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Everything posted by Lonecap.4105

  1. The thing is, it's just 1 second of stability, and it means the warrior dropped defence traitline entirely. They also lose resistance on heal by not getting restorative strength.
  2. I'm bored. This is with mostly sPvP in mind. Strength Brave Stride: Stability duration reduced to 1 second. Internal cool-down removed. Body Blow: Trait reworked, burst skills now apply blind (3s) and slow (2s) on hit. Might Makes Right: Healing increased to 115. Arms Bloodlust: Replaces Wounding Precision as a major adept trait, lifesteal (50 damage, 50 healing) when hitting bleeding foes. Wounding Precision: Replaces Bloodlust as a minor grandmaster trait, converts 5% of precision into ferocity and condition damage. Dual Wielding: Renamed to Battlemaster's Grip, now gives 25% attack speed (up from 20% - still non-stacking with quickness) and works with all weapons (not just off-hand). Discipline Crack Shot: Crack Shot's effects are now baseline for ranged weapons. Replaced with Payback Time, Vengeance is now immediately available upon downstate and gives 7% damage increase for it's duration (still only 25% rally chance).
  3. Just make it give 2 seconds of strike immunity on entry, but make it so that it doesn't work with eternal champion anymore to provide exit immunity.
  4. Only if they're running offhand dagger, and only while on that one weaponset. They also already seriously nerfed staff, not sure what else you want at this point. And which is it? Adrenal Health or Might Makes Right? Relic of Zakiros? From what fury generation? What build are we even talking about here?
  5. These changes won’t do jack. Sun and Moon still unlikely to be taken, 7% strike damage into healing on one weapon set which has minimal cleave is nothing amazing. Bladestorm buff is nice, I will say that, but still unlikely that people will take OH dagger. Wastrel’s now cleaving an extra target is also random and you’re unlikely to get value from that (why not make it 3 target cleave btw?…). To The Limit still unlikely to be picked over Mending or Defiant Stance. Dolyak Signet getting what I assume is -10% incoming damage as the new passive might get some play, though.
  6. It’s really not as good as you guys seem to believe. It’s 2 seconds of alac per in-combat dodgeroll. Let’s pretend for a minute you have perma vigor and also a +50% endurance regen source, and then proceed to burn your dodges every 5 seconds as they become available, and let’s also assume you have a 30 second cooldown on recharge for that entire time - it’s not even 50% alac uptime - you are only getting the cooldown of that skill reduced by about 2 seconds in this scenario.
  7. How was staff good at everything when it does no damage? It's a clunky and unusable support weapon that functions more or less purely as a self-survival stick. It even has a catastrophic bug where you lock yourself in place for the full duration of linebreaker.
  8. Well, they mostly focused on nerfing the glass builds that were using spear, rather than the bunker spellbreaker variant. Or at least, that's how the patch notes played out.
  9. Spear is dead, where do I go for a refund, since this was the only reason I bought the expansion?...
  10. These changes are random tbh, all we need is this: Spearmarshals reduced to 2.0 coefficient. Unblockable removed from spear swipe. Harrier’s Toss reduced to 1/2 second evade. Defiant Stance getting reduced to 3 seconds (or 2 seconds with a cast time removal). Full Counter cooldown increased to 16 base (13.5 seconds with versatile power) and daze reduced to 1 second.
  11. Amulets definitely not. Customisable runes, however.. I think that would be fine.
  12. Don’t worry, the PvE community are always hostile when it comes to suggestions of PvP of any sort in the open world. You heard them - we have WvW - what’s that? You don’t like playing in the same maps for over ten years while PvE receives endless maps that are then promptly forgotten about like empty burger wrappers? Too bad -some of these players would press a button to delete competitive modes entirely I’m sure.
  13. 2 seconds defiant stance is basically deleting it. It should be 3 seconds, or if you want to make it 2, remove the cast time. Also I don’t think harriers toss needs to lose the evade. The rest I agree with though.
  14. Increase Full Counter cooldown to 15 secs base (12 seconds with Versatile Power trait) and reduce the daze to 1 sec. Decrease Defiant Stance duration to 3 seconds base. Leave Spear alone for now and see how these two tweaks play out.
  15. I mean, path to victory has a 0.5 coefficient now.. valiant leap is unreliable damage and 0.75 coefficient. And then you have auto attacks, which are the highest damage coefficients available on warrior staff. So.. what damage? Staff is fine now.
  16. I don't have much hope for appropriately targeted nerfs, remember how power zerk got cut because of condi zerk? I'm counting down the days til they neuter spear and make it do noodle-mode damage while spellbreaker continues not to care and survive 1vX. The real question is how many days do we have left until the money we spent on janthir wilds is a complete waste?
  17. all rifle needs is brutal shot's evade and projectile to be synchronised, then the auto attack and explosive shell to be 1/2 sec cast. I wouldn't mind getting 1500 range on all skills either heh..
  18. On the flip side of having underwhelming VFX, at least we have less telegraphing in competitive modes.
  19. I think torch is actually the worst warrior weapon
  20. Despite the good reception to staff, it still suffers an extremely aggravating bug where if executed at a close range, the warrior will sprint on the spot for the entire channel of the skill. Guardian's new spear skill, Helio Rush, has a flipover skill, simply named, "Cancel Helio Rush". Please add a flipover that functions similarly to Line Breaker.
  21. It seems like the new mode is for getting to used to the idea of casually fighting other players with less emphasis on learning rotations and objectives. But don't we have WvW for that already?
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