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Everything posted by Lonecap.4105

  1. I chuckled at this. I started playing scorched earth carpet bomb back in 2020 and if you told me it would be still receiving nerfs four years later I wouldn’t believe you
  2. The healing is fine imo, the cast times are pretty slow on staff 2 and 3. Just reduce Path to Victory coefficient + tune down sword offhand coefficient.
  3. I think it -is- unblockable, it just isn't listed on the tip.
  4. I have no bias, I main warrior. I think this is like condizerk all over again, where they nerfed savage instinct to try and address czerk, which was only a problem because of rabid amulet+dead or alive+adrenal health. It didn’t really hit the spot and just made power berserker worse. Staff sustain isn’t so obnoxious if you’re not playing spellbreaker. I wouldn’t want to see staff gutted for all of warrior just because spellbreaker enables due to the class mechanic. And this change makes FC have a 3 second longer cooldown (far from the end of the world). FC shouldn’t be a spam and fire ability anyway.
  5. Other things were buffed and warrior buffs were irrelevant/inconsequential, basically
  6. The thing is, staff is pretty balanced on power berserker… it’s only so good on spellbreaker, because full counter eliminates the “downtime” between staff skills and stance CDs.
  7. First, nerf Path to Victory co-efficient to 0.9 and buff Rampart Splitter to 0.8. Secondly - the sustain on staff isn't actually too high, you can see this for yourself if you fight a staff warrior that isn't using spellbreaker. The problem with staff sustain is because of Full Counter, it helps eliminate downtime between staff sustain and stance skills. People have asked for a longer cooldown on FC for a while - I think this is the time to make FC unaffected by Versatile Power, so the cooldown is no longer reduced.
  8. Coefficient seems to be 1.0 in competitive, rather than 1.7
  9. I did say a small “rework”, and it is small - the main animation doesn’t change, the root doesn’t change - all that’s added is some projectiles and FX to accommodate, the rest are just number tweaks. It’s really no different to how they added projectiles to gunsaber skills, which I assume was relatively easy.
  10. I think if we went all the way down to 2.5 cast time, the cumulative coefficient could remain unchanged, it might be a bit too much to bring the cast down so much whilst also increasing the current damage - which is totally fine and might be the better way to go now that you’ve suggested it, since it makes quickness less all-out mandatory for the skill. I’d still bring the final strike coeff up to about 1.0 though.
  11. I’m definitely open to fine tuning the cast time and coefficient so it feels right, those were just some small bumps I felt were fair - but you might be right of course, it’s hard to see how it would feel. I still want the skill to be extra rewarded for getting that CC and cast off in melee range, but hopefully the range can add some flexibility so you can cast it from root without the CC’d enemy being a hard condition of landing it.
  12. It might get a little crazy with quickness if we reduce it too much was my concern, and these changes would already be quite profound with a half second shaved off, damage ramped up, and then range added. I guess if it were up to me I’d see how all that felt first before going harder with the buffs.
  13. So at this point, after so long without seeing a change, I think Hundred Blades remains as a root skill because it’s too much of a time investment for the devs to make the animation work while the character moving. And so I propose a small rework to the skill that would only need small visual FX added and would bring the skill into 2024: First, increase the total cumulative coefficient (in competitive) to 3.5, increase the final hit coefficient to 1.2 Second, increase the animation speed so the cast time is a flat 3 seconds. Third, split the damage packets in half. Hundred Blades is now a hybrid 600 range frontal cone attack, with non-projectile aerial shockwaves (as indicated by newly added visual effects) that travel 600 range ahead of the warrior. The melee component will still exist, and whoever is in melee will be hit by both the sword swings and the shockwaves, eating the full coefficient of the attack. Those who are outside of 130 range will only be hit by the aerial shockwaves, and in this instance, they would take effectively half of the attacks damage.
  14. Nobody is asking for huge damage on staff, just make both path to victory and rampart splitter a 0.9 coefficient. Less damage than an auto is absurd.
  15. It wouldn’t be an issue. You can’t take strength and defense on spellbreaker without massively gimping yourself. The stab duration is only 2 seconds, generally it only serves to make movement skills uninterruptible. Something needs to happen, because the trait is absolutely -useless- right now.
  16. Rampart Splitter now does less damage than Path to Victory. It does less damage than an auto attack. Please give some juice back to this one skill, I literally can’t put a dent in anything even with full glass modifiers. The heal on the skill is so small, it doesn’t justify the awful damage.
  17. I wanted to use this in an alternative manner as a self-support stick, but unfortunately they completely gutted the damage (see rampart splitter nerf) and mobility (see removal of quickness affecting line breaker).
  18. It’s really simple, if you see DH on enemy team, swap in some stability access.
  19. It’s because auto attacked is enabled on beta characters.
  20. Akeem definitely needs a shave. Doubling stacks of a high-damaging condi on a 10 second cooldown is..
  21. They won't put it back sadly Azure.. one of the devs said "4 seconds of damage immunity" is "pretty crazy". The problem is nobody is getting 2 seconds back to back like that without losing -all- of their damage. And like you said, it feels completely fair on power berserker and wasn't an issue for all these years.
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