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Everything posted by Zionka.6897

  1. Check achievements > general > explorer.. There are two locations in dredgehaunt cliffs that aren't needed for map completion, but are needed for the achievement. It's possible that may be it. Edit: nevermind, I'm an idiot
  2. My "other" I choose because it may be easier to do than reworking placement system in home instance. What I'd like to see, is a guild hall introduced that is smaller than the current ones, and able to be aquired solo. Then people could choose to either have that their private home instance to build up, or the small friend and family guild could have a little hall without asking for help to aquire the large ones. If I were to pick one of the choices given in the poll, it'd be yes, keep the farming difficult, I want to never be done
  3. I too made a new account, to experience again what it felt like to be new, no masteries, no mounts. Also to see what might have been changed (yay tutorial achievements!) I even kept it on the F2P mode until not being able to use map chat or to whisper drove me nuts, and upgraded. I had no issue with events, I just did them when they'd pop up in range of my mini-map. I would occasionally wish I had my glider or skyscale, but running around on foot or using waypoints didn't feel like a bother. I levelled to 80, got my personal story for core done, but then caved and skipped to HoT so I could get masteries unlocked before doing LW2 only because no auto loot was driving me nuts. Core Tyria seriously is fine with no raptor, and another bonus was I discovered a TON of stuff I didn't even know was there, especially doing map completion in cities. I think it's a good thing mounts aren't available to new players. They make you miss so much, all the little details that make Tyria a special place.
  4. yes, I've been doing that, and it's not awful really, but my minions like to kill things when I kite away, so I sigh and run back to the corpse, because, of course it MIGHT be a key! ha! Hey, it could happen.....
  5. I'm terribly sorry then... My memory is embarasing. I could of sworn I was working toward them before HoT. I won't complain then, and just keep plugging along as I had planned. Was sort of looking forward to working on them, but I'll resign myself to the suffering doing without for a month or two. False alarm vent! lol
  6. So, I made a second account because I got a wild hair to relive how things felt when I was new and had nothing. Running around on foot, no auto-loot, working for everything with a new perspective.I hit buying the expansions due to the sale, and to have full content at my disposal, but had no intention of doing anything in HoT or PoF out of order. I planned on doing the LW season 2 content first, when I was ready. But I get to 80, and see my Tyria masteries are locked until I do HoT or PoF content.. huh? Really? Why? This makes me really sad, because now I have to jump ahead before doing more map explorations, because I really really want to get my auto-loot back.I guess I just don't understand why they did it this way, and locked anyone out who would like to do content in order without getting gimped by not having mastery access we all had at launch.When did this start? Is there a good reason?
  7. I'm really, really bad with JPs, but I really, really love being challenged. The small inclusion of them in some story sections is not a big deal to me. One thing I have recently discovered in another game, that when content gets made easier and easier, til there are no challenges left, all people can do is talk about "back in the day" when things were so much harder. We may complain about things we have difficulty with, but then when those things are gone... It's sad indeed. I absolutely love everything I experience here, and the harder things I always get past with some help from a friend. The result is, things actually mean something when you conquer them. I hope content continues to be challenging, in every possible way. If you don't like doing the JPs in the story, no matter how basic they are, run it with someone else, and it will advance when they reach the end.
  8. It's hard to know if this is a legitimate workaround, but my friend who has recently joined has also had the same issues. I myself, have never been kicked out durning/after cinematics or cutscenes, (and I'm on a cruddy laptop) but have been well aware of the issue for a long time. So we were trying to determine why it was so bad for him, and not for me. I do run the game in windowed mode, always, he was always fullscreen.. So he tried windowed, and no more issues so far. This might be coincidence, or there might be something to it. I can only imagine the frustration, being unable to complete long sequences, struggling to get to the end, only to have to do it all over again. It's worth trying anyway, if it's consistantly happening to full screen users.Yes, it needs to be fixed bad, but maybe in the meantime, we can find something that works.
  9. Yes, the new system will allow ALL of your guildmates, regardless of current server, to play together in an alliance once the new system hits. If you don't ally with other guilds, you will largely have different allies for each 8-week session, but everyone in your guild will always be together on the same side. Thank you for answering that... And it does make this change appealing in at least this respect! The "transfering worlds mid season" in the main thread was throwing me off, but I'm not going to think about it anymore, since me and my guildies can finally go cause some trouble together, yay!
  10. I'm understanding most of what's happening, but one thing with it seems unclear. Example: A small guild currently based on server A marks itself as a WvW guild. All active members mark it as their WvW guild, because for all members, having just one guild is how they want to play. But some members are on server A, some are on server B, one on server C, and so on. Previously, they never got to go to WvW together, on the same team.This is where I'm confused. It seems the new matchups will not be servers, but randomized teams. (people will only chose NA or EU at account creation) Yet I still see server transfers mentioned, and somehow still factoring in about playing together under this proposed system. It's not making any sense. I just want to know if our multiserver guild will now be able to come to WvW together, if we have it set like I mentioned. Also, we would not be looking for someone to form an alliance with, if that matters at all.
  11. wow, this popped up when I was having a few days off, and got really long. I can't read the whole thread, but I'm kinda sad about this, initially. To completely lose the last thing in the game that had a sense of community, after the mega server thing. What I am particularly unsure about, is the guild being a "WvW guild" I am, and will continue to be, in a tiny little guild of close friends, and no other. We will ocasionally go to WvW together, but most often, we'll just go alone, since only 2 of us are on the "home" server. By and large. we're just PvE with the occasional WvW. It doesn't seem very clear if it has to be a black and white thing, all or nothing. Also not clear on if it will no longer matter if guild members are (for now?) on other servers. Ugh.. I'm just so confused. I'll try to keep up with it as it draws closer to actually being implemented.
  12. I've read most of the comments here, and one thing i agree with most, is to heavily focus on the fact the core game is free. The game doesn't need advertising for expansions, it sells itself once people experience it. There's so many things about GW2, just in the mechanics of it.. How you don't have nodes or mobs "stolen" from other players, giving it such a refreshing sense of community.. How you don't need to upgrade and get new armor every expansion. No sub fees! Jump puzzles! And even if you're playing free, to see those mounts, you realize this is a game worth investing in. These are the things for me that make GW2 irreplaceable, and that keep me coming back if I try other ones for a while.The beautiful landscapes and combat mechanics are icing on the cake. All that is needed is to get people to TRY it, and it will speak for itself. Why not give it a try, if you can for free, and get soooo much more than "free trials" I've seen. Featuring the expansion isn't terribly productive, as someone else stated, it's level cap content. New players will buy it, no doubt, once they're hooked on core.That eve video... Not my sort of game, but that was amazing! If I was into that sort of thing, I'd be immediately looking for a DL link, hehe. That's marketing, showing players enjoying the gameplay.
  13. I love it as is, it's a really powerful video IMO.. the music, the images, if I wasn't already a fan, only knew it existed and little more than that, this would totally make me want to try it out. The only tiniest thing that might be missing is a few seconds of an actual combat scene, rather than, or in addition to, people just drawing their weapons. The combat here, with the motion and fluidity is one of many things I like here. The jackal scene is perfection, with him running across the sand, was my favorite snip.
  14. This has bugged me so much, that something otherwise so well designed seems to have this texture flaw.. We don't have lines on armors and gliders that are dyable, the other mounts don't have this problem that I've seen, it seems to be exclusively a griffon issue. It's like it's forcing you to make dark/light contrasts, just so it's not glaringly noticeable, and even then, it's needing to be orange or red or purple to blend in. If there must be an undertone there for shading reasons, can't it be a more neutral medium tone grey instead of this reddish hue?
  15. Are they still calling these micro transactions?Anyway, I thought both skins weren't something I'd buy for even 200 gems. Just a matter of taste.. If they put one out I actually liked for 2000 gems, well.. I might like those shoes I saw at the mall, but if the tag said $200 I'd walk away. Just because we like it, doesn't mean we buy it, ya know? I'm pretty certain there'll be a lot of options at various prices as time goes by. No need to stress over current offerings.
  16. I've never heard of him called Steve. The name I call him would be translated as kitten here.
  17. Dunno if this has been mentioned in this thread, it's a bit long to read every post, but would it be so terrible to offer items in both a package deal and separate? Example: I refuse to pay for a glider bundle that includes wings for my back. I hate wings. I love new glider skins. I won't pay for both, ever. I understand a lot of people will spend more on 2-3 items than the one they actually want, good for $$, but logic tells me more will pass on packages, negating the increase in gem sales on said package. The recent ghostly mount package is another case of this.
  18. Agree with aggro on foot is out of hand. I was on foot navigating a bunch of scaffolding things, came to a wide cave I wanted to investigate. I've been playing this since day one, and I know ranges, and when I can and cannot be sneaky. All that is out the window in PoF. I should still be allowed to be somewhat stealthy to avoid certain death, it was always a part of the game for me. Now, the only choice is hack my way in, and sometimes I'm just not good enough for that. Please stop taking some of the fun out of exploration with this aggro range, Anet :(
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