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Trevor Boyer.6524

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Everything posted by Trevor Boyer.6524

  1. Glad someone else brought it up. So I had originally came out at 1540 after my first 15 games on first day of release, first 3 hours or so of release. The first day of release, everyone was playing on their mains and Push felt strangely functional, and I was initially praising the game mode. I was having a lot of fun. The games were unusually balanced. There was a lot of back & forth back & forth gameplay. It wasn't ever too clear who was going to win actually. The games were exciting due to this. I ended up playing 172 games total. The more and more I queued, I just kept losing more and more rating. And I don't mean usual win streaks/lose streaks. No, it was this bottomless rating loss to the point I was thinking "the hell is this?" I ended up deciding to stop playing the mode when I had officially dropped to 1267 rating, which is gold 1. This is by far the lowest rating I have ever been at in any season, even compared to 10+ years ago and I was relatively new. There are so many reasons why this does not make sense, if everyone were playing fairly, there was no manipulation, and no favoritism baked into the algorithm. The more I queued and the lower my rating dropped, I swear the matches were getting harder. The lower my rating went, the worse PUGs I would get, and the more g3p1+ that would see stacked on the opponent team. No, I'm not exaggerating this. It wouldn't matter if I solo'd or duo'd, it just kept doing the same thing. A lot of you have heard me say "something is messing with my match making" for years now. But I feel like this Push beta really highlighted & showcases this. I'm not saying I'm one of the best players, but I'm a good player, even a strong player. Something is wrong with this when I am seeing players who possess half my value finishing this season in plat+ and taking their top 250 titles, but here I am, finishing in gold 1. I don't know what the hell is going on here, but the Push experienced sucked due to it, and it left a really bad flavor in a lot of people's mouths. Is it just a lot of multi-window bots, sync queues, win trading? Is it just a lot of focus they put on players they don't like? Is there some kind of admin functions that forces losses on selected accounts? Or is it the total games played/glory rank phase 2 thing? Whatever it is, people notice the bull****. It is very visible in 2024 in low population. Arenanet, if you want players to stick around, you need to clean up w/e is going on here. If you insist on maintaining the solo/duo only system in a 5man team mode, you must tend to whatever the hell these problems are because this is what's killing your game mode. It's so visible in 2024, that new players show up, and even if they don't understand what's happening, they feel it. And they "this sucks" and they leave. I know a great deal of people don't want to hear this is, but your best/easiest route to fixing these problems is simply to reenable 5man queueing, which would intrinsically gut out synch queue throws/bots on people's teams. It just needs to happen.
  2. It's an old bug. I myself have been placed into the enemy spawn with the other team on the final count before the gate opens. It's rare to see it happen but it is a bug.
  3. Oh I know exactly why. Back when this game still had an extremely large population of actual human players on accounts reading & posting in this forum, anything I'd say would get 50+ upvotes and 10,000 views, inevitably starting a trend of players agreeing and wanting something changed, or just beginning to pay attention to something they hadn't noticed before. Pretty sure this stirred concern amongst certain cliques of people who wanted the community to remain ignorant and docile. Now that the population is very small, it is very easy for the closed cliques of players who run the alt show, to spam everything I say with confused emojis and respond on various alt accounts with various aggressive responses, to make it look like "everyone thinks trev is dumb" as to cull off the kind of momentum my statements would gain in the past. I don't know who it is, and quite frankly at this point in 2024 I really don't care. All I know is that what they do is obvious when you take the time to analyze the post rhythms, the types of same grammar/punctuation errors they make, and the shared hyper excessive aggression they have between all these accounts, vs. literally anything I say at all. Whatever the motive is, it is clear that these people do not want me drawing attention to things they don't want attention drawn to. Who could that be? I don't know man, make of it what you want. All I know is, I'll see other forum users state the exact same things that I would, and they'll get 3 or 4 upvotes and generally no attention for confused spamming. But if I say the same thing as the other guy did, I will quite seriously get 15+ confused faces and a page long worth of very overly aggressive responses to the point that it gets to be weird and ridiculous. I mean we'll get posters/responders who say the stupidest stuff, who clearly don't know the game well at all, but these people get generally ignored. Then I'll say something that isn't just in the ballpark of accurate, but it's like a homerun and nails down exactly what's going on, but I'll get a page worth of hyper aggressive overly insulting blitzkrieg posting, to make sure what I said looks dumb. Hell, I don't even get aggressive anymore or really argue at all if you haven't noticed. I make a clean statement about balance or what not and just leave it at that. Did no one notice how strange it is that I catch such aggravated assault for posting genuine game feedback? Kind of weird man. Gotta wonder who would care so much about that, and why. And why they haven't learned yet, that sometimes the harder you try to make someone look bad, it actually ends up making them look good in the end. I'll say no more.
  4. Most Ranger builds commonly bring: Zephyr, Protect Me, Light Ref. This is 3x convenient stun breaks with lots of other effects tagged onto them. You'd be crazy not to use this lineup. There are only a handful of builds that usually sacrifice Protect Me, to bring a different utility. Sic Em brings Sic Em over Protect Me. Condi Burst will bring Sharp Stone over Protect Me. Some Untamed builds will still bring an Untamed utility over Protect Me. Those 3x utilities even transcend the use of Dolyak Stance for several reasons. So yeah, when Necro can conveniently bring 3x stun breaks now with extreme low CD between the 3 of them, and two of those being big condi clears and 1 a direct port escape, yeah it'll be OP. How a person would think that's not OP in conjunction with the incoming sustain buffs, it's already present mobility creep, and apparently the new design to allow it to teleport at targets like a Rev, no idea. It's w/e man. I guess a bunch of direct buffs change nothing right.
  5. lol what Isolate: Reduced the cooldown from 18 seconds to 15 seconds in PvP only Consume Conditions: Reduced the cooldown from 30 seconds to 25 seconds Plague Signet: Reduced the cooldown from 25 seconds to 20 seconds in PvP and WvW Dark Pursuit: This skill no longer increases the cooldown of Dark Path Life Transfer: Reduced the cooldown from 25 seconds to 20 seconds. Increased the bleeding duration from 2 seconds to 3 seconds Tainted Shackles: Reduced the cooldown from 30 seconds to 25 seconds Unholy Martyr: Increased the life force per condition removed from 3% to 7% in PvP only Soul Eater: The healing from this trait can now heal the player while they are using Reaper Shroud Blighter's Boon: Increased the base healing from 103 to 133 Blight: Reduced the health percentage decrease from 1.5% to 1% in PvP only ok look: Isolate allows Harb's with spears to function like rev chasing. This does not need to be on a lower CD. Consume Conditions 30 to 25 is just plainly defense creep. Despite what people say, Plague Signet is very very powerful. I more often than not use this skill on almost every Necro build I run in pvp. Guarantee you people have been overlooking this skill for a very very long time. Plague going from 25 to 20 is going to result in even more trouble CCing Necros, which is like their only weakness at this point. Buddy when you pair 20s CD Plague, with Wurm & Walk, this becomes very difficult to lock it down. Especially if it's a Reaper that also has 2x sources of Stab. Dark Pursuit, Life Transfer, Tainted Shackles, Unholy Martyr, this is a very substantial buff to Core Necro functions. Unholy Martyr in particular, this is going from a 9% LF gain to a 21% LF gain. I mean, does Necro need to generate shroud any faster than it already does? Soul Eater healing while in Reaper Shroud? Just why? Do you not realize how much heal that is when a Reaper spins to win in the middle of a team fight? I mean we're talking 3-4 players on a node + pets & mechs & elementals & minions & w/e. If you can deal probably on average about 15,000 to say 3 targets before leaving reaper shroud, that's like a 2,250 heal, on top of w/e other heal sources it is getting while in shroud, like from Blighter's Boon, or Blood line life steal which already heals while in shroud. I mean.... really? So we are headed into a situation where not only does the shroud shield the Reaper, but now it is also heal reset? Ok. Blighter's Boon going from 103 to 133, yeah dude these little bonuses start to add up. We're looking at already powerhouse Reaper gaining the heals in-shroud from new Soul Eater, paired with this? I mean we're talking compounding some bull*** together that didn't really matter before, but it will now, like Unholy Sanctuary - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) 1% per second at 30,000 health is 300 health per second. Blight reduce health going from 1.5 to 1.0? So not only are they not tending to the broken ultra tank interaction of Blood Bank with elixir heal & blood life steal stacking, but they're going to enhance its health bar on top of it. Ok. All of these bonuses stack up. Necro did not need a bunch of buffing. It needed slight nerfing in some areas, or at the least just leave it alone and let other classes catch up.
  6. See this is why the "reporting AFK" thing is difficult to discern who is the real culprit. Example: You see your 3 players run past home and ignore 1 thief capping the node. You go AFK, knowing your team is either 1) too inexperienced to play, 2) straight up bots, or 3) Blatantly throwing on purpose. Either way, the match is unwinnable, so you go AFK because the next 10 minutes of your time will be better spent making a sandwich or putting laundry into the washer, than watching or playing alongside of 4 guys who are going to get spawned camped and farmed in a 500 to 0 match. But when you go AFK, someone says: "Report Barabbas for AFK", and maybe a couple of them actually do. It's like a moral disparity. For me, I'll keep playing in a bad match so long as my players can at least get back to a node and present some kind contestation. But if they're getting spawn camped dude, and/or don't care to go to the node in general, I'll AFK to go next faster. And imo, those players should be targeted for AFK reports, not me. Because 9/10 times when players are performing that badly, it's either bots or purposeful win trading. It's true.
  7. I see what you're saying, but we're waaaaay too deep into skill splits at this point. You just have to find a pvp version of your spec that works and is functional. Just the way it is.
  8. I would always select conquest over push at this point. Ultimately I can say that conquest matches still just possess deeper strategy, which is more mentally stimulating. But what I'd rather see, is have them shuffle stronghold, courtyard, and push, into the normal map roulette. This way it has 10 normal conquest maps to roll, and then 3 additional modes. Most of the time you'd be getting conquest, but every once in awhile you'd get stronghold, courtyard, or push. That'd be cool, and I think this is the way to do it. It would also keep population shuffled into the same queue together. Also, I would like to see push show up in weekly ATs from time time. But this also goes for 2v2s and 3v3s, stronghold, courtyard. I don't think they use their content enough. It's not that people HATE those maps/modes, it's just that they don't want to play them all the time for elongated durations of time. People do like those modes when they occur every once in awhile, which is a nice break from conquest when it's once in awhile. But it has to be merged shuffle, or no one will ever select a different mode than conquest because the population is simply too small for it.If you actually try to queue stronghold or courtyard, you'll wait upwards for 40+ minutes before realizing no one is queueing. Again, this isn't because people hate those modes, it's just that they know conquest is full & fast queues so why wait?
  9. And your post looks like a retro time-warp 2014 post from a 16 year old kid. Look man, it's that they're ignoring the Mes spear. It's one of the top 3 offenders that just needs its spear nerfed. This is ridiculous that they aren't tending to it. Furthermore, I love how you act like these aren't substantial buffs to the already overperforming power shatter builds: Mass Invisibility: Reduced the cooldown from 60 seconds to 50 seconds in PvP only Furious Interruption: Reduced the internal cooldown from 3 seconds to 1 second. Increased the quickness duration from 3 seconds to 4 seconds in PvE and from 2 seconds to 4 seconds in PvP and WvW. It's not even that dude. It's that they're just completely ignoring the spear, and directly buffing 2 power shatter aspects.
  10. This alone, is insane: Soul Eater: The healing from this trait can now heal the player while they are using Reaper Shroud. Healing while in shroud has reduced effectiveness in PvE.
  11. Upcoming changes and features/2024-10-08 Game update - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) Why is Mesmer getting buffed? Why is Guardian getting buffed? Why is NECROMANCER getting buffed? Oh my god why? Why are the overpowered spears not being tended to? Why are the insanely underpowered spears not being tended to? Why are the classes that are currently underperforming not being tended to? Arenanet, what are you guys doing? I sure hope you have your priorities in order, because if this one goes through, it's going to trigger another significant exodus era. People are seriously getting tired of waiting long durations of time for outstanding issues to be fixed. Might want to pay attention when the entire community agrees on certain things.
  12. It is a bad call. I can see doing -10% or even -15% to all cele stats, but straight removing conc/exp entirely, is essentially deleting the celestial line completely.
  13. Yes but this is often results in shortcut respawning. You die and a 10s timer starts. Your buddy dies at 8s during the timer, and then essentially instantly respawns with you. Wave respawn really doesn't work out well imo.
  14. Willbender is overperforming in Push and it isn't even due to the reasons you may think regarding class balance. Sure, it's strong and its design is good for node diving, but that's only roughly half what makes it good in the Push mode. It is because Willbender has so much mobility/porting that due to the short respawn time in Push, it is seriously back on the node in 6 to 8 seconds after it dies. All a team needs is one aggressive Willbender, and that one person alone can greatly stall node progress of the opponent, even after a full team wipe, due to how fast it can get back to the node off the short respawn with its teleports. Any class with high mobility & ports can do this really, but Willbender is the best at it due to the amount of massive AoE damage it can drop in between dives & deaths. This very much so highlights the two biggest critical problems with Push thus far: The respawn timer is way too short, to the point that being stupid and getting yourself farmed isn't even punishing if your build has extreme mobility. As it is now, bad players are too effective while running high mobility builds that go to the node very quickly off a respawn. They don't even need to be good, they just need to quickly get their body back on the node for stall, even if it's in downstate. This makes matches overly drawn out when you're on a good team who isn't dying at all, but the team you are against is able to keep getting their bodies back to the node so quickly, you end up getting perma stalled around the corner push and have to play to the timer, even though you are farming the opponent. I'm talking like no one on your team dies at all, and the other guys by the end of the match have probably died 15 to 20 times each, they have no mechanical resistance to combat your team, but you cannot push the node for a finish because their respawn timer is just too short for how much mobility they have. The respawn time could use a good +5 seconds. When players go into downstate, this should not stall node push progress. First of all, stalling while in downstate is bogging matches up way too much while put into conjunction with the aforementioned problem. Both of these things combined is encouraging this suicide bomber play style that is more rewarding than it should be for the lack of skill required to make it work, and the lame dynamic that it brings. This is why things like Willbender & full glass Virtuoso are tearing up Push games, because it doesn't matter if they die. All they have to do is go in, drop a ton of DPS, try to take someone or two with them, go into downstate, stall the node while in downstate, die go on respawn, and then port back real fast, do same thing again. This mode was intended for new players yes? Well this dynamic is not preparing them for Conquest games or any other mode. In other modes, deathing yourself grants +5 points to your opponent each time you do it, and going on respawn while leaving your team 4v5 on 3 nodes is actually detrimental. In Conquest, the worst thing you can do for your team is go on respawn. In Push however, there just simply isn't a penalty for chain deathing yourself, and in many scenarios it's the best option to stall, which is kind of a lame dynamic to play in when you realize "my best option right now is to go to the node and die because it will grant like +15s of node stall". This just isn't a fun dynamic to play in. This can be easily solved by making it so downstate players do not contribute node stall or push progress. This would make it so players had to actually win combats to create node contribution, rather than just being able to cheese stall with chain deathing and port mobility. I just want to point out that no one was really complaining about Willbender during Conquest. Some people were saying its damage was high, but it wasn't like a grand MVP with the dynamic of Conquest. The Push dynamic however, exposes a game mode that completely rewards the idea of a class that can play the kamikaze pilot over and over with no punishment for doing so, and Willbender is the best at that. But yeah, these two things need to be done for Push. Tag +5 more seconds onto respawns, and remove downstate contribution to nodes.
  15. They said they are beta testing something different in the algorithm/leaderboards? I didn't catch this. All I know is, w/e is going on, these matches feel worse than normal in terms of quality & gaining rating. A lot of this could be due to Push's dynamic for one thing, as this is a mode where you really can't carry. In Conquest, a single good player can make great rotational decisions, surprise opponents, win 1v2s, yada yada, and make quite an impact even in bad games. But in Push, it's just one big team fight more like a wvw small skirmish over a single objective. In this type of scenario, the good player kind of blends in with everyone else. There is so much going on in that one place, it's not like you can rope-a-dope a 1v2 very often for a good play. You are more often than not just trying to dodge 3 or 4 or even 5 man focus when a target is called on your head. The more numbers that show up to fight in a single place over a single objective, a single strong player starts to matter a lot less than it does in a mode like Conquest when he can pivot himself into a strong position to pretty much guarantee farming 1-2 players while holding and even kiting/surviving 3 players for a big stall. With the nature of Push's dynamic, you just can't do that. The node debuffs and all opponents being central to the single objective, means you can't just stand on the node and carry a 1v5 stall or even a 1v3 really, at least not for any longer than about 10s even if you're good. If your PUGs are just bad in Push, there really is just no way to carry the match. That being said, here is my experience and what I've noticed during this Push beta: I come out of my first 15 games at 1540 rating. Every single game queued was solo, and I did this like the first 2-3 hours of Push release. During this first 2-3 hours of release, all the top players were on their mains queueing. I'd say about 90% of the games queued felt really balanced and things made sense. I was having a lot fun actually. None of the games were really blowouts. I was surprised to see a lot of clutch back and forth back and forth gameplay. Each game was pretty rough struggle for both sides, regardless of which team ended up winning. The dynamic felt like it was working. I took a break on day 1 after tagging 1540 out of placement. Day 2 I log in and clearly see that all the top player mains have also completed their first 15 games to get their desired rating. I begin queueing on day 2 and things immediately feel funky. It's just one wave after another of account names I've never seen before, the usual suspicious activity, including a lot of obvious alt accounts being wielded by players who are seriously overperforming for the rating brackets those accounts are in. The queues have become volatile and weird, and I start seeing massive blowout situations where one team has everyone playing the node, while the other team has like 1 guy trying to play the node and his PUGs seem to be avoiding it on purpose. Bad matchmaking? Who knows man. Make of it what you want. But the bad matches keep flowing and don't seem to stop. Nothing really makes sense and the mode starts to feel kind of bad to play. I keep queueing every day, to the point I have probably 150 games queued in Push at this point. I only see main accounts logging in to play 1 game to kill decay then they log off. Then most of the time those weird accounts are online queueing, names no one knows. Of course all of the top player main accounts are never online at the same that these weird no name accounts are online. And when those no name account are online, the matches are ultra volatile, usually massive blowout situations where one team mysteriously has a group of PUGs that absolutely refuse to touch the node, and none of the match making makes any sense at all. Make of it what you want. I keep queueing all the way up to the point when I made this post, and I have dropped down into gold 2 at this point, somewhere around 1390. I've been as low as like 1315 and haven't been able to get past about 1450 ever since the end of day 1. I also notice all of those no name accounts coming out of their placements in plat and then they disappear. It looks to me like things work fine when everyone is on their mains and not using alts. But when people start smurfing and/or synch queueing & throwing, everything & anything related to the algorithm just gets botched, the matches don't make sense anymore, good players organic queueing legitimately get screwed, and to be perfectly honest the game mode actually starts to feel pretty bad to play. If Arenanet cares at all to encourage more activity/fairness in any pvp mode, they absolute must do two things: REMOVE the algorithm functions that involve total games played and glory rank during phase 2 of the matchmaking. Read it -> PvP Matchmaking Algorithm - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) I've been talking to you guys about this for years now. This does nothing but drag down old accounts with overly difficult match making that is in no way fair. The system should only use current rating as a metric for match making. When an old account is 1500 and a new account is 1500, why does the old account get placed into a match where he can be carrying hard but still lose, but the new account gets placed into a match where he can make several mistakes and die often while still getting carried into a win by his PUGs? This means the veteran who can carry hard loses his bad match and goes down to 1480, but the new account plays poorly and due to his better PUGs carrying him he gets a win and goes to 1520? This is total bull**** and they need to remove how total games & glory rank effects the phase 2 of match making. It just needs to be eliminated. Someone had told me Vallun had also been discussing this in one of his recent streams. Apparently he had said: "I get noticeably worse match making on my old main than if I play on newer alts". And this total games played/glory rank phase 2 thing is why. It needs to be removed. It isn't fair. For the love of common sense, tend to the ridiculous amount of hard and soft match manipulation. There is so much garbage going on in these queues anymore, both hard and soft manipulations, it really does drive off the player base who wants to queue fairly for a good game. Sometimes I really don't think Arenanet understands how many players they've lost due to this. This is a game that people really wanted to play, but they wanted to do it fairly. If they don't want to do direct bans or w/e, they need to just ENABLE 5 MAN QUEUES so people can't plant throw PUGs on teams. I know all the yap yap yolo advocates will come in here and shut down that suggestion, but those tend to be all the people who haven't logged into GW2 for 5 years. The only way around this garbage throw styled match making, is to intrinsically configure the queue so that they can't screw people over to begin with. The only way is 5 man premade teams. Sorry guys but it's true. Sure they can try to get into queue against their own throw teams to farm themselves up the leaderboards, but they can't force YOU to lose if you have a 5 man premade. If they want your team to lose rating, they have to actually beat you, not just synch throw PUG you. If Arenanet would listen to these 2 suggestions, they might have a game on their hands again.
  16. Of course we want to get the 20% damage buff and prevent the other team from getting the 20% damage buff. But there are a lot of players who really are just tunnel visioning fights and roaming way way too far from the node when there aren't even objectives spawned to fight over. In example: I'm standing on a node holding it yolo. I have 2 players on me, a Willbender and some Scourge or something. I have about 10s to tank all this before it becomes dangerous to stay on the node due to debuffs. I have about 20s if I plan on dying on the node to full stall push progress while in downstate. I start calling for help in /t chat "node, go to node". But no one goes to the node. I look to see where they are. No objectives are spawned. I have a Reaper and a Scrapper chasing around an Axe Thief 4000 range from the node. Then I have a Ranger trying to fire a longbow from max range at the node, who thinks he's safer by staying at max range away from our party, but doesn't realize that he's making himself more prone to being +d burst ganked very easily because he's no where near me for me to help him when that +2 comes to him. And then I have a glass Scrapper trying to deal DPS to the node while running around the node, who never wants to actually contribute going on the node, who stealths and runs any time someone targets him. What's wrong with this situation? Very simple. Even if I am making god tier plays and somehow surviving this yolo node hold, I won't be able to do it while actually standing on the node all the time. So each time I have to roll off and kite for a second or two, we loss progress and the node gets pushed towards the enemy goal. Because the enemy always has 2+ guys at the node, usually 3, the entire game, taking turns standing on the node when others have to hop off. This way, they slowly push the node when I hop off to kite, no matter what I do. And I can't kill them quickly enough to ever get them ALL off the node at the same time to be able to get push progress when I'm the only one standing on the node. Why is the other team winning? Because even though we are technically winning the combat and killing those players nearly twice as often as they are killing us, they just keep going back to the node immediately off respawn. Because the enemy team zergs the node, they always have a body on the node to prevent my push progress. And when I have to roll off to survive, they gain a bit of push each time. I keep saying "go to the node" but no one does because they are "off node doing what they want" which doesn't win push matches. I don't know what else to say about it. Players have to go to the node and help stand on it at times if they like winning push matches.
  17. Should be reportable. Get a 5 minute timeout for monkeying like that.
  18. I dunno about that though. The 20% damage buffs are pretty serious business. The middle buff though, it should last longer than 10s to be meaningful. Maybe a 20s duration for the middle buff would be good.
  19. I think you're idea is great, but for a different push map. I'd like to see more push maps with different kinds of weird side objectives. Havening an actual console/panel thing that changes environmental obstacles is a cool idea for a push map.
  20. If none of your players stand on the node for even like 5 seconds, the node is just gone man. People have to go to the node and take turns diving on and off of it. I don't care WHAT they think they're doing when they are 4000+ range from the node locked in a combat, they are not helping if their team is losing the node push. The #1 priority in this mode is having bodies on that node, first and foremost before anything else. The objectives are important yes, but they are not as important as the node. The node ultimately wins or loses the game. If your team is losing the node and it is being pushed to enemy goal, no amount of objectives or fighting off node will stop that from happening. The only thing that stops the enemy from pushing the node to their goal, is your team's bodies on the node. The tutorial is now complete. Enjoy the PUSH game mode boys.
  21. ^ That's exactly what I'm talking about. People need to go to the node.
  22. Ok look, it's not that you have stand on the node 100% of the time. But you do have to be near the node to help roll on and off of it, to prevent enemy push progress, and to progress your own push progress. Matches cannot be won without players playing the node. One person can't yolo 5 people and hold the node alone. Go to the node.
  23. It's not that you have stand on the node 100% of the time. It's that players need to go to the node and be near it, so they can take turns rolling on and off of it to stall enemy push progress. There are waaaaaay too many games I get where players are like 4000+ range from the node nearly the entire game, trying to chase 1v1s or w/e it is they're doing, and you have to actually take the time to stop and type and say: "Please help the node" because apparently they think a single player can carry the game and push the node solo or something. I dunno but it's a great deal more frustrating than newbs in conquest. Something about it is extra extra obnoxious.
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