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Yellow Rainbow.6142

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Everything posted by Yellow Rainbow.6142

  1. They got pretty toxic chat going on right now in WvW EB server. And, this is not rare occasion. It happens every hour. All Started when someone lost dueling haha. Calling each other garbage and rest joined. So, NO dueling in pve.
  2. I am with you there.. I can't even count how many times I was forced to type gg coz someone forgot to prestack traps and stuff. It doesn't even save time. They just want dps stat padding. I don't mind if they do it as we go but making everyone gg just for little bit dps boost is ridiculous.
  3. I play WvW as much as I play PvE. And, sometime I duel in WvW (depends on mood) but I do not want any kind of duel in PvE. It this feature ever becomes reality, I will quit this game, Period.
  4. umm, 1 no stab knockdown to player = 0 dps from that player, its alot more than 15% damage. Not to mention, it can go kitten show very fast with multiple things going wrong (chain effect). Sometime, people are very exp and they can adjust to it but sometime, blame and curse starts flying. and Kicking and dismantle of team. Eitherway, I just leave the group. I really don't like fighting with player(s) in pve. Oh, I should mention, It doesn't happen usually on CMs group. People are exp enough to adjust certain way on CMs group. It's more frequent on regular T4 group where people just moved from T3 and you get one of these elite ALAC guy or totally new Alac person.
  5. I have seen Alac dps racing and not providing bubble, boon remove, cc or stab, even lack of alac lately quite a bit. When Alac go for dps, regular dps people that depend on certain boon suffers big time and then Alac start saying oh look, my dps is almost like yours. Duh, what do you think.!! On other hand, when alac is doing all the utilities as he/she can and suffers alot of dps because of certain instabilities, DPS people saying.. Lol, alac is close to HB on dps and make fun. So, it goes both ways I guess.
  6. PvP and WvW legendary armor didn't even exist when they implemented Raid Armor. I wonder how pvper and WvWer would feel if the situation was still like that. Hmm, they did the same thing as people are doing for open world leggy armor. Post after Post until they got it. Now, they got their goodies and they are against people getting it from open world, pretty Ironic 🙂
  7. nothing wrong with people playing the way they want to play as long as its not 10 man or 5 man instance content. This is the whole point of legendary armor from open world. I grinded raid and played the way other wanted me to play but Now, i just play the way I want to play which I am enjoying far far more.
  8. I fully support OP. If you are WvW player, you can get skirmish ticket for Legendary armor just by playing. You don't have to do anything special. Even I managed to acquire over 3k tickets and I am not even WvW Player. I just jump in for gift of battle. On Pve side, You have to do hardest content and group up with 10 people that berates you and ridicule you. I don't think people should be forced to put up with toxic people week in and out for armor. I remember this very vividly when I started raiding. Once, you know Boss strategy, it becomes little better but there are still some players that are toxic toward others if they pull little less dps than expected. I made more enemies playing this game(raid) than any other event combine game or real life. So, definitely with OP to have access Legendary Armor availability by playing open world PVE.
  9. 200 LI and no knowledge of legendary when all the help is available right on wiki. I don't believe this.
  10. @artharon Except, they will move to strike and kill the strike as well.
  11. "we should have a new raid regardless of a new expansion release, especially a raid that give especs like scrappers, spellbreakers, necro specs and all unused professions a job." have you played WvW? I am not against Raid but I will be avoiding it unless lfg system gets better. I don't like toxic environment when I am just trying to play game.
  12. that's what they have been doing. They blow through new fractal CMs, Raids and complain all day long while most of the people still trying to beat it.
  13. "and how many groups did you see demand NHLB versus KP before? You are comparing apples to oranges. " almost none, every listing was 50 Ess to all the way 500 while 250 and 100 was common. "CM groups ask for UFE which is the equivalent of the old KP but now require signing up with killproof.me. Every time you see any number with UFE behind it, that is basically a demand for a killproof ID to backup that value. " Its been over a month now, I have not seen any UFE killproof.me lfg. Its only DWD or LNHB (if doing old cms only), and at least 30% of time, doesn't even see title requirement. "Maybe this is different for NA, but as far as EU, nothing has changed so your conclusions at least relating to EU are false. " Must be EU thing, NA is definitely changed for better lfg wise. I can very quickly find group and finish cms easily than before. Its not rare to see 1 of the dps doing less than alac Ren, but I have yet to see anyone fuss about it lately as long as they do mechanics okay. 1 being carried is good thing for community. We have larger pool of player now than ever before in fractal.
  14. It is definitely different in NA server. I hardly see anyone asking more than DWD lately. Infact, I have not seen anyone asking more than DWD in a while now. And, I always join without any title and its very rare anyone even cares about it. There used to be 1 or 2 group asking for external link for kp proof but its not there anymore. I guess, They either run with friends or guild. Pug definitely got back to where it should be now. Easy to group up, and 90%+ time, success rate without too much hassle.
  15. There was huge outcry when Anet removed cosmic essense from fractal drop. I remember many were saying how fractal is chaos now and DWD title is not enough for pugging. And, I agree that for about a month, it was kinda frustrating experience to pug Fractal CMs but many new people got chance to do fractal CMs with d&d title regularly. Now, it's very rare that CMs group fail to clear fractal in reasonable time. Thank you Anet for eliminating 250+ essence that used to plague fractal group. Perhaps, something like that can be done for Raid as well 🙂
  16. some1 complain: Oh look pothole on road. Obtena : Just drive around it, Its not problem.
  17. I don't understand why Anet don't fix this issue. People have been complaining about this for a long time now.
  18. What kind of system do you propose? Well, this is just rough idea but I'd think, like fractal type tier (level) but for players based on boon output, kill speed, dps number, down time/number and executing certain mechanics. So, when you lfg, you can only join same level players unless directly invited by comm or one of the player in group. I know its not 100% but if Anet puts head together, they can come up with something that works for most of the people. Right now, skill level is so vastly different that you never know what you are going to face when you pug. And everyone gets frustrated easily when it happens repeatedly over and over.You can join guild or static but there are many who have RL things to do, and its not possible to join and play on schedule. I suppose it would bring more players to raid and we can have more people to play with. Atm, numbers are shrinking and its getting even harder to start Raid.
  19. there is nothing unfriendly about raids, it's just your biased opinion Unless you are very exp and play the way they want you to play, it is very unfriendly. That's why, I'd like to see LFG system revamped for group content. It's really hard for new casual player to get into raid. It's literally harder than finding a Real job.
  20. It's just, as i said, this is probably one of the worst uses for the easy mode idea Like i said, you are looking at this whole case way too narrowly, and thus are unable to see a bigger picture. Your desire to see current raids as the only raid content that matters colors your perception and makes you unable to see any options that do not fit that narrow viewpoint. When the game was developed, there really wasn’t any challenging content for those that wanted it. Raids was the solution to this and why they were added. Anet’s actions on adding strikes over additional difficulty modes indicates that they still prefer for raids to be the most challenging content in the game. Those that don’t want to play challenging content simply don’t need to play raids. The entire game doesn’t need to cater around those players as 99% of the game isn’t really a challenge. I have a friend who has a son and a daughter. Each was given a toy. The son also wanted the toy that the daughter had and got upset. This is how I’m seeing this situation. So much of this game is catered to those that don’t want to play challenging content and they got upset when they saw those that wanted challenging content get content specifically for them. I agree 100% except armor and ring is locked behind it.Make it available on regular pve and half of the problem for people goes away.
  21. Yeah it ruined it for me as well. I prolly did it about 20 times before I quit cm altogether. That lightfest, I just cant handle.It actually hurts my eyes.Oh well, I am okay though. I dont have to do everything anyway.
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