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  1. i would have alt+f4 and called it a gw2 day. i dont do such anymore. too many builds are just solely fun for their users not the contender cause they feel you are fighting against someone who uses a cheat-tool but its the real game design... anet should look if there are any experienced competitive leads on the market available.
  2. The Equiptment Preview needs a update. Items and Armors are often cut off in the small equiptment preview window. The window shall be wider, bigger, etc. One should also be able to zoom in and scroll out the avatar etc. It should be possible to preview 2 weapons wielding, too, atm one can only preview holding 1 weapon. we cannot preview e.g. holding a sword and shield together. another topic has ever been to preview infusions and infusion stacking as well. also another topic is to preview dye. atm there are only 4 dye slots for the complete preview. every item should have its own real dye channels in the preview. ty
  3. dont know bruh, all the stuff you listed for SOTO are actually more or less QoL changes and not really xpac specific content. Same for JW, Homesteads are a general housing feature that could just be brought in without xpac. what is actually really Janthir content so far?
  4. when anet brought dx11 they announced further upgrades to the engine but had no timeframe back then. i still hope this is still on their list and gets done. engine is old and not making use of what by now every players pc can do.
  5. if idont want grind i just craft gen1 spears no problem. i wonder if one can turn off the floating animation that appears behind the character. we extra asked to be able to turn such effects off in trinkets, backpiece and amulet now the legendary weapons blink blink around your character?
  6. will play it until achievements done and not beyond. boring pre-events, boring bossfights. the soto convergence is way more replayable. janthir convergence feels like dragon response missions. something is missing, it feels like tossed together and not really finished like they rushed during development cause they had to finish it but not because they wanted to do it. it could be a random open world event i come across while doing world completion and forget about its existence after. when considering the good quality of the first 2 janthir maps this convergence is big step back and not a worthy addition.
  7. we need a portal that leads to an mmo hub. from the mmo hub one can enter any mmo with ones character. create one character, play all the mmo. my asura in starwars online.
  8. there should be a stable master npc in every major city who got the pets unlocked once they are tamed. create alt ranger, visit the npc, pickup the pets. either pick single ones or click "pickup all". this way the players who want the taming journey can still do so and everyone else can just pick em up. i would play more rangers as well but cba to go for pet journeys again. some require event chains that do and all this...
  9. where is this haircut and armor from the concept arts?
  10. ALT+F4, go in pub, have some drinks, meet some people instead.
  11. and while im at it: a player who was able to pin you down until you are safe 1vs1 dead could only do that by using a cheat tool to alter the skills as it was never possible to do that that way. such design did not exist for a reason.
  12. in the beginning of gaming a player who was able to stealth multiple times in a row was directly detected as cheater using whatever cheattool to do so. same goes for all the specs who by now are able to blink through walls or objects. back then someone who did that was 100% a cheater. there is a reason games had been designed that way, cause whatever class or build it is, it can never be designed only to be fun for its user or "because it works somehow" for them. nowadays gw2 makes use of what in the past was cheat gameplay... why nobody wants to play the game anymore?
  13. the system should be like european sports leagues. seperate the divisions in the matchmaking from each others. platinum only fight platinum, gold vs gold etc. the 10 worst platinum players move down to gold division at the end of the season, the 10 best gold players move to platinum division for next season. same with silver, bronze. this will currently give the new players and rather not so skilled ones the rest from getting thrashed every second match by veterans etc and every player knows clearly where he is at to actually give incentive to be in a different division the next time. some might scream now that this will cause longer queues but if you dont start to bring rest into this aggression of up and down from match to match it can never recover at all. also causing a smaller platinum division like that will give anet more overview of who actually cheats in there and hopefully to take action finally against the ones who use this game as a personal underground plattform for illegal account sales.
  14. i think core, specs, weapons, runes, sigils, relics, food and infusions are already too much. the more of that arrives the more i lose interest in the game. i feel burning out playing it regarding build possibility.
  15. Title says it. Stuff like more haircuts, charr fur colors, sylvari skin colors, character cosmetic slots for face tatoos, facepaints, tatoos in general etc.
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