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Onoxsys.7615's Achievements

  1. The elementalist changes trying to address catalyst and scepter, have completely missed the mark and here's why: The problem with Scepter after the changes has been the damage output from the 1 skill. The constant burn it applies in tandem with the high base damage and quick recast time makes it very easy to stack up 10+ burn for free doing an incredibly high amount of damage (especially when cele in wvw for example). Dragon's tooth (outside of the visual bug causing the tooth portion to be invisible) is very easy to dodge and nerfing the damage on it was less important than addressing the 1 skill. The main thing that should be addressed with Dragon's Tooth isn't the already low damage. Tooth shouldn't apply burn until the skill lands. These changes seem like the goal of Elementalist balance is to have everyone playing condi ele using fire 1 auto and the new cantrips because it's going to outdps, and outlive every other Ele build after these changes.
  2. 8g a week is still less than pve or pvp makes in an hour. 8g a day would've been nice. Something is better than nothing but 8g a week 😕 30 silver a kill with a 1 min CD or something would be nice too.
  3. >Mag having a very high server link pls Patiently waiting to get hired onto the wvw dev team
  4. As someone that exclusively plays FA ele, they actually made really good changes to scepter that will address some of the weak points of FA atm. This is a step in the right direction imo. Id rather they made small changes to outdated skills than make big changes ruining the flavor of the spec. Fresh Air is one of, if not the most fun spec to play in the game imo and I'm pretty happy having buffs to Dragon's Tooth and Water/Earth. Cleave on air is awesome too tbh.
  5. I main fresh air primarily playing PvP/WvW and I think that while it could be somewhat better, it's in a pretty decent spot right now. The build is still one of, if not the most fun builds in the game imo. I'd prefer Anet not touch it incase they ruin it. It's hard to make changes to ele because they either become too strong or too useless.
  6. On top of bad WvW balance, are there even any servers that are generally good for roaming? I rarely see anyone else roaming and it's mostly zergs.
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