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xWiroo.3841's Achievements

  1. wait after next xpac launch, the game as it is rn is not worth it
  2. Leave this game pvp, its dead and all the "promises" of balance patches and such were a lie as many other times. Maybe after the new expac we will see some life to it, until that jump off this ship lol.
  3. leave this game if you are in here just for pvp, i would play ff14 if i had the money, so i just downloaded a yarrrr aion client lol
  4. Seriously guys, leave this game, arenanet doesnt give a fuck since pvp gives them no money. Theres not even new raids or fractal content, just empty promises.
  5. devs wont read, they dont care either, the sooner you realize this the better
  6. none lmao Actually hope for good nerfs to rev and condi thief, also a look to botting, cheating and buffs to useless classes, but that surely wont happen
  7. Im starting to regret the moment i decided to play pvp in this game
  8. besides playing for the reward chest or completing backpack/acc achievement i feel like there isnt much to it, I wanted to get to top 250 so i could get one of those titles or to buy maybe one of those ascended items, but the matchmaking, disbalance, radio silence from arena, and people abusing the queue is so discouraging.
  9. not all necros have corrupt tho, most use worm and green walk, then you either choose fear party circle or corrupt. Also you dont save corrupt until 1 guy comes after you, you can use it against protection on guardians or stab on any other guy like a temp in overcharge or a necro on lich, also, corrupting a 15 stack might is fantastic, its too situational to say that that the necro IS going to corrupt your stab everytime.
  10. sorry to break it for you, condi rev is a bunker If so, you should advocate to specifically nerf the bunker part.The Condi Herald I enjoy playing (at least more than other builds in this garbage CC-Bunker-META) is not a bunker. out of curiosity, what are the other bunkers beside condi herald? because other than herald, none of them are really that tanky right now. any type of necro,rangers and any support tempesthave you ever played supp temp dude? You have earth 5 to have invul but you cant cast anything else, also you can switch to water to get some passive regen, 8 secs until you can overcharge water and heal with 20-30 secs cd and water 2 that throws some water out of your mouth and you get some heal, and thats it, thats all its tankyness, the rest is pressing v in the right time or using the healing ability everyone has. Necro has its second life bar, yes, but the moment you close gap and cc its dead lol, if you have stab its even better because you will resist any fear like a champ and just walk to him. I can agree on ranger more or less, the barrier is way too much considering how easy ranger can back away to start pewpewing again.
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