that they lost their miniscule win. This came about due to the previous points up above. Lack of punishment- People know Anet doesn't punish people enough. People have said the most VILE, racist kitten to both me and my friend that it is actually insane. Even the more 'well-known' people. It's insanity really that people can basically say the most disturbing stuff and not get punished. Anywhere else their accounts would've been swiped and deleted. But here? Nah, slap on the wrist and they continue to infest pvp with toxicity. Powercrept builds not being addressed quickly- Self explanatory Matchmaking- Again, self explanatory. Why is a bronze being matched against a plat? Why are g2s getting matched with legendary folks? The lower ranked players don't deserve this, yet this hasn't been addressed not one time by Anet. The other team gets free elo for an effortless kill, while the guy who is trying to see if his skills improved gets beat back down because the matchmaker can't make a decent, equal sided match. I know my own limitations due to the fact I don't dedicate myself enough to gw2 anymore, but it's just sad when people are put in a match they can do nothing about. This right here describes the situation very well and no one can really justify it. I could post up dozens of screenies between me and my friend with the crap that was said in our matches. It honestly reminds me of a mental institution or purgatory.
  11. Treat it like it is, a farming sim at this point, because everyone is gonna be running: Core necro Harb Support Tempest Scrapper Holo Condi and Power SB Reaper Spb Support Core Guard You will also get matched up with the top 25 players from conquest for some reason because why not. Ain't nothing new. I won 6 games out of 4 so g2 to start with. Probably gonna be in plat later, who knows. Just treat it casually because people there sure as hell are going to be busting out their most cheesy, bunker-y comps for..idk what. 3v3s doesn't really tell you much about a player, so I'm not sure what's the point of sweating in 3v3s tbh. But yea, people only play it because their builds don't shine in conquest so eh. Btw, the builds I listed were all the ones I encountered in my 10 games to even get ranked, had to laugh a little bit because I saw more supposedly 'off meta' crap than the on meta ones.
  12. Let's post this again for people that don't understand, because people are scarily lacking reading comprehension skills. I feel like I need a highlighter and to bold this particular piece of text because people SERIOUSLY think they are paying more when in reality they are paying less. It is like ESO or WoW or FF where they release an expansion FIRST and then they release LW stuff. Can people please, for the love of the Five, just read the passage three more times before posting.
  13. Yet some people still think it is the correct option and think Anet employees should 'suck it up' because 'they signed up for this'. They signed up for their game to be CRITIQUED, not to be verbally abused by some nobodies who don't understand how to code a website without struggling or can only draw stick figures as a talent. It's good that you understood and tried to tone back, but never everyone on these forums have that same courtesy. People tend to forgot Anet could shut down this game the next day and everyone will be sorely out of luck, while Anet could essentially either move on or merge with a completely different company. And this goes for any company that is as decent and gives a kitten about their game.
  14. So we're not going to talk about the plethora of people that call Anet and I quote: idiots braindead useless incompetent blind And a plethora of other names? I think the forums gave Anet plenty of reasons to limit interaction unless it is necessary. The fact you could actually look this stuff up is bonkers to me and some people really believe they deserve responses when they can't even use enough maturity to not insult them. Lord.
  15. ...People expect portals in DS of all places??? I've would've been with the other argument if it was something like Harvest Temple, but DS????? I don't think I ever encountered that in all of my time of playing DS. Holy wow. Even when I played on mes I don't think I ever had someone even demand something like that. That's just ridiculous.
  16. Unfun: Spvp due to the seriously miserable and honestly bitter community. Just siphons any remote fun trying to talk to those people. WvW because of the promotion of zerg play instead of balancing between zerg play and small skirmishes/duels. Gen 2 legendary collections because of literal time-gates that are pointless. Time-gates in general like for stuff like Druidstone, Ascended mats, etc. People whining about their arcdps numbers in simple raids/strikes. Fun: Fashion. Spvp when its actually balanced. WvW when I can actually skirmish. Strikes.
  17. Gshade never tampered with things like how FF and WoW mods would tho. FF and WoW mods tampered with things like the actual assets, while also giving clear advantage to gameplay. Gshade is there just to allow you to take pretty screenshots ._. If you were gonna use a good example that is used in Gw2, you should've said something like GWTaco or something like that. But even then, GWTaco doesn't blalantly tell you what to do in content like raids. Unfortunately this is an apples to oranges situation.
  18. I'm very aware. And I meant what I said. There are Cata nerfs coming and people are still complaining. Weaver doesn't even range close to Cata and yet people are still being farmed in the supposed high leveled play and I guarantee you it's gonna be the same way afterwards. If someone is farming you on WEAVER of all things, something is wrong. Very wrong. There was one very easy thing Anet could have nerfed in order to avoid a lot of what was making Cata yuck in the first place, but they didn't hit it. So I'm gonna let people figure that out and see if it will click.
  19. Just wanted to point out that even with Cata nerfs I am still watching plat 1/plat 2 players crying about Ele. Just watched my friend farm folks with Scepter Weaver and the complaints that rolled in. At this point ele is a psychological warfare class because the amount of salt was just humorous. But honestly at this point, I don't know what this forum wants. You got your wishes (rightfully so because Cata was over tuned obviously) and yet people that play Ele are still beating folks within plat rank with nerfed elite spec counterparts and people are still crying about it. What do you people even want at this point?
  20. Soooo what about weaver or core ele? They are just gonna go on without a weapon?
  21. Nah, I'm aware, and I also aware that this is a forum and not my workplace so I really don't need to treat you as if I am going to see you the next day. What I am trying to be better on is already being worked on so I don't need to express some sort of apologetic behavior to someone I don't know and that felt the need to correct me or think I am 'angry'. Harsh, but truthful nonetheless. As you said, it's a game, get over it, move on.
  22. Amusing to think I would waste my energy being 'angry'. Trust me this was typed with an absence of vitriol in my heart. If anything if it was typed with the dryest expression because it was the same nonsense being spouted over again for the past..what two months now? Also, correct yourself, I said and quote: "This is why classes feel like a shell of their former selves" not "People like you are ruining the game." Also, also, actual adults don't need to state they are adults. Just saying. Anyways, time to flutter off for my morning coffee and work day.
  23. So you're willing to nerf a WHOLE class because Anet decided to be shortsighted and overbuff scepter? And this is why the classes are dogwater right now or most specs feel like a shell of their former selves, literally people like this are suggesting to beat a whole weapon set that can affect a WHOLE class because they can't identify what the heck is making the build so strong. The skills that are over performing and what several SMART ele mains have pointed out: D-tooth Water Trident Rock Barrier The F1 on Cata because it procs Fresh air multiple times Two traits within the Cata line Elite Cata Skill Now if people can't see that, then they either don't play ele or don't read skills. Either way, three other specs don't need to suffer because of people's inability to either read skills or figure out what is ACTUALLY broken.
  24. Thank you two for the explanation, it's been a LONG time since I did raids and I only really do the occasional T4s/strikes so I needed a bit of a refresher of what certain KP meant. Appreciate the break down o7
  25. Honestly, I didn't even know people would bother to filter out the kinds of KI nowadays just because the whole thing is..tedious at best. Granted, I don't t4s much anymore since its more tedious than say strikes, but I'm really surprised. And I wasn't arguing about the whole KP, but more wondering how do people decide what is what when determining the skill lvl of the player. LI is the one I really only know off the top of head and I figured that if someone was stubborn enough to (me because work gets in the way of my raiding time >:T) that they could just build up LI with strikes and call it a day.
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