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Posts posted by Miporin.3529

  1. Yes, -dx9 crashes immediately the game upon you press the start button.

    The problem with DX11 is that i lose the full screen mode, is bugged even if i force the game to run in full screen mode.

    At least fix DX11 before get rid of DX9.

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  2. 3 hours ago, Luthan.5236 said:

    I can confirm that it now works without the "-usecoherent" paramater. After the recent patch.. I am on Win 7 as well. After logging in I tried to check the trading post / gem store (afaik the only other main thing ingame that should be affected).

    Got an "ERR_ABORTED" at the first try. Closing it and trying again it worked though. Seems to load the previews a bit faster for me + the listing when selling/buying in the tp. Feels smoother.

    Edit: The "initzializing" when starting the launcher ... seems to take longer than with the coherent though.

    Same, now it work without using the -usecoherent , but as you said the old framework is more fast aven if the memory usage seems close to each other. Still continue to use the old one since i have the option to do so.

    • Sad 1
  3. On 4/18/2023 at 9:07 PM, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:

    Hey all, I just want to let you know that we are looking into these issues now. Thank you for flagging the problems and sharing specifics. We are keeping a close eye on this thread, so keep the info coming--dxdiag information will especially be useful as we keep investigating. Thanks for being patient as we work on this!

    Thank you, anyway is not a huge deal since i'm using the previous framework thanks to the commend line you provided, that work flawlessy.
    Please do not remove the support of DX9 via command line, the game work very good under DX9 with my system. DX11 work but for an unknow reason i can't use full screen mode and the engine refuse the vsync causing massive screen tearing. Thank again.

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  4. On 3/21/2023 at 9:02 PM, thoriangun.5692 said:

    I have made a thread but to those that keep an eye on this, no matter what settings are used turned off or on, this is my DX11 experience

    I do not get this in DX9 so kinda forced to run it, installed all possible updates, running a Nvidia 3070ti.

    This is the same issue i get but under win 7, for an unknow reason the game do not work in full screen mode even if you chose this option, is forced into borderless mode, so tearing appear like the game do no use vsynch. Switching to "-dx9" in command line solve this issue.

    • Thanks 1
  5. 8 hours ago, anxnox.9027 said:

    I'm now on Skylake which was the last processor "allowed" by Intel/Microsoft to install Win7. When the time comes I'm moving to Linux (I was using FreeBSD/Unix long time ago, but will try KDE Neon). I'll just stop playing when forced to use newest versions of Windows. Which will be sad, as I have 8,2k hours. 😉

    Indeed, anyway Win 7 is supported uffocially till the 9th gen, i have a 9400F and a B365 mainboard and i'm perfectly run win 7 x64 with official drivers. For 10th gen and above you need modded third party drivers .

    Hopefully the support of win 7 will continue, the game run very smooth on this os, i appreciate the fact that thank to command line we can have alternative ways to restore the old UI, DX and remove the problematic framework like chromium that cause this bug.

  6. 11 hours ago, Chaba.5410 said:

    I don't care what your reason for still using it is.

    I'm curious what your plan for the future is because it's something I am having a difficult time understanding.  Usually people keep an older system around if they have a work or hobby-related need for it and then have a newer system for other things that no longer work on the older system.

    Anet isn't interpreting your purchases as buying support for your older system, btw.

    Stop derailing this thread about what os people use, is not your business, this thread is about a chromium bug under a supported os.

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  7. 1 hour ago, Chaba.5410 said:

    That's not true.  Been Win10 users also reporting issues here.

    Also, still wondering what your plan is for when Win7 no longer becomes an option?  Not many stores still have hitching posts for customers to park their horses at either because the number of horse riders is way, way down.

    I have my reasons to use win 7 exdpecially for working, i wont explain again and nor you should care about what os i use, I'm still playing because win 7 is still supported, i paid for the game and i continue to support developers for this reason paying also for some in game fascion items.

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  8. 1 hour ago, Raider Jones.5120 said:

    From what I can read, Windows 7 is still supported. The only change they have made to the minimum requirements is the need for DX11.

    About Windows 7, I remember that the developers wrote a letter explaining why they decided to use DX11 instead of DX12, and one of the reasons (among many others), was to allow Windows 7 users to continue playing the game.

    For now, the only solution for the error in the launcher is to use the command -usecoherent.

    Exact, i don't get why win 10 users  are here in the first place since such change didn't affect them at all.
    Anyway dx9 still working if you use the -dx9 parameter fortunately, because dx11 do not work properly in my system and full screen do not work.

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  9. 4 hours ago, misterman.1530 said:

    No, it isn't their "duty" when technology changes to support older OSs. As someone wrote, we are getting into technology that will no longer support Win7.   Steam will end support in Jan 2024 for Win 7/8.1 because of CEF. 

    It doesn't matter, at all, what you use or what you want, nor any number of other users. Anet has to code to supported OSs that have security patches and which support newer technology. No corporation should code to unsupported software. Besides, the number of Win7 users has steadily decreased over the past couple of years. Continuing to develop software that is backwards compatible to increasingly unused OSs makes no sense.

    As for "supported os" - even GW2's minimum system requirements page mentions:

    Please note that—due to ongoing changes to the game—these system requirements may change over time.

    So they may have not updated their requirements page yet.



    Minimun requirements, dx 11, mean win 7 is still fully supported, but again, since you already used that abomination called win 10 i don't get why you  still here  arguing about something that do not affect you. Cut it.

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  10. 44 minutes ago, misterman.1530 said:

    No, Windows 7 hasn't been a supported OS since Jan 2020. Why would any developer, of games or any other application, need to support an Operating System that is more than 3 years out-of-date?

    Nope, in the system requirement of the game is still fully supported (do not care about ms support). I will never use win 10-11, an abortion that seems  a cross between a cellphone and a console and not a pc os, also bugged and heavy, my old hardware and software working great with Seven and for my work is all what i need, a clean and light os. There are tons of the people that still using win 7 for many reasons (this thread is the proof), moreover if you are fine with 10 then use it and stop bothering people who use different os, is not your business. Is the duty of the devs to fix bugs within supported os.

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  11. 14 hours ago, mezzer.4096 said:

    -usecoherent now says make sure you have dx9 and an updated video driver

    it worked before

    Yep, full windows mode do not work anymore for me unless i add the -DX9 too, fortunately even if they remove the option in the menù, dunno why, it make no sense, you still can use the line command.

    These are my settings.json:

    {"arguments":["-NoMusic","-useOldFov","-mapLoadinfo", "-usecoherent","-dx9"]}

    This fix the whole mess, the chromium crash and full screen mode. I'm under win 7 x64.


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  12. 13 minutes ago, Lysica.1027 said:

    Maybe ANet didn't test this on Win7 again? It's the same situation as last big patch all over again.

    Unfortunately seems the case, but fortunately we still have options to switch off new broken settings. GW2 was natively a Win XP game, i played since 2012 launch, i can't say they should support XP, too outdated,  but Win 7 is still used by a lotta of people even nowadays, they should support both, Win 10 and Seven.

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  13. Same here, after the "april 18" patch, launcher freeze and do not work anymore.

    Using -usecoherent did the trick, however i have another issue, the full screen do not work anymore, there is no directx 9 option in the options. I'm under Windows 7 x64.

    To force the game working in DX9, use -dx9 line.

    These are my options to launch thegame properly under Win7, file settings.json placed on the gw2 settings folder under roaming:

    {"arguments":["-NoMusic","-useOldFov","-mapLoadinfo", "-usecoherent","-dx9"]}

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  14. 18 hours ago, Healix.5819 said:

    That happens because your old Local.dat file is set to use DX9, so your first login is still using DX9. You've been randomly selected to use DX11, so once you login, the option to use DX9 is reset and you'll be using DX11 on your next launch.

    You can "fix" this by simply adding -dx9 to the target of the shortcut you use to launch GW2.

    Nope, seems you guys do not read what i wrote, i was always under DX11, i never check DX9 in the settings, i do it now to avoid the bug that came 4 days ago and devs already recognized it.

    Anyway, even under DX9 the game is still playable, i just need to decrease a bit the character model limit. Not a big deal, what's really matter is that they continue to support other os like Linux and Win 7 since i use both.

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  15. 4 hours ago, Chaba.5410 said:

    There was some earlier bug for Windows 7 specifically too.

    Yes, but is very recent, at least for me, about 3-4 days ago, before i was using DX11 in full screen mode without any issue, now i have to check DX9 to make it working, is not a big deal, the difference is re3al thin, but they changed something server side since it affect the file local.dat. Infact if you replace local.dat with a more old one the game work in full screen until you log-out. Next time you log-in the file is overwritten with the new version and so the bug re-appear. This is something that only the devs can fix on their side, they mess something that apparently affect windows 7 users.

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  16. 5 hours ago, Jukhy.2431 said:

    Ofc that's up to you, but I have to ask why? You said Dx11 is performing better, but still won't upgrade to OS that has better overall optimization for gaming and uses less memory for the same or even higher frame rates?
    If it's only the new look you don't like then you can customize it to look like Windows 7, it's quite easy to find guides for this online. My Windows 10 screen doesn't look anything like what they advertised it as. I've disabled the animations and other "useless stuff" adjusting it for the best performance instead.

    Also note that it's not only the end of support from Microsoft. AMD Radeon won't get any new driver updates and Nvidia will only do critical security updates (ending next year). Google Chrome also ended their support, and Firefox will most likely do the same later this year when they move to a new build.


    Why you care what os i use? Doesn't matter, the game work under all windows and Linux listed in the requirement page so i use whatever i want, i have the choice to do thias, and the game should work in all the os under all the modes. This win 10 debate is worthless and derail the topic.

    • Haha 1
  17. 8 hours ago, KevinEvo.7061 said:

    I don't know how you could have been using DX11 with this game for years, because it entered a beta only over 1 year ago. Windows 7 and DX9 are old and depricated for years. I suggest like many others have already, you stop using them. I believe Anet already said once DX11 is fully implemented in April, DX9 will be gone. There is no advantage to staying on these other than stubbornness.


    You can use Windows 10 for free, with a few minor inconveniences.


    Yes, i used DX11 till now, but in the last patch something broke it, waiting for a fix from devs.

    ps: Please stop with this worthless win10 debate, i do not care and i will never install this abortion on my pc, the game was made under win 7 originally (worked even on win XP), and since i have the option to use it i'm using it.


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  18. 12 hours ago, Healix.5819 said:

    Full screen under DX11 is the equivalent of windowed full screen - if you were to press the Windows key, the start menu would appear in front of GW2. Full screen under DX9 was exclusive full screen - if you press the Windows key, GW2 is minimized when focus is lost. This is not a bug, and although they could implement exclusive full screen for DX11, it's obsolete and no longer offered in DX12.

    They've been randomly enabling DX11 on accounts in preparation of DX9 being removed in April. If you haven't experienced this style of full screen before, you were using DX9 up until this point.

    Screen tearing is caused by not using vsync. Support's response likely meant they know there's an issue with vsync. You can alternatively try to force vsync under your GPU's software.


    Nope, i was using a true full screen mode till yesterday since usign alt tab completely change the screen and i never see any tab in the bottom, completely borderless, and i was under DX11 (DX9 box wasn't checked), but something happened yesterday and now to have full screen i have to enable DX9, but is ok, in the end i can't notice any real difference between the two modes, my pc is a bit old.

    Just want to point out this, developers who reply to my ticket said that they are working on a fix since they are aware of this issue (see above).

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  19. 4 hours ago, Jukhy.2431 said:

    They said that there's no plans for "exclusive full-screen" setting with Dx11 unless something has changed. The reason given was that in Windows 10 there's no discernable performance difference between exclusive full-screen and windowed full-screen.

    Here's the post: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/114805-regarding-directx-11—minor-graphics-options-differences/

    Also note that Microsoft ended security updates and technical support for Windows 7 over three years ago, so I'd recommend upgrading to Windows 10.


    Odd, the support told me today that they are aware of the issue and they will fix it in the coming patches, anyway it was an issue that i have since this morning, yesterday was playing in full screen under dx11 without any issues, always for years. They have messed up something overnight and they will eventually fix it.

    Do not care if Win 7 is not supported, will never install win10 or 11, is pure garbage,  an abortion between a smartphone and a console made for stupid kids. GW2 was created under Win 7, even XP work with it, no need any upgrade since if fully supported.

    • Confused 2
  20. Reply from support:



    Thank you for updating us.
    At this time, we are currently aware of this issue and our development team is looking into it.
    Future updates regarding this will be posted in our official forums.
    Please do not hesitate to let us know should you have any additional questions or concerns.


    Guild Wars 2 Support Team


    We have to wait for a fix.

  21. On 2/23/2023 at 7:17 PM, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:

    Hi all, I want to let you know that the team is keeping an eye on this thread so they can respond to DX11-related bugs. Screenshots are extremely helpful for visual bugs so please please continue to include those as much as possible. 

    Gamma adjustment may help some of you who are experiencing brightness issues. With DX11, gamma adjustment is available in windowed mode. If the game suddenly becomes too bright or too dark, it's worth checking your gamma setting. This is not a guaranteed fix for everyone--I know some of you have already tried this--but if you haven't yet, give it a try. 

    Thank you for flagging these issues and sharing your feedback, and keep it coming!


    Hello, as i reported, since this morning, the game under win 7 do not keep full screen mode anymore, is forced to windows mode only even if in the options the full screen mode is checked.

    The only fix i found is to enable directx 9 (direct x 9 rendered (deprecated)), or replace the local.dat to an older version everytime i log-in, so is ok as a temporary fix but please fix it, direct11 is performing much better. Thank you.

    Update from the support:



    Thank you for updating us.
    At this time, we are currently aware of this issue and our development team is looking into it.
    Future updates regarding this will be posted in our official forums.
    Please do not hesitate to let us know should you have any additional questions or concerns.


    Guild Wars 2 Support Team


    They know there is an issue with dx11, expected a fix in the next updates. 👍

  22. Hello, today when i log-in full screen mode was replaced with window mode, i noticed it since the screen was full of tearing and if i use alt-tab the game go in background like it is in a window, something maybe changed server side the last night, when i launch the game it will go in windowd mode no matter what option i chose, even if in the options  full screen mode is selected.


    The only way to temporary fix the issue is to delete the local.dat into my guild wars 2 folder and replace it with a my old version that i back-up two weeks ago. But once i log out, the next time i log-in the local.dat is overwritten and so the issue back. I need to replace the file everytime before i log-in.


    Need to go to support to report this bug?

    Anyone else have the same issue with full screen mode?


    Tried on different pc, same issue,  so is not an hardware or software issue, is something they changed server side overnight that mess up the full screen mode.


    os: windows 7 x64 sp1

    vsync: is of course enabled


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