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Posts posted by georgessj.4198

  1. Just a friendly reminder from a guy who like almost everyone here he agrees with the most nerfs so far and didnt like the previous 0.1 second insta kill fiesta.So far arena has been doing an excellent job and the peoples nerf suggestions were mostly on point but...there is still a lot of work need to be done with nerfs so please lets think, look for info and discuss before we suggest a nerf.I see a common example of a bad nerf suggestion being this: reaper just presses 1 and hits me for 15k so nerf reaper, Ranger doesnt even press anything and his pet hits me with basic attack for 8k so nerf pet. Yes these kind of numbers are insane, yes they need to be worked on BUT reapers 1 hits for 600 and although i dont play ranger im sure his pet hits for a lot less than that.Shouldnt we be focusing on the ferocity in these particular situations and not the whole class or pet it self? Im not asking for a ferocity nerf i wanna discuss about it i dont claim to now it all on the matter thats why im asking for your feedback before i make a ferocity nerf post.I dont think arena is blind to issues that people bring again and again on the table look at what great job they did with warrior without anyone complaining non stop about him.We all know for example ranger-pet situation should have been adjusted if not nerfed some time now and ofc it will in the near future but i think not expressing our selfs in a right way is whats causing the delays or the no nerfs at all.

  2. @Novuake.2691 said:Honestly I'm so tired of seeing 4 necros in almost every game. The sheer amount of debilitating conditions and cc this class can drop on the cap is just disgusting and so kitten unfun.

    A simple fix without nerfing necro is limiting 1 class per side per game.Its either that or greatly increase the skill floor of the class or nerf it.

    As a necro i will agree with you, in fact to be more precise its not 4 necros its 4 reapers that are both super tanky and cause high damage but lets not ignore the rest of the notoriously-infamous statistics.....like the 4 rangers in every plat tier game or how the lower tiers have become a revenant rulette. A plat skilled necro in low tiers cant 1 vs 5 however the revenant can and does until he hits higher ones and reroll to ranger

  3. @Leonidrex.5649 said:I might have a dejavu but didnt you complain about the same thing like 4 months ago? or was it someone else?basicly got run down by reaper holding m1 and complained about InSaNe DaMaGe

    Its kinda hard to make a post 4 months ago about how necessary the last months nerfs were brother. Now about reaper damage theres got to be at least 300 different posts in the previous pages so.......

  4. @KrHome.1920 said:Life reap is the third (final) auto attack in shroud and these numbers require a zerker build with all possible damage modifiers as well as some might and vulnerability and a no-toughness build on the receiving side.. So you lost to a pve build (GZ!) that you (for some reason) let enter shroud and unload several melee auto attack chains on you.

    Pro tip for you: when you are in shroud that life reap deals only 3.5k damage on your 28k hp no-toughness build. And where is your weakness application? Where is your protection? Where is your fear to kite him? Where are your dodges?

    Everything on cooldown? Then don't you think that you got outplayed and he should be able to kill you with 3 whole shroud attack chains? How long should he need to attack a player that does nothing to defend himself until he finally dies?

    100% a lack of skill and your rank (40) does also indicate you are quite new to the game and so the last person anet should listen to in terms of balancing.

    Did you just type that after all these nerfs i should die in 3 rapid hits?? what should have hapened to me then before all the nerfs???? an auto message that i died while im in queue???? Pro tip when you wana troll someone dont over do it cause you make it obvious. Now aside from your failed attempt....... Sure you can use all the imagination that you have and make scenarios that he had 100 might stacks while i had 100 vulnerability stacks, you can lie to people that dont know any better that the imaginary thing called toughness even exists in the pvp aspect of this game, you can also < decide > there is a lack of skill because......you say soOR you can save your fake elitism complex for the experts that can help you with it and let arena do their perfect so far job with nerfs especially the one that balances mesmer.

  5. @Fantasylife.7981 said:who cares about this when condition damage is just overall dominant no matter what you do.

    Well ofc thats the obvious one and nobody can deny it but isnt it fascinating that this games critical hit is x7 and can reach x10 while EVERY SINGLE GAME ON THE PLANET makes critical hits x2 or 3 max? isnt it awesome that this damage occurs after 500 nerfs?

  6. @verskore.4312 said:

    @"Leonidrex.5649" said:can you fix pet damage?

    This is important. We have a couple of pets hitting for 9-10k (namely tiger and some birds) on good days. people who just played ranger for the maul meme wont have any difficulty moving over to the pet oriented variant, especially because those can also be unblockable.

    It's worth a look.

    "Birds hitting for 9-10k"

    What is it with the ranger that forces people to just flat out lie?

    Do you people have that much of a personal beef with the class?

    Pets have never been able to hit for this much outside of the very old smokescale and bugged gazelle and nothing has been done to them to make them hit this hard now

    Ranger is simultaneously the most OP class in the game while half the playerbase is running some kind of burn guard these days

    Doesn't make much sense to me
    You arent making sense
    Still did maul on zerk core ranger 9800 on engi, good nerf /s

    you are a complete joke crying about bird hitting you for 3 times for 2k each and then cry about it, this is purely a l2p issue but unfortunately Anet listens to the crying of bad players like you.

    We had enought fake elitisism at forums from unskill people that need 1 shots & instakills to stand a chance against their betters, face it the times where you could kill someone in 0.5 seconds are over the time of real pvp begins and all your pretending wont change that

  7. @Murshid.9854 said:Didn't play a lot against it to be honest but when I do I feel that I can't do anything when my hp disappear in second or 2 out of stealth!!

    Is there a way to counter this a ranger?

    There arent many situations where your hp wont disappear in 2 seconds, it was a smart move from arena to make pvp last from 0.5 seconds to 3 max because that way a first timer and a pro wont have any difference if the burst lands. On topic however There is only 1 thing you can in this games 1 rule, 1strategy and that is land the burst before they land it on you or wait and see if the nerfs will ever actually have an impact since the nerfs until now are like -100 dmg to a class that makes 10k+ in a second

  8. @Avatar.3568 said:first: i play ranger not mesmer.second: mesmer are just food and a legit free kill in 2vs2 or conquest !!third: kitten what to buff but pls buff the class is dead !!!!! (listen to the players)

    first you play mesmersecond when mesmer was hiting for 20k+ from stealth you werent asking for debuffs so now you shouldnt be asking for buffs either.third they listen to the players thats why we have damage reduction in most classes i will agree that mesmer got nerfed harder than others but im sure the nerfs will continue and in the end it will be fair cause right know.....yea nerfs arent spread equally

  9. @Apolo.5942 said:Love the damage Nerf.Love the 2v2 mode.Please for the love of all that is holy, it took you 9 years to implement 2v2, do not throw it away.Keep up the good work.

    ofc most people agree with damage nerf and yes you enjoy the game a lot more when you are up against 2 instakill burst attacks that you can actually avoid instead of 5 but tbh i just dont see the damage reduction a lot............ nerfes are like -100 dmg to 1 skill when a burst can create 15k damage in 1 second.season 1 & 2 will always be the best for me

  10. @apnok.5390 said:Now one dodge cost 100% of endurance.This is too severe a disadvantage.Mirage lost 1 Dodge + Deceptive Evasion (if equipped) compared to before.Revised Mirage Cloak reasonable, if to powerfull.

    Dodge is an important skill. All other have 2 or more dodges in same time.So tell me the balance in this skill?

    Where was the balance all these years when mesmers were broken? I didnt see you posting back then.

  11. Sorry bro but your fake elitisism got self exposed, this is a just an unskilled players begging post to give him back his only way to kill (the one shots) in disguise.On your first post you say that in nowdays pvp (aka insta kill or be insta killed) You an elite pvper has enough time to dodge, to heal, you even said that you have choices..... On your second post you said the average joe may actually have time to do something before they get killed, and i ask you now......why would a pvp god like you worry about nerfs and Joes??? for a guy like you a slower pace should only mean that you get to torture your enemies more right?its not like......now that the average joe who doesnt understand this game gets to survive your oneshots and will come back to destroy you because you are unskill and cant use any other aspect of pvp is it now???

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