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Posts posted by georgessj.4198

  1. I understand these are hard times for people and business, you probably cant afford 1 single employ working on the pvp department and i wont blame you, we are all adults here and we understand what man hours mean and how they cant be wasted on a mode with so few people and so many problems, I would have done the same if i was the boss there.There are probably more complains about bots, hackers and balance that humans playing ranked, more and more switch to normal games so they can meet and socialise with people but obviously they will quit since they get no reward while they watch bots slowly reaching platinum due to many 5 vs 5 bot games in gold.Consider closing the mode, work on it and give us an option to spend some money that wont affect pvp gameplay like....i dont know some pvp exclusive skins? finishers? or something else ,lets help each other i know people will back you up if you actually give it a try,its obvious you cant fix it alone and its not worth to fix it, lets us help with some cash.I know i will get a lot of hate from botters and hackers pretending they are normal players that ^defend^ the current state of ranked cause they make a fortune every day, its normal but before you start pretending havent you people made enough gold? havent you bought everything in the game yet? Havent you guys sold enough gold for real money allready? Be gratefull for what you allready got and stop adding more problems to this game dont be greedy in every other games you get insta perma baned for botting.

  2. @Vishnok.7059 said:

    @"Marduk.1380" said:they are created by the arena net.I came to this conclusion in my reviews.

    They are NOT created by ArenaNet,Kuwuz and The Real Tanker are just 2 examples that use bot and they say that they use bot,and even say to others what programs they use and how to use them.And...people that come on forums and say that ArenaNet are planting bots....they are actually those who use bot programs...you know the saying.."THE THIEF WHO CALLS OUT THIEF"?

    What better way to shut everyone up....just say ArenaNet are planting the bots!...and go on happily botting in peace

    Kuwuz and The Real Tanker maybe not but when some other notorious bots are 3 seasons among us......3 kitten years botting 24/7 you honestly think they are not arenas????

  3. @Marduk.1380 said:the last 5 matches I made were the characters that made the same moves.they constantly follow the character of the enemy team.they don't defend after catching the point area.I constantly send a message, nobody answers.In the last game, only one person sent a message and we communicated with her.others didn't write a word.archeage is finished like this and aion.game deliberately allows bots.they try to show the number of players too.I wouldn't have guessed that this game would fall into this state.they don't do it in pity correction.I don't think the game maker will react if she reads my message.because they know the truth.

    Gold is full of bots, soon they will reach plat due to 5bots vs 5 bots

  4. @Vishnok.7059 said:Bots,hacks,exploits...i have never seen pvp like this in any game...seriously...

    They probably closed shop as far as pvp mode goes.Problem is the tons of gold bots make every day affect pve too and ofc the state of pvp is so tragic that makes the days of mesmers coming from stealth hitting you for 24k look like an improvement, at least back in those days everything was broken not perma stun meta and anything with condi deleting everything else.Would have been more honest to delete the pvp mode that keep it like this.

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  5. @Leonidrex.5649 said:

    @Fearless.3569 said:Most players are starting to believe the bots are made by ANet to populate PvP. So if this is true. Than it would make sense for more and more bots to be added by ANet. As more and more players stop playing.

    Certain bots have been doing it 24/7 for years so yea they are arenas bots.

    Don’t ascribe to malice what can be plainly explained by incompetence.

    Years of incompetence? and if so....... are they blind too? these particular bots must have like 2000+ bot reports in their long years career, i mean come on now......You dont need proof for such numbers just like they didnt need proof to auto ban me..... me! A mixed race person for racism because i typed a song with the typical rap song n word.

    did they ban you or your forum account?

    game chat

    impressive, gw2 is the only game where im yet to get banned for insulting people, you must have done something special, be proud

    i told you what i did, i typed a rap song that had the n world in it but when people wish me the typical disease and other stuff they dont get baned.

  6. @Leonidrex.5649 said:

    @Fearless.3569 said:Most players are starting to believe the bots are made by ANet to populate PvP. So if this is true. Than it would make sense for more and more bots to be added by ANet. As more and more players stop playing.

    Certain bots have been doing it 24/7 for years so yea they are arenas bots.

    Don’t ascribe to malice what can be plainly explained by incompetence.

    Years of incompetence? and if so....... are they blind too? these particular bots must have like 2000+ bot reports in their long years career, i mean come on now......You dont need proof for such numbers just like they didnt need proof to auto ban me..... me! A mixed race person for racism because i typed a song with the typical rap song n word.

    did they ban you or your forum account?

    game chat and acount was baned for 1 week

  7. @Leonidrex.5649 said:

    @Fearless.3569 said:Most players are starting to believe the bots are made by ANet to populate PvP. So if this is true. Than it would make sense for more and more bots to be added by ANet. As more and more players stop playing.

    Certain bots have been doing it 24/7 for years so yea they are arenas bots.

    Don’t ascribe to malice what can be plainly explained by incompetence.

    Years of incompetence? and if so....... are they blind too? these particular bots must have like 2000+ bot reports in their long years career, i mean come on now......You dont need proof for such numbers just like they didnt need proof to auto ban me..... me! A mixed race person for racism because i typed a song with the typical rap song n word.

  8. @Balletboy.2704 said:Hey Arena net when are you going to finally balance PVP?

    I have been playing guild wars since Guildwars 1. I love GW2 and have been playing for years. I recently came back to the game and decided to go into PVP.All I have to say is what is going on? I main mesmer and I love mirage, but in pvp we are way too nerfed. How are you going to take away our dodge and yet let Theif keep perma evade.Yes I know mirage is stupid strong, but without that second dodge we only have once chance to evade or escape every three seconds while so many other classes can evade for days. How is that fair? I recently stopped playing mirage pvp and went back to core mesmer and found I was surviving better and killing more. what is the point of my elite spec then?I think all classes need to be nerfed in pvp. But taking away the second dodge from mirage was not the way to go since the entire spec is based on that evade. I still have great games as a mirage dont get me wrong, but when a theif can dance around me with perma evade...kitten.Not to mention the mass amount of boons that so many classes can create just makes it very hard to out play against. Give mirage back our second dodge, and find another way to nerf us.

    Balance it for who??? top tier players are happy to abuse the unbalanced classes and builds check leaderboards its either condi rev and.....what else? more condi ofc..... and outside top tier the 60% (and going up every single day) of the population are bot users so balance it for who? you ,me and a couple of friends? waste of money.

  9. @xalias.9615 said:I would like to see profession PvP statistics, like average/median win rates etc., ideally broken down by specialization. We already know which builds consistently participate in winning tournament teams, but it would be nice to put more numbers to it. Does this exist anywhere in any form or shape, or is this something anet is against?

    Well its not that hard to imagine them, a few months ago majority was ferocity reaper with like 80% win rate, now its condi rev.

  10. @Entropo.1524 said:this is just fear mongering and paranoia at this point . stop spreading misinformation plz . not even gonna discuss this . . u cant prove those are bots . bots do exist but not to this extent .

    Cant prove they are bots? ahhahahha nice try bot user or hired lawyer :lol: but sad for you this isnt 1970 and we can tell when someone is botting.Whats the matter? You started to panic because more and more people learned how to recognise bots from bad players? feeling a litle anxious that a bot ban wave might come? Well i dont think a bot will ever get baned cause arena needs them but i really really hope they ban at least 1 bot, yours.

  11. @Paradoxoglanis.1904 said:Im in full support of bots if they get a bit more intelligent. Decent AI would fix the low population issues.

    Or we could just fix what causes the low population issues, some notorious condi builds and ferocity that causes a 500 dmg skill to hit for 9k just like we fixed in the past mesmer hiting you from stealth for 20k+++. how hard could that be huh?

  12. @lokko.9634 said:Problem is a report does not prove anything, how can they know if someone is really booting from a report? (real question from my ignorance, maybe they can)What action is taken if proven? warning? ban?I did send 2-3 reports so far of people using exploits in sPVP, i still see the same guys using them 1 month after the reports so...It really looks like it's useless?

    Regarding botting i see at least 1 bot per day, and i'm not a heavy player at the moment.Never saw that few years ago...

    This isnt the 70s dude.......worst case scenario it takes me 1-2 minutes to recognise a bot plus even if a 'genious employ' cant recognise it, most of them are botting 24/7 for years do you think that an acount with 10-30 botting reports per day that has 1000+ reports in total needs additional proving that its a bot? Still even if i pretend to be so dumb abd say that its not, isnt the video clear enough?? The action is pretty well stated by arena since day 1 its insta perma ban for botting.

  13. I dont know about the other 7 bots but San Holo and Ez Monk are arenas bots cause i meet them almost every day for the last 1 year, people in lobby say they seen them botting for the last 2-3 years 24/7 with many tickets on their back including mine so.......dont expect any bans.Not that they would ever ban a bot even if its not theirs but just saying.....

  14. @"Gnomeo.1493" said:Got 2 bots in tournament today (ruined my kitten day)Reported them ingame but they will live as well so i post here to warn everyone to kick them if theyre in ur teamIGN: Bjora thornfoot ( Mrs Xavior.6429)IGN: Poppy Elkersen (Cannot see his tag)Maybe these is there alts, but if botting again plz kick them :(


    the last 5 bots i sended tickets for 5 months ago are still botting 24/7, in lobby discussions people tell me some particular bots are farming 24/7 for years.

  15. @Threather.9354 said:Servers:

    • WSR: Stacked just tanks matchups often, 90% of the people above plat rank: No challenging fights or coordination, experience carries.
    • FSP: Most open tags, stacked (both EU and NA pop)
    • Ruins of Surmia: Often open tags, plays only alpine borders
    • SFR+Vabbi: Nah, no open tags, only guild raids
    • GH+FoW: No open tags outside prime, clouds SM without commander tho
    • Deso/piken: Been full too long, very little to transfer to for

    Main servers are pretty much full.

    Gandara isn't that dead tho, they have plenty of players, just no commanders outside that 1 person that tags up to def gandara bl.

    Thank a lot that helps, gandars yes its not dead but tag is considered a taboo or a life sentence banable offence, i dont know what their problem is, off to fsp it is.

  16. @"Bhabel Dalgheti.4285" said:I have played many competitive games but this game has a learning curve that makes no sense .

    I try to play weaver . Found a lightning rod build ; looked fun ; gave it a go . I m maybe 60 games in this season and i feel like i hit like a wet noodle . Tried looking for some guides but it looks like there is no guide to teach the basics . Is there a bnb sequence on this build ? Who knows ? On top of that the targeting is confusing at best and in the middle of all the chaos it s almost impossible to learn anything from a fight . At this point the game has become very frustrating and god knows i tried . My approach in every-game is take it one match at a time and you ll improve with each win and loss . But this is the first time where i feel like the game is telling me " if you dont have 4 years worth of experience in this game get the kitten out " .I expected to get matched with other new players in ranked but either i m the worst player to have ever played this game or something is really fishy because I get deleted in 2 secs to the point where it s a grey screen simulator and even when i get the jump on someone i feel like a kitten trying to bite a lion . Now i dont mind losing , but when there is no sense of improvement and after every game i m left with more questions and no answer to the previous ones it feels like the game is showing me the exist door .

    1.Go full condi2.Apply them in 1 second and get your kill3.After 2 seconds you are dead.Repeat.Thats allUnless ofc you wanna go full tanky survive for a few more seconds and hit for 0 dmg.

  17. @Crab Fear.1624 said:For example you are in a unranked 1 v 1 and you got it locked but feel bad and just go potato mode to not discourage a player?

    Been on a loaded team against a team of noobs and made it a 6 v 4?

    What have you done to encourage the newer players?

    Give any compliments to greens?

    Are you being short and toxic because you think its the culture or cool?

    I mean, you want pvp, but is the community really the kind of people you believe it to be? (rude and crude and short?)

    How have you fostered a better game?

    Does it count when im matched with 4 bot users vs........less bot users and give up? If yes then every day 80% of my games.

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