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Posts posted by applekwisp.2139

  1. Ignoring the fact that elementalist shouldn't have gotten hammer, but rather a ranged weapon like pistol, rifle, long or short bow, I didn't enjoy my short time with the catalyst. It has the biggest problems the majority of weapons/classes have that make them not viable, it's clunky and extremely slow.


    I think the major improvements to salvage the class would be to make all the 3 skills significantly longer and trigger on attunement activation rather than on a weapon skill. This opens up for actually different 3 skills. The balls should all spawn and spin in uniform spots around you and not stacked on top of itself. The balls shouldn't be only a DPS advantage on big bodies and should be easier to maintain in open world and in melee combat. 


    The F5 skill feels useless, but if 3 is moved to attunement activation, I think it opens up the ability to make the 3 skills interact with and or create combo fields and move them around, extend them, keep it as an aura, blast on demand, any number of ideas. Then F5 could be to unleash the balls instead of feeling bad about watching your short 3 spin duration. Maybe no balls summoned F5 trigger all the balls spinning or something. The balls feel like a better mechanic to focus on than a useless combo field that does not damage with so few ways to burst.


    All of the utility skills fells useless. I'm honestly not sure how to improve them without changing the aforementioned items. 


    I think the hammer is much too slow and too animation locked for what it does. The reason weaver and tempest (to a lesser extent) feel good is because I get to press a lot of different button. The hammer is the complete opposite of that and it feels terrible. It also extenuates the fact that staff is similarly slow and clunky.


    The passive buff is too hard to maintain and too hard to even get stacks for. There are no solid ways to get auras, and to be honest none of the auras do anything compelling that you would be in a situation where you say, having X aura would really benefit my group in this scenario.


    All in all, mostly all the classes are disappointing, but as someone who primarily enjoys elementalist, I honestly have 0 hype for it in its current form. It's a slow, clunky, mishmash of random idea none that synergize or fleshed out enough to be interesting. 



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