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Posts posted by Markodius.4076

  1. 17 hours ago, TheNurgle.4825 said:

    I understand it and that is why it is sad. I wanted to ppl write what special roles and I got pusher and hand kite so only two. As I know what hand kite do is reason why I asked same for pusher. You write that hand kite often do nothing so you actually do not need it as "role" in LFG group or do you? It is only about players knowledge. Issue with guard and aegis is bad game design and we all know it.


    I remember how in world of warcraft in one of the raids we specifically took demon hunters to skip the mechanics because they have long distance jumps and it was a mythic raid, it was very important there and made killing the boss very easy) Also probably bad game design  😁


    or any other boss where you take a certain number of specific classes because it makes it very easy to pass)

    It's the same here in GW2. There are specific tasks, and there are classes that are perfect for them. This doesn't mean that it can't be done by someone else, but why should we waste time having someone else do it and using different tactics than when we have something that works and works well. It's not about bad game design, it's about how players solve the problems they have.

    And by the way, you were talking about guards, aegis can give not only guards) we don't have any guards in our group on Deimos and we kill him every week in CM, where you need aegis to survive the boss mechanics.

  2. 14 hours ago, TheNurgle.4825 said:

    Please explain to us what hand kite or kite in general do?

    Watch video for deimos if you never do it. Hand kite whole fight do nothing, his role just to catch up only one mechanic of boss. Thanks to this, the group does not have to worry about these mechanics and can easily beat the boss.
    and hand kite often do nothing, no heal, no boons

    or another example. You're looking for a heal on Deimos CM. You'd like to get a guard that can give van aegis, but instead you get someone who can't give aegis.

    ore one more example for q1, you wanna skip jump puzzle and LF mesmer with portal

    and there can be a lot of options, depending on how the RL wants to kill the boss and what kind of class composition it should have.

    • Like 4
  3. 3 hours ago, Kozumi.5816 said:

    The reason there are people so against the LFG tool being reworked is because they benefit from it via their boosting services and do not want it to be more accessible to clear the content on their own.

    Never used it for boosting, and i think we dont need new LFG system.

    • Like 6
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  4. On 6/28/2023 at 12:07 PM, TheNurgle.4825 said:


    1. Add option to queue as role for example healer, support, dps and option to queue as commander. Of course player can pick one or all options. Based on player's choice some lil icon would be shown next to their name/hp bar in party/squad setup.

    We dont need another LFG system.

    How you will check hfb in harrier or hfb in celestial equip for CM fractals? It's different hfb, first one for heal and boons second for boons and dps.
    And its just one example. 

    On 6/28/2023 at 12:07 PM, TheNurgle.4825 said:


    1. Adding option to queue for several things at once = I can queue for daily fractals and daily strikes at same time.
    2. When group is ready - conditions to create group is ready, then have pop-up window on player screen to get insta teleport to instance similar to PVP matches = I do not need to go to specific area to get in instance, for new ppl that would be huge QoL improvement.

    This is not wow or FF14 or something else. You don't need teleport. 

    • Like 5
  5. On 12/9/2022 at 12:58 AM, VanDBellen.4913 said:

    I know, GW2 is a totally different style of MMO. And it does a lot of things differently from WoW, some you could like, some you don't. And I also don't intend to form this game into something I like and all of you don't. But I know quite a few people that have loved this game for some time and then suddenly stopped playing. For me it was like this since 2016 too. I started, stopped. After some years I started again, loved it, but stopped. And to me it is an aspect of the game that I would call..... it's a little bit too sandbox.


    Take this with a grain of salt, sandbox is great! Really great. In Tyria you can do pretty much everything and get something for yourself. That's super! In some way... because, I think what the problem is, especially, if you don't have other people to play with, that you don't get those.. long-term goals. It's nice to just log in, do a little bit of roaming, do a few hearts, events, listen to the very awesome world, maybe do an arena or if you've got a bit more time, do a dungeon or something... it's very nice, if you have just some time and ya.. just want to do anything. But I personally figured out for myself, after some time I just don't know what my aim is. 

    In WoW you have goals.

    1. First goal is to get to max level, in GW2, there is much less effort to do this. But I like to level, because I always have something to focus on and to do the things for I do. 
    2. Then you know, when you do dungeons in WoW you get better loot and some kind of tokens to get even better loot. In GW2 you get some stuff, but.. what for? I mean, sure it's something. But do you need it in an aim for anything else? To get stronger? Not really. Mats? You can get somewhere else too. So you can have an achievement if you gather them? Hm maybe yes, that's a point. But is it enough? 
    3. In WoW you want to get stronger and stronger and you feel it, you feel, some raids or dungeons or whatever just die more easily or you don't die as easily. In PvP you can feel if your armor is better. In GW2, when you have exotic armor, there isn't that much in view to get. In WoW you know, you have to go there and do this to get better armor, in PvP and as well in PvE. And you feel the new armor. At least it was like that previously. 


    Now in GW2, where do I get these long term goals?

    The living story is nice, I love story and lore! And listen to everything precisely. But the things you get for completing parts is.. meh. It's just not necessary to do it. I could literally just walk around and gather and do hearts and get .. maybe even better stuff in the same time. I didn't recognize I'd get a special skin, a mini, a mount, some stronger armor than I have.. just something to store and sell and dismantle. The story is at least a goal I can always follow. But besides this...


    I can do anything all the time. But I can't get myself a goal. Something big. Something like becoming stronger, or to become the best or some motivation to find myself a team and guild to accomplish something, because why accomplish it? I'd really want to have something to .. do something for. The long-term goal. The aim I do everything I do for. Or to do something specific for. I just feel lost in this game. Over and over again. And I am not a twinker. I want to play my main and to develop him. To experience with him. And to work for a greater goal.

    But I think this game makes it pretty difficult. 



    I just needed to get this out. I really like this game. It has a lot of really special things. And the lore is awesome. But everything seems so.. worthless. 

    Try to craft every leggy and do all achievements )

    • Like 1
  6. 21 minutes ago, Mell.4873 said:

    Im assuming if someone has picked all roles they have the capability of switching. If they can't then they can kicked by the consensus much like if it happened in the normal LFG. 

    So as result we reach system like now but squad leader must spend time for kick not needed ppls? )

    • Like 3
  7. 51 minutes ago, Fueki.4753 said:

    This game does not need an automated LFG for PvE.


    As solo player i haven't problems to find squad for raids and strikes, and it doesn't take to much time. If you have several prepared classes and roles, you can easy and fast find squad.

    Maybe he want LFG because automated system doesn't check count of kp's or LI, Titles or something else. But i won't to do raids and strikes wish absolutely new people.  

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