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Everything posted by Dreams.3128

  1. It's the audacity of GW2 players being so explicitly wrong and the fact they can say it so confidently, while also getting the definition of a state of a game screwed up. Wew chile, Dwayna bless these forums 😂
  2. I don't understand how people are struggling with this. It literally took me four or five days to get all the essence I needed by leeching off of commanders. First two days I didn't understand you needed the motivations, but after it finally clicked I finally started tipping comms like ten gold or whatever for carrying the costs of the motivation and even started making some myself occasionally because you literally drown in essences once you get the mastery unlocked for it. And that's for being someone that is not even opening the motivations. Comms get even more. Five days total to get what I need and that's not including the leftover essences I have for whatever next step we need. People really just don't bother or don't care to look into things just a little bit more to realize things are not as hard as people give credit for. Also, these motivations are a material sink. A big one, sure, but it is a mat sink for things we typically didn't use unless we were doing legendary crafting, and even then some legendaries don't require the mats that the motivations use. Ectos, outside of gambling, weren't used in large amounts. Same for T5 mats and some even T6 mats. I see this content as a means to have hoarders actually use their materials and actually kickstart the economy since it was stagnant for..a long time imho. On top of all of that, there is not one day, where I log in randomly where I don't see people running groups for ALL essence types. They are running consistently between late morning all the way past prime time. Unless you are on the side of the world where it is in the middle of the night or at the very crack of dawn, these trains are always available for the time being, until the legendary rifts that were mentioned come around to offer even MORE means to get essence. People really are just not bothering to try because it is an inconvenience, not because it is not available to the casual player. And yes, I do consider myself a casual player, especially since I only put in a few hours in at a time nowadays.
  3. We did have that, but people said bunkers were too 'degenerate' for gameplay so they gutted the bunker specs (IE Scrapper, Tempest, and somewhat Druid) and made it so we couldn't do that anymore. Bunkers back in the day had NO damage, but people said they were healing/self-sustaining too much, so they took those tools away from those specs and specs like them to turn them either into squishy supports or just half made supports that couldn't do their jobs. Most of those specs got reworked to be support/damage or just flat out damage dealers now. On top of just the class changes, amulets that were 'bunker'y' were removed entirely, which removed the playstyle for a long while until we started get the more degen crap that we have today. We honestly could have bunkers within the metas, but people are so trauma-induced by HoT Scrapper/Druid/Tempest that they rather deal with builds that can one shot you off the face of the planet or 1v4 you through damage, then ever deal with decapper/point holders. No one can be blamed except the people that wanted those builds to die. Even in 2023 there are STILL people that say they rather deal with the garbage we dealt with recently, than deal with no damage, self-sustain-y bunkers, even though bunkers have a very big playstyle weakness.
  4. Surprisingly though, most don't make it through and we got to praise to Balthazar for that one. At least I can play a Weaver build that is not condi nor healing. God knows that doesn't exist here in this wasteland of a gamemode.
  5. Why do you think half of the classes feel like garbage and people are starting to legit stop playing PvP altogether? Who wants to play a gamemode that has half messed up traits or cd nerfs that make no sense or skills that flat out don't exist. At least in WvW I know my crap works and I can have some semblance of fun compared to PvP where we have amulets that don't do anything, sigils that carry no impacts, relics that flip flop between useless or broken, and whole specs unviable because Anet decided to listen forum clowns. This has been going on for literal YEARS and no one batted an eyelash at the fact people would incorrectly point out the problems of classes, instead of taking the time to play the class and figure out which trait/skill/weapon was actually problematic. Whole classes had been destroyed because of this mindset, but again, no one is really wanting to talk about that except for the few who isn't afraid to call people out.
  6. Lol. Now for the fated words that were told to us. "Get over it, your class will still be fine."
  7. And here I thought I was going nuts when I saw gold 3s in top 250. NA is really really sad rn.
  8. I know exactly who to put on my block list now whenever I find it in me to actually queue in rank. Christ almighty, the amount of blatant admittance to afking is just mind boggling lmao.
  9. Azure, I'm glad you are one of the few sane people that can point this out. You are my last beacon of hope for this community LOL.
  10. My classes got destroyed by crappy, player mentalities and people did it with a smile. Don't come in here with this argument when people wrote about nerfs in droves and droves without any sort of hesitation. There are people that listed out the biggest issue when it came to ALL class balance and you think people care? People don't gain this mindset out of the blue, people gained this mindset because of the actions of others and Anet being dumb enough to listen to these forums/delusional players in any capacity. I am not saying I am a wizard, but if people took three seconds to realize HEY maybe ALL classes shouldn't be doing x, y, and z across the board, we'd have a healthier environment.
  11. Now ask those same questions for the other classes for their other specs.
  12. On EU servers organizing groups with randos within his discord. A lot of bigger streamer organize in discords moreso than the game itself. It's just the fact that not everyone knows that he organizes in discords because it is significantly quicker than doing it in game. Not saying this because I watch his content, but more from hersay.
  13. They killed healer as soon as they removed all the good healer amulets. Thank the people here that just can't seem to stand the fact that there were actual good support mains to do their job and not allowing them to one shot the team into oblivion.
  14. Ah yes, you must be one of the people that told Anet to get rid of the support amulets back in the day. No wonder they're so happy with making crappy amulets that do nothing for anyone.
  15. Now you sit here and ask me that same question with half of the other classes/specs that got gutted with NO compensation. Mesmer with Mirage Cloak? Engie with Stab, Rifle, AND Shield? Ele with Signets and some Scepter skills? Guard with any power build ever? Warrior with half of their traits? Thief with half of their skills and traits? What makes these classes different and deserved to be pidgeonholed when Ranger has skirted any major, class-destroying or spec-destroying nerfs? Tell me exactly why they don't deserve to be touched when they have been running under the radar ever since EOD went live?
  16. I'mma just yoink this for later, when this argument inevitably comes up again and hardcore players really assuming they make up the majority.
  17. This needs to be pinned. I never saw a more accurate representation of a community.
  18. I was thinking the same exact thing. I'm sitting here running around between one job (sometimes even two), while my mother sits around and complains how people my age doesn't do anything. Take note, I'm paying twice the amount of anything she had to pay for as a teenager. People really need to stop with the ageism argument, it makes you look old, withered, and bitter.
  19. If I could tap into the older forums, I would have been more than happy posting many, many threads of the complaints of HoT. It's not generalizations, it was a literal flood. Also, if we wanna call out generalizations, then let's go scroll back to the first page of this thread or the threads on the front page of this section. Please keep the energy for both sides.
  20. How am I projecting that? I'm not projecting anything. What I am saying is that you need to stop sounding like HoT was a golden age when these forums EXPLODED from the sheer AUDACITY of Anet trying to do anything beyond zerging content or easy, casual content that the majority wanted.
  21. So people are just being disingenuous. So we are going to ignore the plethora of threads complaining how hard the HoT content was? We are gonna ignore the fact people out the fact people were leaving in droves? So we are going to ignore the fact that many people were here CRYING that what the original HoT actually made Anet more money, in reality they had lost both players and money that people pointed out time and time again throughout the years? How many maps HoT had? Oh you mean the maps people were sobbing about and saying that Tangled Depths was one of the worst maps ever created. How many different types of enemies HoT had? The enemies that were promptly recycled from other enemies we had in base GW2? It will forever blow my mind how people will twist the truth on things just to fit their argument, and then disappear into thin air as soon as they're proven wrong. And THEN to top it all off, they use pointless, weak arguments on an expansion that hasn't been out for a month compared to HoT which has been out for literal years at this point. I swear these forums are just an echo chamber when they can't stretch their point to places like Discord or Reddit.
  22. Sir, what in the actual Six are you talking about? Every rift squad and meta that starts is literally IN QUEUE when I need to get my daily before reset. Do people really live in their own worlds and just come on the forums to say ANYTHING, because this buffoonery is just getting out of hand.
  23. I've been shouting this out for YEARS and people still don't get it. This happened with Engie, Rev, Mes, War, Ele, and Thief. Only ones that haven't felt the effects of their core being gutted was Necro and of course, our lovely Ranger. If people don't get it now, they won't get it until this game shuts down.
  24. Signets in that form wasn't healthy, you're right. But that still doesn't explain half of the other pointless nerfs that had nothing to do with SignetCata in the first place. As I said, this is WELL deserved mostly because people decided to scream out to nerf every other thing on Ele but the actual problem. So now, Rangers can deal with the same issue. I'll pray for them to see if they don't get pointless nerfs before they actually point out the actual problem 🙏
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