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Posts posted by Aigaion.7981

  1. 1 hour ago, draxynnic.3719 said:

    Depends on whether you're going full DPS or whether you're taking the alac trait. The alac trait competes with the trait that buffs torment, so if you're running alac, you don't need a specifically torment-focused weapon.

    The main issue with Specter is that it gets outplayed in pretty much every game mode. Alacrity ? ElemWar and Mesmer give it more reliably. Condi DPS ? Lmao Necro. Pure trolling ? Yeah that's something Thief is good at.

  2. At this point, just delet this kittening class awhole if it gives everyone nightmares. I just can't stand anymore ANet constantly cutting off thief balls while Willbenders just keep being OP. What's the next step ANet ? Make the only utility of thief be to decap points ?

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  3. On 9/11/2023 at 6:32 PM, hardloop von edgehoven.851 said:

    the "dead"eye: BEWARE" *puts the sign on his head saying " I KNEEL NOW, can´t move now. dont kill plz" ...any enemy profession comes around disables all of you and stomps you to death in around 1.4secs

    the "crap"specter: "hey im a specter with scepter! did u get that joke?" ...*dead while applying one hit of torment that ticks critically with almost 100

    it sounds slightly exaggareted, cos when you not dying instant in almost any wvw situations that counts, "shadowsteps/charges/hoops to death" mechanics , the one situation you dont, the elite thief professions gives you at least some BORING gametime minutes killing lords etc with a tad bit more than average damage, unless u go full glass...if

    daredevil: "i may say a word or two"

    Would love to know what class you are playing. I'm going to jump ahead an say that you are either a necro main or playing mech engineer. Anyway, any class that attracts the rather no smart ones. 

  4. 49 minutes ago, Bale.3851 said:

    Heres my prophecy: The same guy who rants about harbinger will rant about core necro after harbinger is nerfed. Same situation but slower gameplay. At least harbinger is an easy kill target. So what do you like more? Tanky and damage + massive fear or just dmg and some cc. Your choice. I mean people cried for 2 years to nerf necro shroud. Now its gone and you are still not happy.  These 2000 people in SPVP never happy about anything.


    Instead of nerfing damage everywhere just buff!!! underperforming speccs. How about that?


    Necro was pretty balanced until EOD, it's the same at each expansion, there are broken classes that need balancing, that's all. I have to problem with classes being strong, what I don't like is classes that have both insane condis, insane boons, insane tanking and stab on shround.

    • Confused 4
  5. 1 hour ago, Jumpel.3972 said:

     Shhhhhh don't joke on this ! Some people will actualy explain Soulbeast "oneshot" build because of thief existence


    When actually thiefs build around not having to deal with the kittenous Soulbiests

  6. I hate to be that guy, but Harbinger is just an ape level spec. Necro skill floor always was pretty low, but Harbinger is just ridiculous, imagine having such a stupid spec where you just need to apply all your condi with your pistol, get all dem boons (lol) and just shourd for the win. Also, you know a spec is dead broken when all the other specs of the class are literally gone (lol Mechanist)


    Anyway, hoping for this brain dead spec to get a good kick in the balls.

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  7. Hi everyone.So... This post is gonna be weird. It's venting, but I'm gonna try to be as constructive as I can.I am a Guild Wars 2 day one player. I've been through beta and player a little over a year before leaving for IRL issues. A little less than a month ago, I decided to come back for a look at the game... Boy was that a ride... I'm not gonna smacktalk or anything, but the current state of the game makes me just want to jump back out as quick as I jumped back in.

    World versus World is insufferable, pretty sad when the main aspect that makes you want to play seems to be the worst. I don't do PvE in Guild Wars 2 so I'm pretty much exclusively here for WvW. How much classes are there already in the game ? 9 if I'm correct adding the Revenant ? All I see all day long in WvW are the same classes and specs, Firebrands, Dragonhunters, Mirages, Scourges, Soulbests. Only ridiculously OP classes that just require to slam the face on the keyboard to win a fight like who cares.

    Ascended gear is ridiculous. Back in the days of Exotic only, you had a chance against other people. Now, if you are not full Ascended, you're just gonna be a ridiculous dummy that gets stomped by literally everything without a single chance to win. And this is supposed to motivate players to gear up ? Does ANET really expect people to tank through the WvW BS and hope for the best that everything will change once they grinded several month to gear completely ?

    Don't get me wrong, I am not criticizing the fact that gearing is long, I am criticizing the fact that I really don't feel any interest in doing it in a game that is all about playing the latest meta class that rolls over everyone's face with zero pressure. If at least Ascended didn't give people such a huge power spike and if I had a chance just by skill to win fight, I'd take the chance, but right now I'm not even remotely going through the grind to get full Ascended and hope that things will go better since my class in not a meta one.

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