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Everything posted by Yannir.4132

  1. Removing the F3 Stability would hurt other Guardian builds more than Firebrand. Terrible idea. DH and Core Guardian are nerfed enough. Personally I think they should change Archivist of Whispers and nerf Force of Will.Make AoW a tome cooldown reduction trait instead of more pages, or make the extra pages somehow conditional. Make FoWs outgoing healing a flat +10% increase instead of scaling based on Vit. He ment the Courage tome "autoattack" skill, not the trait that makes f3 tome give stab.Ah. Well, that makes a whole lot more sense. My bad.I suppose it could be just a Swiftness spammer. I never really understood why Tomes need an "autoattack" anyway.
  2. Removing the F3 Stability would hurt other Guardian builds more than Firebrand. Terrible idea. DH and Core Guardian are nerfed enough. Personally I think they should change Archivist of Whispers and nerf Force of Will.Make AoW a tome cooldown reduction trait instead of more pages, or make the extra pages somehow conditional. Make FoWs outgoing healing a flat +10% increase instead of scaling based on Vit.
  3. Im planning on pugging most fractals, so I can't guarantee the group composition or the presence of a Renegade. In that situation, what would the group typically want me to be? Whats the general expectation of firebrands, for me to dps or to heal? DPS with boon support if I were to hazard a guess. Depends on what they are already fielding.I would pick up a Berserker set, and go from there. You can always play DH with it, and it's not a bad point to start building your Firebrand.
  4. I know she isn't really on anyone's mind currently but I'd kill off Zojja.A. She is a self-absorbed, self-righteous know-it-all that's always wrong.B. Her voice annoys me. Sorry, Felicia Day. Good job, though.C. It would do the story good to not have the character hanging around without purpose.
  5. A Staff/Staff DrD with the mobility of Sb...oh boi..Jokes aside, I would like this. Having an extra use for Ini raises the skill level a bit as well. You really have to manage your Ini properly to not drain all of it before you even get to a fight. Breaking thiefs reliance on Sb for mobility is something I've wanted for a long time.
  6. These 2 are not mutually exclusive. VoR heals every second, SoC heals every 3 seconds, and they don't replace each other.There's a visual tell whenever SoC ticks.
  7. Well, the deal is that if you want do the Quickness or Support variants of Firebrand, you need a Renegade as well. The full support variant includes the Quickness, it's just a question of which one of the duo is geared towards damage and which one towards healing. Quickbrand is the damage variant, support is the healer variant. I understand the Quickbrand+Alacrity Healer Renegade duo is favored. Condi builds are not favored in fractals simply because it takes time to rack up damage, and your standard mobs just die too fast for it to scale well even if condi is decent vs bosses. Personally I just play DH because it's just such a hassle to play a Firebrand without a Renegade, and haven't bothered getting fractals-ready gear other than my Berserker set. WP did just upload a good power Firebrand build yesterday into Youtube. It'll need some adjustments for group play but the premise it revolves around is actually pretty solid.
  8. Personally I hope it's more: Rytlock: "What are you doing, my son?"Ryland: "Succeeding you, father.", then stabbing Rytlock with Sohothin. Not that I'd like that story beat, I would just love it if ANet just blatantly went there. Pay a little homage to the grand daddy of MMO's while not using it directly.
  9. All this talk about the ED's domains always seemed like nonsense to me. Glad they've proven me correct.
  10. You are confusing druid and priest with each other.Though tecnically real world historical druids were just the celtic variant of priest. Their religion was heavily influenced by nature themes, and most of their gods were gods of nature. Priest is a more modern word relatively speaking, referring mostly to Christian priests. In fantasy adaptations Druids are tenders of nature and keepers of balance, and Priests are faithful servants/worshippers of a god/gods/of divine powers. Adaptations where divine powers and natural powers are one and the same, the lines get muddied.
  11. Druid.I know it's an ESpec but honestly this archetype has so much to offer, I'd rather they gave something different for ranger and separated this as a class of its own. AllomancerNot exactly the Sanderson variety. Basically a shapeshifter/caster that manipulates metals, combining geomancy with alchemy and shapeshifting. In case you were wondering, Druid would be a scholar type(light armor) and the allomancer would be a soldier type(heavy armor). I don't have any suggestions for adventurer/medium armor.
  12. You should see his streams. He bashes ANet pretty hard sometimes when the video doesn't go into YT.
  13. What's the difference between conditions in GW2 and DoT effects in other games?Answer is that in those other games DoT effects can't be cleansed(Warlock curses from WoW come to mind) and you have to counter them with healing. Which means that there isn't as many skills that actually do them. There's also no separate stat that makes them do more damage as they scale from the same stats as the attacks you'd consider "power" in GW2 terms. That means you don't have to balance power vs condi damage, you just consider the damage based on a single sliding scale. This game steering away from having a trinity would've meant, should've this more traditional design been used for GW2, that there would be no one really to outheal that DoT that will make you dead in about 5 seconds. So they gave us conditions and cleanses instead.Gw1 had cleanses as well but they were a bit different. Most of the skills, while cleansing yes, would also have another benefit like turning the cleanse into healing or damage. You also didn't stack them and if they had damage, it was a static amount. That kinda leaves the conclusion that what went wrong in GW2 balancing actually stems from the core, launch level design of the game, not from the expansions. Though they certainly magnified the issue.
  14. Did you know that if you ask a Blizzard dev what the biggest mistake they made in WoW's history was, they'd answer Flying mounts.That's why they disable it behind a wall of gold every time there's a new expansion. They want you to experience the content, not fly over it.
  15. If Deadly Ambition is bugged, I understand that needs a fix but other than that this is a L2P-issue.
  16. You need to put that last sentence in your signature.
  17. All the sheep picking GS again... Oh well.If we go Cantha, I'd like to see an actual assassin spec with maybe Nika as the legend with twin daggers, using more thief-like utility skills.Shiro is more DPS warrior than assassin IMO.
  18. You could always transmute your sword into a different skin so it doesn't give off footprints. sure. spend thousends of gold and lot of time and then transmute it into something boring.i wish that every legendary has the same amount of footprints.new ones only have 3 and old ones 8+Well I've been looking at my Bolt for 3 years now, I'm kinda getting bored of it. Also the unsheathing sound is triggering me a bit due to over exposure.My investment has been paid off.
  19. You could always transmute your sword into a different skin so it doesn't give off footprints.
  20. We don't know that. ANet is not forthcoming about information when it comes to their far-reaching future plans. They like to give us surprises.
  21. Don't be so serious. You did not need to respond in the first place, I was just poking fun at you. Anyway, the comment I was responding to completely ignored @ArthurDent.9538 's point, which was about a niche situation where you are coming out of respawn, and there's a downstate race on the mid node. As you can't get there on time for cleave or stomping, your only option to participate in that downrace AT ALL is to treb it once or twice. Like said, it's very rare. Rule 11. There are niche exceptions to almost every one of these rules.
  22. It can work through the sheer element of surprise, but once people are aware even in teamfights they will either dodge or move out of the circle. So I'd say in 99% of all imaginable situations it's a terrible idea. A good answer. Downed bodies are notorious for their dodging ability.
  23. How do you consider Essence Sap the second strongest stolen skill? At first I thought I must've misread that.It's pathetic, although very quick.IMO around 70% of the other skills are more useful. Ice Shard, Throw Gunk and Mace Crack being the only worse ones. Whirling Axe is the most useful in the most common situation you get it in, when stealing into a downed warrior. If there's no one else around, it does great damage and blocks both warriors down state skills so it's very good as a cleave skill.Skull Fear has a decent range so you don't need to hug your opponent. It's also Unblockable.Probably not particularly useful for S/D but Healing Seed is rather nice when you can Heartseeker into it as a D/P. Not super strong but it is nice.And Blinding Tuft is crucial if you want to succeed vs other thieves. Not the most common one but very useful when you do get it.None of these is as worth as Plasma obviously but they have their uses.
  24. Extra damage to Burning foes doesn't make a whole lot of sense here as it's the only skill in the kit that actually inflicts the needed burn. With a 10 second cd you'll never hit your own burn. Ofc in a raid scenario a boss would be permanently burning assuming there's atleast 1 Guardian in the squad, so in that sense sure. I would normalize the recharge to be the same as in Twist of Fate, 5 seconds. That 1 second window between this ending and getting access to the next ammo charge can be covered with a normal dodge, making this skill too strong with a 2 second recharge. I think the revive speed penalty is too severe. Depending on how this is implemented, your opponent could end up doing damage by trying to res if the ressee also has Poison on them, and that violates core design aspects of the game. You did forget about Poison, right?-25% or -33% would be my suggestion. Probably -33% so it's like a proto-Poison.Even with that this skill would be OP af. Ammo? 4 second duration? I'd put this on a 3 second duration with no ammo, and keep the current recharge. Should also rip Stab and Resi on placement, and the inflicted Chill could be 3 seconds. Maybe just 1 Boon though. Boon removal is a strong effect, and wading into melee with Stone Heart and a foe with Weakness is not a big deal even as an ele. You can make entire builds around an interaction this strong. Which is good but 2 is still too strong.Btw, is this a physical projectile and does it Pierce?
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