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Everything posted by anjo.6143

  1. Do you think it will be better if skills was weapon specifc and utility/elite skills was per class?
  2. What is your opinion about you cant play with determined weapons when you play a class ? For instance you cant use double sword or shield playing as Thief, you cant play dagger as Revenant, etc. Do you think it is okay, do you have any ideas?
  3. They could remove physics from it, so it would turn invisible in front of the camera, you can see it just from sides, maybe?
  4. Ranger dmg+sustain+mobility = totally broken, I mean, UN KITTEN REAL.
  5. LoL is WAY more toxic and has WAY more players, the pvp here is dead because many other issues and mistakes from company
  6. What a build should have to call it a good one for a roamer at Conquest?
  7. In your opinion, what a player should bring to battle when assuming the Duelist role ?
  8. You cannot progress on ranked through unranked matches. Assuming player at same skill level: Thief cant beat Duelist no matter what
  9. How to measure individual performance on conquest? If you allow unranked progress for ranked, ppl would just spam premade on unranked. How you offer 1v1 if they balance the game based on roles not on classes. Some classes just cant survive on 1v1, no matter you change your build.
  10. I really dont know why you waste your time trying to educate ppl and elucidate such basic facts.
  11. "Firebrand and healing Mechanist are currently dominating group compositions. " Are you balancing based on bronze/silver player database ? edit: nvm, this kitten is for pve, yikes
  12. How they will force ppl to buy new expansion, if not doinf that? They cant make spvp interesting, they cant balance game or even add a single new thing to the entire mode, it is the only way they can make some money
  13. Did u ever read anything about conquest mode and conquest builds?
  14. It is OBVIOUSLY a nerf, that was the intention, cause SA was OP before, now it is not anymore. The fact that u need to change ur gameplay to adapt the new SA it another thing.
  15. You can play it, but u will not delivery as much value as specter does, thats the point mate.
  16. High CDs and no stealth on steal, ye, really op, lol
  17. I dont care about this, to me both are in bizarre state. I was just explaining to the guy what the other guy told
  18. That's what he said, you practically told "harb is op, willb not", cause u r guard main. Both harb and willb are kitten op.
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