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Posts posted by georgessj.4198

  1. @felix.2386 said:even at rating as low as plat 1, you get in match,where your team would lose a 3v2 fights,and even let enemy capture the node in a 2v1 from white node.even if you 1v2 for ages, you still can't win.

    the only way to have a decent match making now is to have duo so you fight other duo and have 2v2 with 6 bots/silver players, at least better then 1+4 bots vs 5 gold players.because no player that knows how to press keyboard buttons is soloqing nowsoloq is just clown fest

    No its not a clown fest, its a bots fiest because these unskill people you refer too are boosted to plat due to bots and its not their fault.As a newbie i just pressed random buttons on my random build did some random dodging, giving 0 care for caping and guess what hapened? I ranked up to gold2 when my 10 games ended. After that i started to read my skills care about my team , and learned the bots behaviour so i went to plat quite fast where i would die in 0.1 seconds.......where i wouldnt understand what was going on.....where i would make caping mistakes and so on...... whose fault what that?? mine? Or arenas?

  2. I still meet the same bots i did years ago, the same bots we saw in the 1 human vs 9 bots video that was uploaded in these forums i still see bots having 3k games in a season i still see 9 out of 10 bot threads getting deleted :)

  3. @Tomo.8324 said:

    @phokus.8934 said:The bots I’ve seen are easy to spot and never go to jump spots.

    We can take the tinfoil hats off - these are not ANet bots to keep pvp seemingly alive. If a bot is playing 3,000 games, just think about the economics of it for a player.

    you assume they are putting that money into the economy, if they are run by Anet that wouldn't happen?

    They do run a certain amount of bots for the obvious reasons (lower que times, higher player numbers, etc etc) so....obviously they wont ban themselfs.As far as the players bots goes they buy their ban immunity because the bot program is not free, it has a good income and guess who is taking a slice of that sales pie :)

  4. @Wezley.3725 said:Hey guys,

    I'm thinking about coming back to the game after all this time. i have not played properly since 2013.So, how is the population and is it worth coming back?


    for pve 100% yesfor pvp however......if i were to explain how tragic it is, it would take me hours and hours of typing.........

  5. @"Domino.1359" said:Is there a better way to report bots? I have to go through the support section in the menu and select some off-set "section."

    It's a bit frustrating being on a team that is primarily made of bots. And yes, I see the constant threads. I just want a better option on reporting them. Will that work? Realistically, nothing has for them.

    There is nothing, sending a ticket doesnt work, there was a video posted from a guy that played with 9 bots, none of those 9 bots got baned.

  6. @Adzekul.3104 said:It was bad enough that we have a mesmer bot, and so many mesmers using it in Silver (and maybe also gold, if I believe what I am told). But now we have bots for longbow Soulbeast and hammer scrapper.

    It is just so incredibly sad and disappointing that nothing is done to cleanup the mess that is the lower tiers of GW2 SPvP. There will be no new blood advancing out of bronze and silver into gold and platinum because the bots create a glass ceiling. No human can carry 4 bots.

    Please clean up this mess Anet. Put CMC on the job. He will fix it.

    The surprise is to find humans in ranked not scraper and soulbeast bots.

  7. @"biff.7209" said:there is no roll that a warr plays that isn't heavily over shadowed by another class. he isnt even a "jack of all trades" either. hes just trash when compared to what other classes can do in all aspects.

    Well if they havent done it since season 1 they will never do it.

  8. @"Shaft Master.9261" said:Hey!

    New to GW2 PvP and loving it so far! Really want to improve, so I started watching WPs PvP stream on

    . I've found it really useful.

    Can anyone recommend good YouTubers or videos that go over PvP? There are a lot of videos out there that focus on PvP at a really basic level such as explaining how conquest works, but, unfortunately, not talking about how to play conquest (what to look out for, key skills, animations, match ups, rotation etc).

    Way back when I played CoD MW2 I used to watch loads of videos, because I enjoyed the content, and found they really helped me improve. I'm hoping there's a similar resource for GW2.

    I play Guardian so if there are any good vids to watch on that, that would be super useful too! :).

    the 1 and only video you need is this.

  9. @fumcheg.1936 said:Where do you actually find those bots and hackers? Since the beginning of this season I sunk from P1 to G1 and then went back to P1-P2 and haven't seen any bots or hackers so far. I've experienced terrible matchmaking, bad players, trashtalkers and other brand features of GW2 PVP, but that's all.

    Oh dont worry at first i was saying the same thing as you.Later on i learned how to seperate bots from bad players.

  10. @montecristo.1324 said:Hello, I took a break from the game and now I'm back, I used to play Weaver lighting rod with dagger and focus. Is the build still viable? I've seen a lot of tempest around but I'm looking more for a duelist role. Any other suggestion are welcome.Thanks

    Class and builds dont matter vs bots you either know how they function or you dont, same goes for the hackers, thats all you need to know about pvp

  11. @Makaveli.7342 said:So according to what your saying the pvp in this game is just gone to kitten right now?

    gold is full of bots, plat is full of hackers, when your warrior goes up against anything with condi you wont believe your eyes! try use the 2 active shake it off +1 passive from build and you will melt by condi in a few seconds and all the above are probably the tip of the iceberg.

  12. @Makaveli.7342 said:Was thinking about coming back to the game, hows warrior doing in pvp ? Did he get any buffs or will he be getting anything?

    Let me get this str8 just in case i didnt understand something........ theres 500 post about balance, 300 about botting, 100 about hacking, arena net doesnt have 1 single employ working or at least just monitoring pvp and you came here to type :Was thinking about coming back to the game??? on a class that is generally ok but ends up being unplayable due to all the other broken monstrosities since season 1???

  13. @Arheundel.6451 said:Please...we've been with Anet for like 8 years now..the balance patch will be exactly the same as always:

    1)Nerf to the ground for those specs, people created 5+ pages nerf thread2)Buff to the sky to those classes , people created 5+ pages buff thread3)Tooltip changes/fix4)The same people who cry the loudest atm on the forum will be the same ones crying after the patch..and the one after...and the one following..

    You see any condi rev nerf for the last 1 year??? cause i think it has more than 15+ pages nerf thread not just 5. Besides bots dont care bots dont complain and they are the big majority right now.

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