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Everything posted by Xion.5694

  1. Yes cuz all instant skills are equal regardless of what they do lol.U serious?The devs have the right idea regarding insta cast skills as they should be adjusted on a individual basses considering their is a huge variance of what each insta cast skills actually do. Hi Psycoprophet,If a Developer mentions damage dealing instant cast skills and hard crowd control ones, and adding some sort of 'delay', then I comment on that. If you do not see the connection between two factors of 'instant counterplay', like 'aegis' or 'teleport' then, I do not have anything more say to you.
  2. Hi Anet,Great Living Story. It met my expectations on quality and quantity and was fun for the given time.But jokes aside. So the SAGA (aka Living Story) has begun. The snowball has been dropped so hard...But can you tell me, as Announced in September, what is the Expansion Level Content in this SAGA, because I dont see any, but for sure it is there, as you said.I'm sure you added it, but could you give me a glipse or point into right direction what is that? Love to hear! PS. Give the artist, who painted the loading screens, a payrise (in $, not Gems) he/she did a wonderful job for this episode.
  3. Hi Cal,Will the instant 'block' 'aegis' 'blind' 'teleport' 'break stun' skills be lookend into then?Please look into the counterplays of instant damage while you look into things that do such damage or hard stun. Love to hear!
  4. Hi Cal,So have you lookend into stealth?Hopefully!Its becoming less and less fun to my guild to run this perms stealth thieves.You know, hit once -> disengage, hit once -> disengage, hit once -> disengage, hit once -> disenage -> dodge -> dodge to collect your lootbag.Boring.Maybe a reliable counterplay to stealth? Or return to the concept that you can only stealth once (high risk high reward thingy?) And those Stance warriors...Seriously one warrior can stall a zerg because of non removable mechanic with no counterplay.G GGive them a breakbar (spaghetti code? -> give them barrier insted), and prevent them from stalling cap rings with Prevents Capture-Point Contribution. And those Mirages!When the Infinite Horizon combined with Deceptive Evasion will be fixed?Now it does 33% less damage that is supposed to as one of our Easly Destroyable Resource (aka clone) gest replaced before it may execute an attack.This is ablolutely unplayable. Love to hear!
  5. Hi Cal, When the perma stealth roamers issue will be adressed?It seems that it is somehow overlooked in the proposed changes.Please take a closer look on small scale, not only zerging meta. Love to hear!
  6. Hi Robert, Thank you for sharing the Quality of Life part of Balance Update and a sneak peek on the Rez skills changes. I really love the changes with Fall Damage Reduction traits.It means a lot to me, as a player, that you and balance team focuses on such important ascpect of this game while preparing for balance updates. From my experience I can only share that, as you pointed out, I've never took them, beside WvW, where we cant glide as we please nor use mounts masteries.I hope that you thought about WvW community while planning this changes, as those were a life saviour in many scenarios.Not to mention the satisfaction, when chased by holo you jump down the cliff avoiding death, but the oppent splats. Love to hear more about the rest of planned changes in the Balance patch.Please keep the good work going!
  7. Hi Ben,So can you just run it off in PvP like the IC for mesmer?Thank you.
  8. Are you excited?They are deleting the only viable spec this class still have.And the touching the Meme Cloak :D - I got vibes they actually thinking to nerf it xD https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/91447/potential-future-balance-changes-pvp
  9. Hi Cal,Thank you for feedback. Please leave the 10 target hit - but make Sand Savant killable, like Chrono F5.F4. Love to her more from you. PS If you are tuning down the corrupts, tune down the enchantment application from other profs.
  10. If you want to follow a commander i reccomend the scourge (facerolling your keyboard randomly to win) - decent amount of sustain an good lootbags.For solo raming burnout ele, shiro boom revenant, or burning DH, but there are planty to choose on metabattle.
  11. You’re new here aren’t you? ? But more seriously, he responded to several things on the first page, and I wouldn’t expect a response to the bulk of items TBH. But the other aspect of my concern is that, as someone else Pointed out, this has been the trend:come in and offer some itemsRespond for a day or twoNot see someone for weeks at a time. And that is where some of us are concerned about this latest foray. Oh no, I'm not new. Trust me. As they are eager to have a discussion I'm just waiting for their part. I see that playerbase shared a lot now, so its about time for Anet to speak.
  12. Hi Cal, So what are your comments on already posted feedback?Love to hear.Thanks!
  13. Other mmos dont run engines that are ancient and unoptimized like the GW2.They'd had to rewrite the code entirely and that wont happen. For what I feel that we are getting into maintenance mode in about a year and Anet will try to sell a new IP (if any).With new 'season' we will be getting by the old Hall of Monuments, so by the end of it, I predict they will put it again into use (so you will spend 2-3 years maxing things and maybe buy something).
  14. Hi Anet, Thank you for your feedback. Sincerely,The player base PS: Actions mean more than words.
  15. The I own it all build goes to GS Guardian/DH.Cheap zerk gear, perfect burst, good sustain. Its on metablattle. Highly recommended for facerolling all challenging content in this game.
  16. Unfortunately, there is none.Mesmer does not have any role in zerg fights to fulfil - the shady double veil is now outperformed by dps gyro scrapper in every way.You can stick to roaming mirage or reroll to something more plesent and impactful for the group like fb, scourge, rev or scrapper.
  17. Hi Cal,One more thing.What is Your vision of WvW and PvP.I'd like to know that before we start on feedback.
  18. Hi Cal,How will You communicate about our feedback?You (as Anet) stated that you like our ideas, but frankly I dont see them implemented ever. You ask us for feedback, however nothig gets implemented, nor discussed with us. Like in discussion manner, not one way 'thank for feedback - nope'.As of now I'll treat this post like another PR talk for several months. I give you a chance, but I think I shouldn't. Fellow players, please wake me up in 2020, when Anet post something like below:Having seperate teams for balancing the different modes took too much resources, this is why we are happy to announce a merging of the teams. This will speed up the time between balance patches and let us improve your game play.
  19. Insert Coin.I like the retro idea of pay to play.But I've paid already.
  20. It seems like the dev behind this 'balance' patch plays a different game than we.
  21. They should make the Scourge F1 killable, like Chrono F4 -> problem solved.
  22. And thank gods there is none of this stuff! Its a prologue, just a tiny bit of content, as we will probably need to wait till December (or late Novemeber) for the first episode. The map looks nice, you can finish it in 2hrs of active play and wait till new release - like always.
  23. It was so mean when you mocked about pvp community during the event. Its just insulting.
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