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Yellow Rainbow.6142

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Everything posted by Yellow Rainbow.6142

  1. absolutely not. I transmute my legendary because I don't want to see any aura or footfall. Unless, Anet gives us option to turn off all bling bling in game.
  2. Raid already rewards you with legendary armor and ring. And, 70+ liquid gold, drops and exclusive currency which you can turn into gold and other ascended armor. If you are bored with that may be its time you take break or do other stuff.
  3. It is still the old KP.So the change made it worse for new players. Transition doesn't happen overnight. I am seeing plenty of CMs run with DWD title requirement only. Btw, how did it hurt new player? They didn't have essence before and they are not going to get anymore. At least, they can run with dwd now. Before, If not 250+kp, you were out.
  4. guard guard guard guard rev exclusive combo is definitely asking for nerf to ground on next update :D
  5. People claiming that they were carrying new players with consumable CC but LFG full of CMs were demanding consumable CC made it look like they actually wanted to be carried. Just saying.
  6. 3 scourage + hb alac can do it very easily actually. In Fact, its a go to method for alot of pug for DWD.
  7. I think, it's because people started demanding consumables in lfg. So its a bit their own fault. When they removed KP people should have guessed it was to prevented gate keeping yet they made worse gate keeping with forcing ppl to used consumables even alac and HB even tho they can just used staff 5 and sanctuary to do plenty of cc, but nope that 1K more dps was all that counted even if only few ppl in lfg even reack 20K dps that's totally carry Not really, i play alac in fract and with pug parties i use all my cc (staff 5 + those from legends + axe 5...) AND cc cons because usually ppl don't use cc at all in random CM groups (not an issue in static). There are always bad playersIts not that they are bad players. I suppose you could say they are bad but They are dps greedy people. They can't hurt their dps number by clicking on consumable or taking cc instead of something that might give them 500 more dps. Or worse, they don't use/save CC and they wont cc unless its within their rotation.I have encountered this quite a lot on 100 cm which is not problem anymore coz I am retired from that content because of blinding lightfest.
  8. This is really turning me off from game. I can take People with bunch of infusion (able to turn it off would be nice) but blinding light from snowball tonic?, troll gadget on chest and even instances like fractal 100cm, its so blinding.Sometime, I just think about quitting game altogether because of it. I can't hurt my health to play game. I am gonna wait until PS5 release and gonna have judge this in very detail. Hate to part away from game where I have invested some time but its going out of whack.
  9. no idea what msi treu color monitor preset anti-blue means. But, i will definitely play around setting to see if that helps.
  10. Titles will never be a valid killproof because you can buy them. And cheaply. But what you are talking about is entry level CMs. My post is about 250+ groups that usually run without a healer. and u can buy account that has kills. nothing is 100%.So, if you read my post, want speed clear = go static.o btw, i have over 250+ but i still can't do without healer. so how does that work?May be, if lfg CMs+T4. no heal run, you may get the people you are looking for.
  11. I'd not blame Snowcrow. You can modify your build to fit your style. If you just copy and paste then try to run like them without understanding then its more likely fail in pug.They give you solid idea for build. You do your rotation. Try to understand why rotation are the way they are and simplify it to to pull 85 to 90% benchmark. You can still top the chart on pug.
  12. running CM+T4 lately with DWD only and I have been completing it fairly reasonable way. 1 or 2 wipe on 100 sometime but mostly smooth enough. But, I did run into problem yesterday while 1 person didn't have dod or DwD. We kept wiping on 100 then they started to tell me that i am not healing enough. I just left coz I knew not to argue and made another party with DWD and cleared it easily.again, want speed clear = staticwant to learn = make ur lfg or static.want to just just do CMs+T4 = DwD.It works.
  13. I am actually surprised, it took this long for someone to post about it. I feel the same way. It literally blinds me on dark phase.
  14. I dont see how this precieved problem works simply because elitists dont own access to said instances, eveyone is free to open an instance, make a group and try their luck. Except same people come to your lfg and try to hijack your group and spewing hateful stuff.Sometime they even come in pack and try to dps race with their friend and not do single mechanics and not rez 1 player even if someone is down right on their feet.New players are already intimated by the fact that it is hard content and some so called exp players doing that definitely hinders one's ability to lfg again.I go through this every week.
  15. I used to play this game for fun. Now it has become all about reward.Shame on me.
  16. Agree with talindra. I mained chrono for fractal and raid for 2yrs.It was hard for me to go guardian.Now I main guardian. I will just move to different meta if they nerf it.There will always be 1 meta and people will choose that over other because everything is about saving that 2 minutes in run without exception. This is our culture in gw2, now live with it.
  17. 1 complete cm run = title5 complete cm run = new title10 complete cm run = new new title (may be)You want more or less = play with friend, guild or static.This would be healthy for game in my opinion.
  18. @armen,I have over 500 kp but I have never played without healer in CM.So can I do it without healer?Sure I can not do it. Not without few dry runs.Kp means garbage after 50 or so.Btw, those 150+kp people that you pug, they started from 0. And, you get to enjoy playing with them because people like me showing them rope and giving them chance.If everyone thought the way you do, you are right that you would be waiting hr or not play .
  19. People can adjust. Trust me, they have brains just like you. Just different lvl of motivation, that's all.
  20. and lie with chat code generator. Truth is that, people peaked in their knowledge and skill at around 20 ESS. Most players experienced the largest growth between 1 ESS and about 20 ESS. The difference in player skill between a 20 ESS player and a 200 ESS player was so marginally low that it didn't really matter aside from if you really cared that much about completing your nightly fractal run a few minutes faster than normal. And yeah, that mentality brought in a lot of really really unnecessary toxicity actually. @Fir.7932 Mark my words, having no ESS KP for this big fake imminence front will reduce toxicity in very significant ways. As mentioned in the other thread, the second biggest skill gap is between playing with and without a healer, not in being slightly faster in pressing buttons between 20 ESS and 100 ESS. And again, it seems like you encourage the idea that a player couldn't play with no healer unless they had some crazy amount of ESS, which is simply not true at all. If players were trained with no healer from the get go, they'd just get used to it, like they do with anything else in any other video game. Considering that a player was telling the truth and not fake pinging, KPs do speak for a certain amount of experience, yes. But there is an awful lot of this KP thing in specifically GW2 fractals, that is a big fat illusion of grandeur. Sorry it's just true. No, I am saying that it requires a certain amount of practice, one that will almost never happen at sub 100 KP groups. Even beyond that, many players never try or want to get good enough to play without a healer. As such, at 300+ KP level, players are communicating a specific type of playstyle, and gating for players who want to play the same way. Not gating clear experience. Your theory is also very easily disproven. Gating happens by necessity. If every player or the vast majority could play wihtout a HFB, this would not require gating. The fact that most players can't or won't (do to what ever reason) has lead to further gating. As such, your understanding of how KP are used is limited or incorrectly explained here. Players certainly do not gate 300+ KP because they assume other are to incompetent to clear the CM. They do because they want to run without a healer most of the time and communicating this. ahah, each time my friends that have 1000kp carry me during the weekend, they bring a qfb and i become a carpet as a weaver if a take at least one attack because i have no healer to get back my hp, but the fight is going so fast you basicly do every cm in 10-20 minute, but that can't happend if one of the dps don't do enough dps (or one of the buffer that don't give the buff) to instant phase the bosses, you are not supposed to get hitted (or fail to evade the attack that can't be skip without big burst). Believe me i have 50kp now, and i cleary see heaven/earth or night/day between the skill of my little 50kp skill and the big 1000kp players.So 50kps are very capable of playin on high lvl, just need a little jump start?You contradicted yourself there.Anet should just remove all cc and mechanics from game. Isn't that how high level players prefer anyway? Dps down so you dont have to do any mechanics.
  21. Cm + T4 no healer. There is your filter. Why all the fuss. Beside, I have not seen 1 lfg in NA without heal or hb in 4 years unless someone recruiting for static.
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