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Everything posted by Dreams.3128

  1. I find it hilarious that people were so hyperfocused on Ele getting all of these builds that Herald came out to smack the hell out folks and surprise them. Next time ladies and gentlemen please pay attention to all classes and not just the flavor of the month 🤣
  2. I'll say Core Ranger could in the range with Core warrior and such if the player is good. A good friend of mine has gotten to plat consistently (when he even bothers because like me, we are hardly ever consistent any more with it) with Core Ranger. I believe he did get P3, but once the wintrading and matchmaking became more rampant, he was stuck between high end of p1 into mid p2. Obviously that is not solid evidence and that is ONE of a few players, out of many players, but it can happen. It's just, unfortunately, not popular enough to ever garner attention or be notable compared to some meme Core Ele build. Besides that, I actually DO agree with you on the fact that ONLY Weaver should be buffed. I'm not sure if it was myself or someone else in this thread, but I've consistently only wanted Weaver buffs for a LONG time now because it's been the only ele spec, for me, that makes sense and shows actual skill expression that doesn't rely SOLELY on heal or solely on overbloated stats like Cata and Tempest respectively. It's also a thing to point out as well that Elementalist always seem to have a history as a feast or famine class. It's either absolutely broken or it is dog. There has never been an in between in the history of Elementalist existing. CMC, for whatever reason, does not see this pattern and consistently bloats the class or absolutely robs the class of what it COULD be in exchange bandage fixes that become a problem in the future. If anet could somehow or someway change Ele so that wasn't the case, it would not be problematic in the time that it gets massively buff. Revenant has this same exact issue, but from a completely different start up point. I'm sure there may be other feast or famine classes as well, but I will honestly say I have not put enough dedication in other classes compared to Ele, so I'm in no place to say otherwise.
  3. You act like other first world countries don't do this. At all. Go look at Korea, Japan, China, literally any well developed country ever. It is not just 'this country' it is teeming in every aspect of our world that YOU refuse to see. This is not a singular problem, this is a multi-faceted problem that will requires years, hell even decades to fix. This will require changing the mindsets of thousands, maybe millions of people who play games just like this and perform practices just like this. While I empathize with your frustrations because I've been waiting for certain items myself, there is a level of ignorance sitting within your statement when you are trying to pin the blame on one particular country. If you wish for change, you BE that change as well as the rest of us that are unhappy with the developments of MULTIPLE societies that have adopted capitalism as a benefit, instead of a detriment. Also using Lord of the Flies as a reference is just..so out of touch I don't know where to begin. Yeesh.
  4. I barely see it in plat games in my brief time of coming back, and when I do they are usually getting dogpiled very quickly. I don't deny Tempest's and Cata's strength, but Weaver actually brings nothing to do the team. Especially since there have been other classes that have taken its role. If you're going up against Weavers you're either going against Grimjack (which I'll be surprised if he does play weaver), or someone that has dedicated themselves to weaver so kitten much that they can time their bursts to the tee no matter what class they play against. Condi Weaver doesn't have a place in the upper echelons since there is usually duos or some form of support to offset any 'burst' they would have on scepter which has gotten adjusted and tweaked when it was shown to be overpowered. FA Weaver...do people even really play that at all? When they changed a few of Weaver's traits and Air traits back in, I wanna say 2018, people dropped it completely. Air hasn't gotten significant dps buffs and arcane has gotten changed a couple of times, so unless you are playing absolutely pure glass, its kill streak is not consistent as someone like Cata. 🤷‍♀️ That's not a spec thing, that is a sheer player skill thing. And seeing the skill within Plat, it is not particularly hard to pop someone unless you're going up against top 50s within your games. P1 and SOME P2 still play like gold players. That's not a magical, fix-all button. If that was the case Core Ele would actually be a threat with the rest of its bretheren and a lot of people know that isn't the case whatsoever.
  5. Ironic, how a youtube video has came out recently explaining even more obvious boosting, selling, RMT for tournament rewards recently. LMAO. You really cannot make this stuff up.
  6. Mirage had a brief moment where it was stacked at least two mirages per game in ranked (no idea about MaT, don't pay attention to those). Confusion and torment was a lot more deadly. The vigor built into their traits (it procc'd more frequently) allowed them to make a lot more mistakes, and the visual noise upon the screen was so disgusting that it made it a chore to even BEGIN to point out the actual mirage unless you were breaking your tab target key through the wave of animations. It's been a lonnnnnng time since that brief moment of them being ridiculously powerful. And I'll be honest by saying I cannot recall exactly WHEN in PoF they were disgusting. I want to say it was around the time a little after Boonbeast was getting culled and the whole scourge/fb aids was starting to finally settle down, but do not quote me on that. Outside of that couple of months, mirage did not stand out terribly once their wave of nerfs came in. But, yes, most things within PoF had their really really strong times.
  7. Oh, I absolutely agree. In fact, you've touched on one of MANY issues I have within this gamemode, community, and its treatment as a whole. That has been my gripe since day one when I truly began to grasp that there was some serious malicious crap going on and we essentially were looking like a bunch of clowns to a group that could not give two damns about anyone else's enjoyment except their own. The spirit of PvP has been tarnished for a long while and the lack of response due to some of these dunces being one of the few left that gives GW2 publicity and views is just honestly sad. I'm personally not saying this because I just sit around for essentially free legend armor, but it's just exhaustion speaking after harping about this for almost a whole decade (I started playing around 2016) and nothing being done. It's tiring and no wonder people simply left to let the rest of the community rot in their hole. But you are absolutely right, there's been suspicious activity taking place for years now and the lack of response is just vomit-inducing at this point. It's why I will never acknowledge someone's skill no matter if they are actually good. Perpetuating harmful behaviors that frightens away potential new blood makes me lose all respect for the achievements as a whole.
  8. No, no. Just screenshot what they said about Weaver and Core, come back on the 27th, and refer to whether or not if those builds actually do something. I promise you they won't. Trust me, I've played enough Ele across all of the specs to know those two won't hold a candle to Tempest or Cata in a competitive scenario.
  9. As I said in another post: Let these players rot in the purgatory that they created. No one cares about PvP, Anet does not care about PvP, PVErs and WvWers do not care about PvP or PvPers or any of the achievements that they have. Literally, go to any of the other gamemodes or any other PvPers to ask about the 'clout' behind getting to plat or even legend anymore. No one cares about these people and made peace with the fact that anything achieved from this gamemode is just an easier way to get legendary armor. Majority of these people outside of a select few who have genuinely have taken the time to teach people do not care and are just running it until this game either shuts down and they finally can move on to something else, or until PvP has become such a wasteland that everyone will stop having a care.
  10. FINALLY someone that UNDERSTANDS. Please, for the love of god nerf Tempest, nerf Cata, but for christ do something MEANINGFUL for Weaver. Slapping stupid numbers on sword are isn't going to fix it. It's not going to fix the sheer clunkiness of the weapon that nerfs created. And it's not going to stop Weaver's dependance on scepter because it legit is the only thing that properly works because scepter in itself is strong. Tired of people on here keeps saying Ele, when people KNOW it is the problem with TEMPEST and CATA synergies. You can tell no which people actually play the all three specs and know the ACTUAL issues compared to the idiots who are doing the same thing again of just nerfing the whole class and blindly allowing it to be tore up, only to go through the same problematic cycle of overbuffing and overnerfing. Wake the hell up for once.
  11. @Myror.7521 I'm still wondering that myself. Every time I want to pick up either Holo or Scrapper I literally recoil with the idea of having to slot in grenade kit because it legit still remains a solid, strong option. It's dumb and I REALLY wish they would rework ALL of the kits into something much more meaningful, instead of having this binary focus around grenade kit and how many grenades you can line up on someone.
  12. Good luck waiting for grenade kit nerfs. You'll be waiting about another decade before engineer gets something meaningful besides just spamming grenades all day.
  13. I mean..no...no..the guy has a point. While Anet is definitely a contributor to a lot of issues we have, the players in this game are definitely unbearable. Truly. I've seen a lot of these forum dwellers in action and lemme tell you...it ain't pretty. You can walk away from a game. You can leave. You can turn off the chat. You can literally do ANYTHING, but take your anger out on (most likely) new players or people that don't PvP often. Everyone is an adult and should act like they should have some sort of emotional maturity. It's a game at the end of the day and we are not the devs. Don't excuse dog crap behavior. Maybe people should actually start taking the word of new players seriously instead of saying: "wElL iT'S aNeT'S fAulT."
  14. Ah man, number changes....too bad that doesn't fix anything or how the class feels. I'm not here for numbers, I'm here for the fluidity of classes and it doesn't feel right given the fact they had nerfed certain skills on sword to disrupt their combo potential when they could've just done number changes to not make it feel as strong during their prime era. Get over your self and go cry some more about whatever class you cry about.
  15. Well when you have classes that didn't have mobility now have mobility like a thief, what are we supposed to do? I'm not gonna sit there and let some whiner one shot me through stealth or three dashes or tele dash tele spam while my class doesn't have half of those things. I play condi for the wb and thieves who sit in stealth all day. If condi is trash, then stealth is trash and classes that have FARRRR more mobility than they should is trash as well. Blame the devs not the players that found the answer 🤷‍♂️
  16. Also for my own post: Anet please explain to me WHY are you NERFING boon corruption. Please, just tell me why because you are LITERALLY going to allow boon gen builds (both solo and zerg builds) run RAMPANT without it. I just need to know WHY it is considered a healthy change. It is not fun, not engaging, or competitive. It is downright BORING.
  17. Problem is, Mirage was toxic BECAUSE of this trait and Anet pulled the sad move of hitting EVERYTHING but that specific trait for years. They didn't need to gut it, but rework it to something healthier while keeping their identity? Yes. That was desperately needed speaking specifically in PvP terms. They went about it as badly as when they were trying to balance Holosmith and Weaver at one point. Mirage deserves a PROPER rework and not a flat out nerf
  18. People saying ele got nerfed when their traits that made signets and arcane useable was basically turned into garbo. Also Weaver getting their stunbreak changed into something that doesn't do anything still, while they still haven't fixed sword's clunkiness. But yea, I guess Cata and Tempest are winning. Too bad Weaver feels like trash still.
  19. Support is in danger because idiots of the past decided to scream about ALL support classes instead of the ones that were actually problematic. So, because people were throwing darts at the wall instead of pointing out DRUID being strong and TEMPEST being strong BECAUSE of Clerics at the times and CHRONO overstepping its boundaries when it had some support, Anet decided to do the Anet thing and hit EVERYTHING. Skills, traits, amulets, everything. If people would STOP writing ridiculous threads and actually zero in on the actual problem support would have been a semi-healthy place (or not, maybe they never meant to be in a good spot). Blame your fellow peers not being able to voice their thoughts out properly and instead of writing like the dude above me. Y'all asked and got what you desired so 🤷‍♀️ Can't be mad. It is part Anet's fault with not knowing how to balance, but also the community's fault for not properly lining out WHAT the issues were with support when it actually mattered.
  20. If you were ever around past feb 2020 you would know ALL of those builds that you listed, at their absolute prime, were disgusting and were represented in 5v5, 3v3 (when it was around), and WvW. And if you take the chance to actually go back in really old videos and vods ALOT of those builds you listed were actually VERY much abused in high play. Lord knows how many times I've seen Naru basically faceroll current plat players here with trap DH and people were SCREAMING to get that class nerfed. Same thing with Flamethrower, Chrono, and everything else. Immob Druid is NO different from these builds, at all. The ONLY different they seem to carry (along with scrapper nades) is the fact that for WHATEVER reason Anet does not see the build as degen even though it checks off every box of a degen, unfun build. And this is not me speaking from biased because I've whooped enough immob to know how they work, it's more annoying over the fact the AMOUNT of work I have to put in to put down these sort of builds is beyond exhausting.
  21. ?????????? So let's take that logic with Cata which was absolutely broken and had the cooldowns/damage from a couple of months prior. So you're saying, everyone should swap to Cata and basically make it the most boring experience to date. Which, actually, if I recall people DID do that and made the forums/reddit/any other social media explode for a month or two. Does that even sound right? Does that even sound like a game? Imagine if they had that in something like League? Do you know how fast Riot would patch something out like that? It blows my mind people just say: "o well you can do it too?" So when people jump off a bridge, you do it too? And before you say anything, no I don't give a kitten about rank because I stopped caring about plat games ages ago so this is not about struggling with the climb.
  22. No, people that swap mid-game are saying: "I can't play the build that I chose well enough, so I'm just going to run away to the build that counters the whole entire team, even though they have to work through their downsides of their builds." Seriously, people need to wake the hell up.
  23. I'll agree with this statement because this community does shoot itself in the foot, the chest, and everywhere else. I will NOT agree with the fact that Immob Druid specifically is weak. It's a cheese-y build that is paired up with crap like Flamethrower Scrapper. People use this crap in WvW and use it in PvP (specifically 3v3s). It's not as popular in 5v5s, but it is still a degen build and it has been buffed for..who knows what reason. It's not fun, it's not interactive depending on the class you play, and it is just part of the braindead crew of ALL the other builds people wanted to nerf because they were equally degen.
  24. I need to post this in my little signature box. This speaks the truth on so many levels.
  25. Imma be real with you chief, I didn't even read if it was you being the only one that mentioned ele teleport or not. I was skim reading since I was at work and bored out of my mind. Didn't mean to seem like some sort of targeted offense, I am just more wondering why is the ele tp being brought up when its probably the most nerfed one out of all of the tps. (And personally I still don't get why they nerfed the stunbreak part of it given the fact mes has a direct almost 1:1 skill outside having a bigger range and actually being able to get to certain tp spots, porting through floors, and I think maybe one or two walls.)
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