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Everything posted by Lulu.8639

  1. None whatsoever, that method still works, though I don't have the gold to convert. I sometimes spend some of my money to get gems for outfits or otherwise, but as is, I can't at the moment. I just hope it's fixed or changed in a way where I would be able to. I don't have time to grind all of the time.
  2. Any and all. Denmark is the country. Our system works on a redirection or pop-up in browsers, but the gemstore can't load said pop-up or redirection, so it grays out indefinitely. My theory is that the window opens but it can't show the page, no money is withdrawn.
  3. In my country, recently more reinforced than before, most any purchases made online must go through a second security layer, usually a code sent to your phone The problem is, this works on a pop-up that most sites understand and redirect too. With GW2's in-game store technically being a browser window, it attempts to make this pop-up, but can't. I couldn't tell you why it can't, but it makes it impossible to buy gems. I have no nearby game stores that sell gem cards. Do we have an alternative way to purchase gems? I have no retail stores that sell cards anywhere remotely nearby.
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