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Everything posted by Jugglemonkey.8741

  1. It likely wouldn't be that good for roaming, no stunbreaks and no stealth means you're gonna get trained down repeatedly. Take SA over kitten and a couple of stunbreaks and your odds of not dying horridly will increase dramatically.
  2. Just gonna say this: In terms of power, SA thief without D/P <<< SA thief with D/P. It's the combination of SA and leaps through smoke fields that people are usually complaining about, SA for virtually any other spec or weaponset is actually fine.
  3. Tbf I would love to scorpion wire an entire zerg off a cliff lol
  4. Tbh its more the combination of the blind and the weakness that makes D/P daredevil so strong against other thieves, you can literally out pressure a core thief by pressing 3 and dodge alternately because of that.
  5. True. Personally i dont care if SA D/P gets nerfed out of the meta as it is boring to play IMO, it just annoys me to see changes for the sake of change when they even admit they don't know what they want to change yet.
  6. The problem is they will nerf these cooldowns "for now", then when they finish their discussion about meld with shadows and hidden thief they will nerf those as well, meaning their the indecision will result in a double nerf.
  7. You could also easily argue the other guy should get good and stop him from escaping, especially since the OP has given him ample opportunity to change up his build in between fights. I mean, sure, I get that mobility and randomly re-engaging all the time is annoying, but getting salty and refusing to learn from the experience is on him. Incidentally it's hilarious that half the people in the thread assumed he was playing thief when the described behaviour is a player mentality and most classes have the tools to play like this if they really want to. Except necro, but if you're purposefully solo roaming on necro you're arguably doing it wrong to begin with.
  8. I like the other stuff, but this in particular is a great suggestion. We need incentive to run something other than SA Trickery Specter, at the moment Critical Strikes is only run for the damage if people don't need SA and there is no real reason to run Acrobatics or kitten, this would give you an interesting reason to do so that isn't just numbers based.
  9. Ahhh, apologies, yeah, I agree with everything you said here 🙂
  10. It seems a bit strange to me for you to say that vindicator competes for a role already filled but that thief doesn't need specter when currently DPS is all thief does (and not even well). The spec clearly has issues and how exactly it pans out remains to be seen, but the last thing thief needed was another DPS spec that gets passed over in favour of daredevil.
  11. You just told the other guy that buffing thief & ranger is pointless unless it loses everything that makes them what they are, and now you're asking me to accept exactly that because you don't want to discuss how something you have may actually be OP. So no, when you're willing to discuss superspeed being OP, I'll be willing to discuss the other stuff.
  12. I'd be totally fine with this. All I wanted was for shadow trap to have proper pathing when used at range, if that was too hard to fix without giving thief a portal then scrap the skill and give us something else instead. By the way, the way I deal with permastealth thieves, or roamers of any kind in an objective I own, is to kite them to an edge on my minstrel build then use a launch or knockback to throw them out of the objective. I'm sure others could do the same with little effort.
  13. Superspeed. Literally the only thing that needs a hard nerf right now imo.
  14. The heals from life steal stuff also scales with healing power, which is nice on these kinds of builds. To the OP, whatever you invest in, make sure you have an alt that could use the gear if you scrap the build. After the expac I'd expect heavy nerfs to a lot of stuff, so unless you build into mechanics like the warrior healing stance that just gets better the more enemies hit you, you may find the build changes for the worse.
  15. If you believe you can counter it, you may be proved wrong, but if you believe you can't counter it you're only ever going to be proved right. You are correct, I am biased, just like everyone else. One look at my post history will quickly tell you that. Considering that thief and ranger are undesirable almost everywhere besides roaming and +1 I really don't see a problem with them being good at it. If you want me to seriously consider that roaming builds need to be nerfed, then maybe bring me some of those meaningful changes you're talking about - instead of talking about how OP they are in one aspect of the game, tell me how you're going to make them fair in those places while also bringing them into the meta in other parts of the game. If you're only going to talk about how OP they are in one way, shut down those that disagree with you without entertaining debate and bring nothing else to the table, that truly is the conversation that isn't worth having.
  16. Way to shut down any debate, and any opportunity of you learning to deal with those classes better *shrugs*
  17. Fair enough. Tbh I was assuming that this expac would be the last, given GW1 got three expacs and the name End of Dragons being fairly ominous given everything in this game is to do with dragons in some way. But hey xD On topic: If I'm getting anything, I want to sneak attack people with dual wielded hammers. I almost don't care what else the spec does if it gives me that lol
  18. Silly question, but if you have recorded the fights, why record the fights on your microwave then upload to youtube when you could have just uploaded the base files to youtube instead? On topic, I've been playing the build in PvE and WvW recently, but I'm not good enough with it to really say much else. It feels nice, I just haven't worked out how not to be fish food while roaming yet. I'll probably comment later when I do.
  19. That is disappointing tbh. Ive played thief with roll for initiative in my third utility slot for years, so i moved the shiro stunbreak to that slot since it's a similar skill, i do the same with lightning reflexes on ranger when i use that skill. Having it rearrange randomly to the first utility skill is just jarring, and it's just plain bad to have to break muscle memory built up on my main to accommodate this bug.
  20. Do you think we could fix this bug? It's so freaking annoying when you change map and your utilities swap places constantly.
  21. That's my point, any disincentive you add to stacking servers disproportionately affects OCR players because their prime time is when you sleep. It ain't all about you, my dude.
  22. +1 to this suggestion. You might laugh at first, but I ran into someone playing this build or something very similar and he wrecked me lol. Incidentally, thanks for the build link, I was looking for that xD
  23. I'm not an advocate of the status quo, I just don't see how you're going to fix OCX having a different prime time to EU/USA without penalizing them for daring to want to play together in their own free time. If you introduce disincentives to stacking in your off hours, you will penalize them for playing in their prime time. Would you accept similar disincentives in your prime time if your server is overstacked? then you have the issue that that disincentive would always apply during their prime time, almost no matter how many players the opposition has. The only solution that will work 100% would be to give OCR it's own server status like USA and EU have. But we all know that won't happen.
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