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Everything posted by Miporin.3529

  1. I'm not a free account, i'm a 2012 player since launch, bought the base game back then, two years ago i also bought HOT + POF, so i'm a full p2p user not a free user. Anyway seems i can't buy stuff from the expansions i do not own. This mount skin is for a EOD mount.
  2. Hi, i tried but i can't buy it, i need the expansion unfortunately. Sad, want to buy now because was in promotion and buy expansion later. =_= https://i.imgur.com/udMgK2A.jpeg
  3. But is linked to expansion (end of dragons) not to the mount, is ok anyway?
  4. Hello, i want to buy this skin since is in promotion on the TP, but i do not have the EoD expansion yet, can i buy it anyway and store it on my bank or i'm forced to buy the expansion to be able to buy it? I want to know before i trade my gold for gems. I will buy the expansion more later this year along with SotO. Thank you.
  5. Thank you for adding the Raptor Plush skin, i only miss the Skyscale Plush Skin to complete my collection. Thank you.
  6. The TP is currently very unappealing and boring, there are the same items over and over from months ago and old ones do not even come back, please rotate items, expecially skins, more fast. Make TP more interesting again so you can invest more time making money to buy stuff you do not have yet. Thank you.
  7. Hello, please bring back when is possible, the raptor and skyscale plush skins, with limited time discount price too: 1. Plush raptort skin 2. Plush skyscale skin Already bought Vulpine. Thank you.
  8. Thanks to the devs for the jackal plush skin at 1280 gems, please add the skyscale and raptor too (same gem price if you can) when is possible. Thank you a lot. 👍
  9. Hello, plush mount skins please, expecially raptor, jackal and skyscale. If possible at 1280 gems each discount price since i will buy all 3 pieces. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Gallery_of_mount_theme_skins#Plush Thank you.
  10. Hello, is possible to merge all the Plush mount skins into one purchase for all the mounts? Like 2400 gems or something like that.
  11. Hello, since is the right time, plerase when is possible put back in the store the "Imperial Crane" skin for the raptor. Also with discounted price since is a old item. Thank you.
  12. Didn't pay attention about this and close the GUI when the windows popped-up, but it wasn't very clear to begin with, no explanation, i just learn it here in the forum.
  13. I did now but now i'm screwed? Daily is not an issue, but weekly, i need to wait a week to turn all of them into pve only?
  14. Seems the case, no more jumping puzzle, no more gathering, no more vista view, no more events is xxxxxx map, how you are forced to do 1 pvp, 1 www and 1 pve, at least let us choose what to do, i do not like to waste my time in pvp and www, i want to do my 3 daily pve achievements, my 2 gold reward and such. I will never do pvp and www tasks, is a waste of time. edit For what i understand, i need to wait tomorrow to remove the pvp and www tasks and have 3 daily pve tasks? i just uncheck pvp and www in the wizard vault but nothing happened so i guess need to wait tomorrow reset? Anyone can confirm this
  15. So, to complete the 3 dailies tasks now i'm forced to do pvp, www and pve? Unless i misunderstand the new wizard system, even uncheck pvp and www task, nothing change, still need to do them to complete the 3 daily tasks.
  16. Sorry to ask but, where are old daily achivements? Like jumping puzzle, the vista viewer, daily gathering, daily xxxxx zone event? They appear override with new Wizard Vault objectives. But in the Wizrd Vault i see only 3 bars, 1 pve, 1 pvp and 1 www, but if i want to do only pve? Forced to do www and pvp to complete the 3 daily steps? I'm a bit confused.
  17. I wrote some days ago to anet support too, but is already the third time i did it about DX11 issues in the last 3-4 years, nothing was done then, nothing will be done now. Because they have to fix the core engine of the game to fix the issue, and is probably too much work. Always, when i contact the support, they tell me to send them dxdiag, then they tell me to update to the last drivers and resend dxdiag, fin ally, when they realize that the issue came from their bugged game engine, they reply that they will fix it, and this is the same reply i got 3-4 years ago. Ticket closed. End of the story, DX11 full screen and v-synch issues will be never fixed, so we have to play the game as it is now. Still, make zero sense to me that they removed the old DX9 renderer, the game was created using this renderer back in 2012, it was flawlessy and worked perfecly in any machine and os.
  18. Removing modules that working perfectly for everyone and not related to the OS you use is beyond me and make no sense. Moreover, forcing DX11 that have known full screen and v-synch unresolved bugs without fixing the issues before is not a very smart move. Now i'm forced to play in borderless full screen because DX11 full screen do not work anymore with tearing on the screen because v.synch do not work even if i enable it in the options. Is years that there is this bug, never resolved and now we have to play the game with it orcompletely change OS.
  19. Yes, full screen mode do not work under DX11, the game is forced in borderless with annoying screen tearing (v-synch is broken).
  20. 100% agree, fix the DX11 full screen mode before get rid of DX9, but i really do not get it, DX9 work flawlessy because the game was build to work in DX9 to begin it, DX11 is still broken today even after so many years and was never fixed. Please bring back DX9 support where the game work properly, do not matter what OS you use.
  21. Yes, DX11 is completely broken, they never fix it under the years even if the know about such bug, full screen modo do no work under DX11, forced me to play in borderless with annoying screen tearing. -_-
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