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Yellow Rainbow.6142

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Everything posted by Yellow Rainbow.6142

  1. @Cyninja.2954Game is coming out on steam soon.What would they think if only thing they see is high requirement and sellers ads.Anet definitely had to shuffle some stuff. And, this is what we ended up. Hopefully, it is right move.
  2. Actually that is exactly what is going to happen for those that aren't already in statics or guilds like myself. Who do you think is better connected and has access to players clearing specific content? More casual players, or hardcore players? You are correct though, this will lead to more players joining guilds, discords and statics and leaving the LFG. Making access to this content even harder via the LFG. The end result can be seen in the NA raiding scene, which is pretty much dead LFG wise. In the past at least, more casual but patient players could at least catch up KP wise. So the question now becomes: how are you or anyone not as connected benefitting from this change? Besides now not seeing those groups in LFG. Weired but you can ping kps on raid. It's the 50+ kp requirement killed the raid lfg. I was refering to your suggestion to move to guilds and discords, which is exactly what happened to the NA raiding scene, in part due to a shrinking player base in use of the LFG. Which is exactly what you are suggesting and selling as solution to this situation. Don't get me wrong, I am often one of the first to recommend players join guilds or discords. I just doubt this will help the LFG using part of the community and given how this is more likely to be done from more invested players... are you getting what I am saying?Why did they move to discord or guild on raid though. KPS are still there.All i am saying is, all those high number of kps requirement only discourage new players and forces them to join guild or discord or worst not even try the content.People who can't handle 5 extra mins or 1 wipe should play with friends/guild just like people who can't clear.Lfg has been ridiculously venomous these days with high requirement and very specific needs.This must be changed and anet is just trying that I believe.
  3. Actually that is exactly what is going to happen for those that aren't already in statics or guilds like myself. Who do you think is better connected and has access to players clearing specific content? More casual players, or hardcore players? You are correct though, this will lead to more players joining guilds, discords and statics and leaving the LFG. Making access to this content even harder via the LFG. The end result can be seen in the NA raiding scene, which is pretty much dead LFG wise. In the past at least, more casual but patient players could at least catch up KP wise. So the question now becomes: how are you or anyone not as connected benefitting from this change? Besides now not seeing those groups in LFG. Weired but you can ping kps on raid. It's the 50+ kp requirement killed the raid lfg.
  4. Players being selective via proofs like these is an example of players "making their own group". You being upset and feeling excluded by such groups is an example of you refusing to make your own group. Makes sense, right? No, I have over 500 essence and stack of raid boss tokens. I just dont like to measure epeen. It is completely unnecessary and killing the said game mode. And, yes I make my own lfg and I do not kick people for under performing.
  5. Title is enough for me. If I wanted more than that, I'd not be playing this game. I'd be playing more competitive game where your skill gets truely tested.I am too old to fumble around this type of nonsense stuff.These are the same people used to say to new commerce that make your own group, guild, join training run.Well, here your chance, join guild, run with your friends if you care that much.All of sudden your own suggession seems pretty bad, doesn't it?Karma is bitch.
  6. 1000 thumps up if I could. So true.Some of these people acting like they r super human (god) and rest are still going through evolution to become homo sapiens is just amazing.It really tells me their limit, not other way around.Really, those 500 kp requirement should be against lfg rule. It doesn't help community at all.
  7. This would work in a situation where every player, no matter the experience, has the same amount of value, but that is not the case and usually you can clearly see a difference between like 500kp guy and 100kp guy which will lead to just kicking people after first boss (no matter the reason, they can have the kp, just messed up their opening rotation) because they cannot compete with more experienced players, meaning they are not suites for no healer compositions etc. There is not really any difference between 50kp or infinite kp players.There are however difference between static player and pug player. They approach encounter with different strategy.People like you just pushes others with your high demand and elite mentality on pug.You want perfect run, stay in your static, otherwise be ready for spicy run which is fun for alot of us.
  8. Funny, you say that. But, can't you do the same and not need armory?Oh, I get it, its hassle. May be that's why people made multiple set coz they dont want the hassle.PS. I have only 1 set.
  9. Anet not being consistent yet again lol. Still, theres smvery clear differencies between the 99, 100cm, the raid cms and the rest of the challenges motes. 99cm, 100cm and the raids changes the fights more than just on a numerical lvl. The fractals challenge modes are also designed to be replayable, the motes however where never designed to be replayed. The rewards are the only reason they're replayable.Um 1 million times agree. But, both 100 and 99 cm are actually done right. No cheap death. Perfect combo of dps and mechanics. Lately, it's all about dps :(
  10. Most fractals and raids have some mechanics which can be skipped via decent dps.If the crowd wants big dps, why even have such mechanics. Its waste of developers time. I'd say remove all the mechanics and put hard dps check otherwise remove 3rd party dps meter and make inhouse meter for people who like to see numbers.Ps. I do use arc but I just hate it when people start complain about dps doing 15k dps instead of 20?I was at kc last week, comm kicked this berserker warrior for doing 17k dps. And yes, I make my own lfg quite alot, then some dude comes and start saying why r we running 2 heals and why r we not center tanking on vg.Needless to say, I block them and kick them. Dont have time to measure epeen ingame.
  11. Why does it bother people so much? Just play your game and let them do whatever they want. It's a game, and anet is okay with it.
  12. i am okay with all the bling bling people want but plz give me option to hide on my own toon and other's as well. I am just getting tired of flashbang in this game.I don't even wear legendary ring (yes i made couple) because i can't hide it.
  13. The question i'm having with you're proposal is, whats the difference between this matchmaking system and just putting on lfg with welcome for all on it?or asking specific roles? when you enter in a lfg, you have to follow all the rules of the leader, most of the leaders are toxic and players already know that, the leader can kick you for nothing in the middle of a raid, with all those rules you will have to wait hours just to play, turning off players from even trying to join.I don't agree with this. This is a very sweeping statement that essentially removes any and all blame for the person joining. It is no secret that this is in any way always the case. then the leader will manual search for every role, players don't even know if that role is already inside, they have to enter, ask, then leave wasting their time, now imagine doing that every time. I mean...I don't agree with this either..I would say a majority of the time the roles that are being looked for are in the group description. Don't feel this is a real point a matchmaking is faster, easier to find a party, you don't have a leader annoying you, players will be willing to play to finish it, 1-10min and you are already inside with a base party made, you can play it any time of the day because a matchmaking find way more players than a simple lfg. This is super presumptuous . Especially the part in bold. Do you ever wonder why people are so desperate to get into groups that are more organised or have a higher skill level? Because their possibility of completing the content goes up. As does the time they save by not having to repeat it, wipe after wipe. Also based on your suggestion I cant say it would be faster to fill up since you're likely going to end up waiting for role X/Y/Z. matchmaking was invented to make finding party easier "its supposed to be easier and better, therefor it will be easier and better" isn't really a great argument , especially when you apply all the context needed to it. There has been a lot given in this thread but it gets ignored. the alot of given on this thread is all about my meta, my perfect party, nothing to do with a matchmaking and let other players playing it, so it should be ignored like u going to be from now on. I get it. "Its my idea and my idea has to be good. There is no way it could be a bad idea..because its mine!! self affirming pat on the back".The forums aren't an echo chamber of people to agree with anything you come up with. People can, and rightly have, picked an overwhelming amount of holes in your idea. Besides that this idea is in no way original. You can ignore valid criticism and scepticism all you want but none of this will change the actual issues with the idea. Its not my idea. I am just agreeing with someone's else idea. On other hand, forum is perfect place for people like you to show true color which is nothing but negative because you will find your match in real life. Is that what you are saying?Either way, I don't care much. Good luck and have fun. Its waste of time to post on these forum. Everything you post get shut down here by same group of people over and over.Bye.
  14. And you people don't seem to understand that you can already do this. Go to lfg, open the raid tab, edit squad description, type in "w1 all welcome". The same people who would queue for raids are the same people who would join an all welcome group. If no one joins your group, a magical queue isn't going to make them join. yeah, you can do alot of things different way but official matchmaking makes it easier for people who hesitate. Why people are against this?
  15. people saying this idea fails are not understanding 1 thing.It will give new people to taste new mechanics on their own time instead of scheduling and corresponding with 9 other people. Eventually, they will move on to joining group for better results.I have noticed ever since strike mission come out, there are quite many of new raiders popping out and people actually playing better on open world as well.But, raid being the way it is, they are getting turned off.matchmaking is definitely good idea to learn on your own pace.
  16. I hit around 16k on golem but I am usually top 2 dps on actual boss and topping chard half of the time.Not sure what I am doing wrong with golem setting but I didn't try more than couple of times.Knowing boss mechanics helps alot with dps.I'd say give it a shot on training runs. You would be surprised.
  17. I dont see point on this. Fractal lfg has not been problem for mostly none of us. It will only breed problem.Why look for solution when there is no problem.
  18. Please anet, make it so that block people can not see my lfg and I don't want to see lfg of people who have blocked me as well.I made lfg on raid and this guy joined my lfg. He started to tell everyone what we should and shouldn't do coz he thinks I am noob. I kicked him and blocked him. Now all he does is join my lfg at 10th person to get my lfg removed. And, he kept doing it week after week. This is really annoying. Reporting him really didn't do anything. Apparently some other people have had same issue with same person as well.Luckily I have friend who can fill as 10th person and I found work around. But, this is really short sighted on Anet's part.Please fix it asap.
  19. commander tag or not, legendary trinket needs visual disable or even wardrobe transmutation function. Hate running around with what looks like turd on head.
  20. why do people even care about this? I guess i cared enough to make statement :cold_sweat:
  21. Pugging has its advantage. I can play whichever role I feel like playing and whenever I feel like playing. I hate scheduling myself to certain time to play game.
  22. Elitism isn't too bad in T4s. It's in CMs where it gets pretty bad... cant rly agree. iv met the worst toxic elitism int not to much expirienced groups i think, regardless if it was cms or just t4s. For example healbrand kitten on ppl for low dps lmao. Ofc there are rly good and toxic players, but i cant say thers more of them than bad ones, that are stuck in t3If you sacrifice yourself and play HB and some necro or ranger comes along and they stay 10 ft away from group and just range doing sub 3k dps. HB has every right to shit on ppl for dps.I am no elite by any means but that is just too irritating.
  23. This is the only game I play, and its boring which is good for me. I don't want to get addicted to gaming :D
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