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Everything posted by Orih.5210

  1. Pretty clear, that the new Added Salvage Categories should be part of the API.
  2. As i know noticed they shortend the Mini Season(from 2 weeks to 1 week), please anet when u do such things communicate that to us.
  3. i did a little of resarch, the normal achivments/daliy is listing the dalies of tomorrow like the achivments/daliy/tomorrow does. Just a note for the anet dev who needs to fix this.
  4. yes there is the https://api.guildwars2.com/v2/worlds?page=0 list all worlds names, playerStat and id, beside that u can do a https://api.guildwars2.com/v2/worlds?id=1001 to directly get a world
  5. Let's begin in order: 1) Yeah i would say a constant unranked Playlist would be cool, but a constant Ranked would only futher Split the Community and not help 2) While Removing all Gold from the loot, would help against the bots. It would also futher decline the player count because some player only play pvp because of the fast gold u can make. 3) Ha the lovley Money, the best would be to futher expand a Algorithm what helps them identfiy the hackers and bots. 3B) it does something it sends a ticket to anet what they review, and sometimes ban people. I now currently from around 5 Player where i reported too that got banned.(The best thing to help would here, to inform the reporter that a player where they reported got a ban for his behavior...) 4) are u from 2012 or something? Downstate and all play with that connected are the roots of GW2 Unquie Identite removing it constant from the sPvP would make this mode odd for newbies from the other modes and remove some intressting downstate plays, where esspacilly higher skilled player can gain alot of things of.(Out bleeding, cap neutral holding, Mistforming or porting to ally to rezz, all rezz skills, 1+ in teamfights with focused aim attackes... all this strat develope over the years of playing just gone) What i personaly think would help the Gw2 PvP. 1) Better Matchmaking, The Matchmaking should not only be controlled threw class balance but also with the elite specs in view. This would be solve some problems with not having a supporter in a team but the other have... 2) More Mini Seasons Mode, Just on the Hand, Anet said to begin of the mini season that they would also like to add CtF or King of the Hill i hope something like this comes with EoD.(And a good Battle Royal, not this wirred Southsun thing), also adding the pvp Mode from Ft4W would be a good start. 3) The Special AT Mode Satuerday, While i auctelly like this AT Week where u have each day a diffrent Mode AT mode it would also be cool to change that up that we have each satuerday a diffrent mode. And Aim for having one Turnier each Year for the special mode where u can get a special title and a special Gizmo. 4) Let the Esport Return, that is something what is on the hand, while many i argue but the balance is still bad i would say that dosen't rly matter when the balance is at least not focused around one build. Target for the Mode: Currently the Target for the mode should be, to have 1 major Balance Patch each quartale and each month smaller fixes, to keep it intressting. Beside that Anet should focused too fuel more player in to lower the matchmaking times in the higher area and to get fairere Matches overhaul. Beside that i think with season 30 it should be time to get the next Bulk of pvp Title out for Top1-250 Ur currently P2 Fire Weaver and top 100 PS: the bunker problem As it alwayse would be and alwayse was, is the bunker problem, personaly i hate bunkers and they more ezy way to get ezy good, but the desgin of the mode caputer the points, makes them the natural supiorer. The best way against this problem would not be to remove downstate or lower the heal and the barrier to "remove" them, it would be just better to buff more the dullist builds, where should be the conter to bunker with the idea to not only stay ezy alife against them but also be on the point, and buff the roamer Builds where currently only good too to 1+ duellls against a dullist but not against a bunker. PSS: I know my english is rly bad, i apolgize for that
  6. Seems like for the rss feed you need to be locked in, then simply for the topic u want select the topic, then press Stream Options and there u have it.
  7. First yes Guild Wars 2 is using Glicko-2 but a little changed, first it use a min and max violate and min max Deviation that means, this littel trick has his limits. Beside that we have to problem with not many players are able to control a match in that sens to effectiv "farm" Deviation, out for that simple reason u are not alone. And now the truth there is nothing better, many Ranking Systeme has similar or even the same issuse.Here is the wiki Link for the GW2 MMR System: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/PvP_Matchmaking_Algorithm
  8. On wich Server would u play then? On the New Microsoft Deep Sea, yeah why that is a good idea to drive up the player count over all queues it would lead to a ping fairness problem. Greate Idea then but it would not be fair overall.PS: Rocket League has a system like that but quickly learned that player would just select there nearest Server and play there even that would mean longer queue times.
  9. hi u do need the Skill by Pallet, (https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/94395/api-updates-december-18-2019 here is the forum post with a complet Breakdown),u will find it under api.guildwars2.com/v2/professions/(professionName)?v=latest the first is the id in the ChatLink the Snd is the ID for the API.
  10. All 3 ids requierd for a spefic output from the contients subpoint are given in the Maps Subpoint where u just need the map id what u get from the Mumblelink https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/API:2/maps
  11. As far i can see that, there is no way to tell what the render service can give u, but yes the skill endpoint even gives u enemy skills.PS: This is the agony render https://render.guildwars2.com/file/C0B3EB17FEA2B0C4481333F36AA619EB9ABD1CD6/514400.pngPS 2: I did write some python lines using requests and functools to get all buffs plus there icon link.
  12. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Emissary_ChestThe Order is:Vigill, Whispers, Durmand
  13. Nope it's not.beside that the Order is.Blue, Red, Green
  14. just us instade https://api.guildwars2.com/v2/wvw/matches/stats/2-1 and calc the kdr by ur self.
  15. "Bye" is to Win a Game when sombody from ur team Leave the Game and it would be a Forfeit. Quitting befor it is over is "Desertion"
  16. Turn off Dx9v12 addon and u should see the Modell.(when u dont have the addon, then there is a bug.)
  17. Is this a bug or is this planend? I also want to know will this stay, i'm right now programm a little programm to store and analyse PvP Matches and it somewhat confusing me.
  18. I totally understand, that with removing the "Sigil of Agility" but the problem is, it will hit Builds that are depending on this Sigill and they are not meta.When u going to do it look to buff those build to safe them. Espaciley Boonbeast, a Soulbeast Build what deppends on Boons us that Sigill in combi with own of the trait.
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