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Posts posted by Taril.8619

  1. @kharmin.7683 said:

    So, we should remove killjoys that actively cry out against fun features?

    Fun is a matter of perspective. I wouldn't find this to be a fun feature.

    And others would find it fun.

    Ergo, it can be considered a fun feature.

    Is it fun for
    ? No, but that's not the qualification of a fun feature. If it was, nothing in the game would exist because
    will find it unfun.

    Right, so based upon your point, we should remove players who do not like certain content that others like? You are saying that you find everything fun in GW2?

    What? Try reading.Snark isn't necessary. Egad.

    I'm just pointing out suggestions that would help those that seem to miss a key skill required for online discussions.

    @kharmin.7683 said:That would go over so well with the community.

    Exactly the point I was making by twisting sorudo's asinine comment into something that would target themselves

    @kharmin.7683 said:So, you wouldn't come to the forums to post about content that you don't like?

    Why on Earth would I do that?

    What purpose would it serve me, to just complain about some content I don't like? When I could just... Not play that content and instead play other content that I do like?

    @kharmin.7683 said:You would forcibly remove me because I do not want DPS meters and have voiced my opinion against them?

    If we're in the business of utilizing asinine behaviour such as removing or banning things that are deemed "Not fun" by a specific random person on the forums. Sure.

  2. @kharmin.7683 said:

    So, we should remove killjoys that actively cry out against fun features?

    Fun is a matter of perspective. I wouldn't find this to be a fun feature.

    And others would find it fun.

    Ergo, it can be considered a fun feature.

    Is it fun for
    ? No, but that's not the qualification of a fun feature. If it was, nothing in the game would exist because
    will find it unfun.

    Right, so based upon your point, we should remove players who do not like certain content that others like? You are saying that you find everything fun in GW2?

    What? Try reading.

    I said remove players whom are actively crying out against certain content. Not just people whom don't like a specific piece of content.

  3. a little skinny WHY NOT?

    because all it does is bread negativity, discrimination and nothing but a bad flow in-game.if it was up to me i would ban arcDPS from the game and ban ppl from using it, DPS is absolutely useless when you suck at the game.

    Actuaklly a DPS meter does the opposite. I created an environment where its easier for people to go into groups and prove themselves. Class discrimination was also diminished hard by arc dps.

    Let me take you back to a time where we had no legal means of seeing each others dps. Back in HoT times where in raids we had the infamous mirror comps, with 6 supporters and 4 dpslers. Those dps roles? Reserved for eles. The community had the perception that an Ele would always outdps just everything. Other classes in most groups were only taken if no ele would show up for a while and if the group would not meet the dps requirement, the non ele would always be kicked. Example, No updraft Gorseval. Group has 3 Eles and one Dragonhunter but fails to do enough damage to do no updraft Gorseval. Who gets kicked? The Dragonhunter. Because it was "common knowledge" that the ele would always do enough damage and so it was the Dragonhunter who was the weakest link for not building an Ele. Doesn't matter if the DH actually did the most damage or not, he would still getting kicked because everyone thinks that he was the weakest link in the group and if the one who actually did no damage is still in the group then nothing was solved and the group would still wipe on that boss.Now same scenario but with an actual dps meter. Group fails and leader looks at the damage the group did and finds out, 2 Eles and the DH were doing enough but one of the eles was just doing as much as the chrono tank. The leader now knows where the problem is and can act based on actual information instead of perception and class discrimination. Also the new place would be free to any dps class. Even a reaper could show up and pull its own weight ( reapers had the reputation of doing kitten damage, and without an actual dps meter it would have no chance of getting into the group )

    Today, most raid groups ojnly kick you for bad dps if your damage is actually bad ( like under 10k without doing mechanics or even worse doing as much as the dedicated healers ). Doing just enough is actually that. Enough to actually stay in the raid group.

    anything that prevents me from actually playing is a bad idea, if DPS is the only thing ppl care about then Anet needs to do something about that like actually making the game challenging without focusing on DPS.also, as long as this kind of discrimination happens i will always hate raids, it's nothing but toxicity and doesn't add anything to the game.

    but please, convince me otherwise, have a group that doesn't care about DPs as long as it's fun but don't come to me crying when that very thing is impossible because of arcDPS.

    It's not impossible because of arcdps. It's impossible because this game already lacks defined roles. We have DPS and then we have DPS-lite which we call support, but which basically exists only because it produces higher group DPS than filling those roles with more DPS. What would you replace that with? Nothing? So what do these roles do exactly? Just run around performing...other mechanics? Is this a battle or a puzzle we're talking about here?

    what about mechanics that kills a boss easier

    Like DPS?

    @sorudo.9054 said:what about challenges that makes DPS only useful when needed and nothing more?

    Uhh... That won't stop DPS being so focused on. It just means that you want more burst DPS and less sustained DPS (I.e. You just invalidate Condition builds)

    @sorudo.9054 said:for example, a boss that weakens by taking down it's shields but you need tanks to get to the generators, DPS players would die way to easy while tanks can get trough with ease.

    Okay... So you have 1 tank per generator to deal with that mechanic. While everyone else focuses on DPS for when the shields drop.

    @sorudo.9054 said:also, the whole problem with arcDPS is that no-one can play for the fun of it, it's always way to serious without a hint of fun.

    Plenty of people play for fun in games with DPS meters.

    In fact, arcDPS has increased the ability to play for fun for many players, due to being able to show that they provide competitive damage when playing fun off-meta builds

    @sorudo.9054 said:if something isn't fun enough in a game it should not exist

    So, we should remove killjoys that actively cry out against fun features?

  4. @Lumikki.1725 said:

    @"AliamRationem.5172" said:It's not impossible because of arcdps. It's impossible because this game already lacks defined roles. We have DPS and then we have DPS-lite which we call support, but which basically exists only because it produces higher group DPS than filling those roles with more DPS. What would you replace that with? Nothing? So what do these roles do exactly? Just run around performing...other mechanics? Is this a battle or a puzzle we're talking about here?

    How ever, reason why you need DPS measurement tools is because how hard the content is.

    No, the reason you need DPS measurement tools is because without them, it's hard to actually discern the differences between getting better gear, picking better traits and getting better at playing your class on your DPS.

    Open world mobs fall over if you sneeze near them. Bosses have high enough health pools that your individual damage won't have much appreciable effect on their health bars. The only way to really tell if you're playing well and improving or flailing around with a meme build is via DPS measuring tools.

    If all content would be so that when you "sneeze near" them, they die, what would be measurement tools needed?My point is that I disagree that measurement too and content hardest isn't related.

    The measurement tools required in the case of all enemies dying near instantly, would be player count measurement tools, because there'd be 0 people playing the game since it would be super boring if everything died as easily as OW trash mobs (OW content is very popular, but that's due to more interesting encounters such as Bounties, World Bosses, Meta's with bosses and events that scale with people making the trash actually tanky and dangerous)

    @Lumikki.1725 said:As for DPS been the main thing in combat, that's only because this game lacks active defence.

    No, it's DPS because, like in every single game that has ever existed, DPS scales infinitely with regard to the affect it has on content (Well, up until you can literally insta-kill every available target).

    Every additional point of DPS you get, shaves the time to kill an enemy by a fraction.

    With defences and healing, there's hard caps for how useful they are. If you're tanky enough to survive an encounter, that's it you gain nothing else from getting more tanky. If you can heal up all the incoming damage, that's it you gain nothing else from getting more healing.

    Once Tanks/Healers have met their goals of being able to survive/heal through an encounter, the only thing that's left to focus on, is DPS. Since as mentioned earlier, DPS is always relevant.

    The only time additional defence/healing matters, is if it allows for more DPS because the Healer/Tank can forgo their own roles and focus on DPS (In a way that outperforms both players having more balanced builds)

    It's a fundamental flaw at the heart of the RPG genre as a whole, there simply hasn't been invented a system where defence and healing can actually scale infinitely with an appreciable effect on encounters (Outside of mechanics that convert them into DPS). Nor has there been any attempts to provide a hard limit on DPS where it stops being beneficial to encounters from increasing it (With exception from some older JRPG's, such as when Final Fantasy had a damage cap of 9999 making additional damage stats redundant)

    I was taking active defence, not about tanking or healing. While I do agree that "Holy Trinity combat" has flaws, I don't think this kind of DPS only combat is much better. As long it doesn't really have active defence.

    We literally have active defence though. Dodge rolls. Many classes also have utilities that provide defense too.

    Active defence has zero impact on the focus of DPS though. Even where it's required, it's still "DPS" as the priority, you just work in the active defence where necessary.

    The only things that compete with DPS are Defence and Healing which are completely disregarded by DPS players and are only relevant to Tanks/Healers.

  5. @Lumikki.1725 said:

    @AliamRationem.5172 said:It's not impossible because of arcdps. It's impossible because this game already lacks defined roles. We have DPS and then we have DPS-lite which we call support, but which basically exists only because it produces higher group DPS than filling those roles with more DPS. What would you replace that with? Nothing? So what do these roles do exactly? Just run around performing...other mechanics? Is this a battle or a puzzle we're talking about here?

    How ever, reason why you need DPS measurement tools is because how hard the content is.

    No, the reason you need DPS measurement tools is because without them, it's hard to actually discern the differences between getting better gear, picking better traits and getting better at playing your class on your DPS.

    Open world mobs fall over if you sneeze near them. Bosses have high enough health pools that your individual damage won't have much appreciable effect on their health bars. The only way to really tell if you're playing well and improving or flailing around with a meme build is via DPS measuring tools.

    @Lumikki.1725 said:As for DPS been the main thing in combat, that's only because this game lacks active defence.

    No, it's DPS because, like in every single game that has ever existed, DPS scales infinitely with regard to the affect it has on content (Well, up until you can literally insta-kill every available target).

    Every additional point of DPS you get, shaves the time to kill an enemy by a fraction.

    With defences and healing, there's hard caps for how useful they are. If you're tanky enough to survive an encounter, that's it you gain nothing else from getting more tanky. If you can heal up all the incoming damage, that's it you gain nothing else from getting more healing.

    Once Tanks/Healers have met their goals of being able to survive/heal through an encounter, the only thing that's left to focus on, is DPS. Since as mentioned earlier, DPS is always relevant.

    The only time additional defence/healing matters, is if it allows for more DPS because the Healer/Tank can forgo their own roles and focus on DPS (In a way that outperforms both players having more balanced builds)

    It's a fundamental flaw at the heart of the RPG genre as a whole, there simply hasn't been invented a system where defence and healing can actually scale infinitely with an appreciable effect on encounters (Outside of mechanics that convert them into DPS). Nor has there been any attempts to provide a hard limit on DPS where it stops being beneficial to encounters from increasing it (With exception from some older JRPG's, such as when Final Fantasy had a damage cap of 9999 making additional damage stats redundant)

  6. Necro sucks in optimized PvE environments (I.e. Min/maxed raids) due to its low potential DPS compared to other classes and limited support options.

    It however, is super easy to play in PvE making it easy to hit "Good enough" numbers, while there are many classes whom have higher capabilities, but their skill floor is much higher (Weaver, Deadeye, Chrono for example) meaning that your average pleb will often do better on Necro than other more "Meta" classes.

    Necro is strong in PvP though was hit with the signet nerfs. In WvW, it's hard to evaluate, since it feels like there's a new Scourge nerf every 5 minutes after the ridonkulous buff to Shades...

    Necro is amazing in open world PvE though and is "Okay" in dungeons/fractals due to having good burst, good cleave, mostly self sufficient boons (So you don't have to worry about "Do I have muh Firebrigade supports?") and the trash mobs assist with LF generation.

    The class really only struggles in a very niche area that is relevant to like 0.01% of the total playerbase. Though, this can affect up to like 1% of the playerbase because people are idiots and take benchmarks as gospel...

    Overall, there are classes that are in much worse positions.

  7. Mesmer Swords are kinda in a bad spot.

    They're excellent for PvE due to Fencer's Finesse for free 150 Ferocity on top of their crit damage multipliers as well as Phantasmal Swordsman doing good damage vs static targets (1.7 coefficient, which gets doubled to 3.4 when you factor in Chronophantasma)

    In PvP though...

    Auto attacks only do damage vs boonless targets, but the powercreep of the game has lead to everyone and their cat farting out boons left, right and centre. So you're basically never going to fully strip someone of boons outside of Winds of Disenchantment (But WoD bombing is about AoEing blobs to which auto attacking with sword is going to be a minor effect compared to everyone dropping their AoE's...)

    Blurred Frenzy doesn't do that much damage because of the evade it provides. But the defensive properties have waned due to aforementioned boonspam making Retaliation more prominent as well as you being a static target (So easy to blow up when the skill ends, as well as further limiting its damage because people can just walk away from you) and also the meta shift towards Conditions that can mean you're still dying even if you're evading current attacks.

    Illusionary Leap is kind of slow (It needs at the very least, the same treatment that Sword 5 got in the patch, with the clone spawning at your target) and it also does 0 damage in all modes. Like actually a 0.003 coefficient making it deal 1-2 damage. Which makes no sense. No other weapon has a mobility skill that does 0 damage besides Infiltrator's Arrow. Like, some do low damage but low damage is still far greater than 0 damage.

    Illusionary Riposte is a bit dated, being effectively just an Aegis rather than an actual block skill. The activated effect is slow and also deals 0 damage.

    Phantasmal Swordsman sucks for PvP due to how slow the animation for casting it is, making it easy to dodge/blind/evade/aegis/block/whatever making it useless as well as the Swordsman having most of its damage on the Blurred Frenzy it casts which has the same problems that Sword 2 has, in that it's super easy to walk away from because it's still using self root mechanics that were dated by the turn of the century, let alone now in 2020...

    So yeah...

    Though, it's not like this is an isolated case, many core weapons are also equally outdated in design across all classes. It's one of the reasons E-Spec weapons are so popular, since for the most part they are actually designed with modern ideas of how action combat functions - With more mobility in mind and better damage distribution.

  8. @mortrialus.3062 said:Whatever trade off happens it needs to be designed in a way that actually accentuates aspects of core mesmer into more potent forms with clear niches with trade offs that open up weaknesses that don't run completely counter to what the elite spec is strong at.Whatever happens to mesmer, mirage, and chrono needs to focus on making each very strong in ways the others aren't and with clear niches with weaknesses that open up counter play without running completely counter to what the spec is supposed to be strong at.

    I think one of the main problems to be faced in this regard, is the nature of how incredibly focused the entire profession is on shatter gameplay.

    It leads to a situation where all 3 classes are focused around shatters, so they end up doing very similar things, because that's what the profession and consequently the core specializations are about.

    The only notable changes to gameplay are basically just Chrono's slight lean towards Phantasms with the Chronophantasma trait and that's about it, but even that is optional since it's just a GM trait which has also been nerfed repeatedly... (Also Chrono's access to Alacrity/Quickness, but that's been left in the dust since PoF and the release of Firebrigade which does it better and easier)

    I suppose in theory, you can give Mirage and Chrono unique and objectively worse shatters, leading to core Mesmer being king of the shattergun playstyle where you blow stuff up with high power shatters. With Chrono instead getting Chronophantasma (Baseline) and Phantom affinity as their source of damage output and Mirage leaning more on their unique Ambushes for their damage output, possibly with also Infinite Horizon (Baseline) to put some focus on active Clones.

    Leading to Core Mesmer = meh clones/phantasms + good shatters. Chrono = meh clones/shatters + good phantasms. Mirage = meh phantasms/shatters + good clones.

    Of course, this runs into a problem with a potential 3rd E-Spec since if we use the above categorizations we've ran out of aspects of Mesmer to utilize unless such an E-Spec brings a new mechanic (Like Ambush) with which it can lean on.

  9. The trick is that the most profitable materials, are not max level ones. Since most max level materials (Ores, Leather, Cloth, Wood) are also obtained by salavaging the plethora of items you get as a level 80.

    Instead, lower level materials sell for more, since they aren't as easily obtained by level 80 characters (Drop rate of lower level items is significantly lower as a level 80 and otherwise it requires going and gathering stuff)

    You can use something like gw2efficiency to help focus on profit per time (As well as some insight onto the worth of various materials. I.e. Iron, Platinum, Copper, Flax and various food items being the most profitable resources)

  10. @"kash.9213" said:Oddly enough sometimes when I open with DB if my Quickness goes off right then DB feels like it's launching me further, but that could be an illusion from going faster. I just know it's put me in weird spots before.

    Actually, it might really move you further.

    Since given that Quickness speeds up animations, it might be that it's providing extra "Velocity" much like those effects for projectiles that make them faster and increase their range (Such as Kneeling with DE Rifle)

    Though, one side effect of increased range of motion with DB is that due to it's smol attack radius it might be possible to move far enough so that 1-2 of the attacks don't land on the target (Especially if they happen to be running towards you)

  11. Yeah... LS2 achievements can only be done after having already completed the episode on that character.

    Every other season allows you to attain all the achievements on the first run though an episode.

    It sucks, especially since LS2 is super long with tons of annoying dialogue... When I was doing the achieves, I spent a lot of time tabbed out while the NPC's talked for like 5 minutes...

    Also, many of the LS2 achievements also only trigger upon completing the instance, so you can't even quick relog to skip all their talking after you've fulfilled the achievement criteria...

    This too improves in subsequent seasons, with achievements being rewarded upon fulfillment, as well as less 5+ minute monologues and unskippable cutscenes... As well as the inclusion of Challenge Motes that enable you to retry from part way through an instance (Such as before a boss fight) instead of starting again from the very beginning.

  12. Any time you are not actively gaining Mastery Experience towards a mastery, you will be earning experience towards Spirit Shards.

    This can be, if you've unlocked all masteries for a particular area (Such as HoT), or if you have filled out your currently chosen mastery's experience pool and have yet to pick another or unlock the next level (For example, if you don't have enough Mastery Points to unlock something)

    The only caveat is, with a case where you have a full experience mastery active, you will not be able to see a progress bar for your experience, as you'll just have the full bar from the mastery.

  13. @sorudo.9054 said:

    @sorudo.9054 said:a big fat NO

    a little skinny WHY NOT?

    because all it does is bread negativity, discrimination and nothing but a bad flow in-game.if it was up to me i would ban arcDPS from the game and ban ppl from using it, DPS is absolutely useless when you suck at the game.

    You'd also have to ban chat logs. And damage numbers. And visible health bars.

    'cause unless you remove any and all sources of indication of how much damage someone is doing, people will find a way to check their DPS.

    Also, the very nature of MMO's is to increase your DPS. You level up, get better gear, unlock new skills all in the name of doing more damage and healing and tanking. The entirety of PvE content revolves around balancing that is done based on people doing certain amounts of damage, with end-game encounters often having "Enrage Timers" that force a minimum level of DPS to be done by a party or it will auto-wipe.

    Since, not doing so creates a toxic environment where progression is not rewarding and the game will be plagued with bots doing full defensive parties full of healers and tanks and auto attacking down bosses for the best loot in the game causing a destruction of in-game economy.

    All this, and completely removing all means of seeing numbers or DPS (Including things like, timing how long it takes for someone to kill a specific target - Which gets used in other games as a metric for DPS output) won't stop people discriminating against bad players, they'll just turn their sights on to a new metric to refuse players.

    Given that, DPS meters in of themselves, much like many other things in life, are not inherently negative and discriminatory. It's down to how PEOPLE use it.

  14. Proj reflect seems a little unnecessary on a skill that already provides evade.

    Nor would it really improve the skill in any meaningful way. The main use of proj reflect being in WvW to reflect proj spam from blobs, but not only is Thief not very good in blobs at all, but D/D is woeful for blobbing (Shortbow and Staff both provide far more to a blob than D/D even with proj reflect)

    Death Blossom's pitfalls include up to several of the following:

    • Low reach (Even with its new 5 target cap, it can still be difficult actually HITTING 5 targets)
    • Low mobility (If trying to use it as a movement skill, it just doesn't take you very far)
    • Low power damage (Making it useless for Power builds)
    • Low condi damage (It is outclassed by P/D and SB)

    Addressing one or more of those would serve the skill better than tacking on additional functionality that is not particularly relevant to fixing these issues.

  15. @Kodama.6453 said:

    @"Azazel.7536" said:These so-called mesmer balance patches act most often as minor buffs which eventually become major nerfs (or useless updates)...what is the point of the phantasmal swordsman to spawn the illusion at the target's location if the Might buff still kicks in only in the melee? :D Jeeez, I mean...8 Might wont make me sue the company, but why so poorly thought balancing when it comes to mesmer? The same goes for F4 Chrono...the devs must have been like "Oh hey!! How about erasing the profession specific buff (distortion) and replacing it with a bland Aegis for 2s?!" ............... sad

    Don't you think that chrono's F4 is still pretty strong as a defensive mechanic?

    It is. Until you use it in PvP/WvW and someone just auto attacks the Rift and kills your big 105 second cooldown defensive skill.

  16. @"Jazz.4639" said:## Concept D (f1-4 shatter rework into mirage specific skills)

    for that consept are atm still concrete suggestions missing about how the f1-4 shatter than could look like. so pls can you add some more concrete ideas about how the tooltip of the shatters should look like in your opinion (i dont mean exact dmg numbers, more the mechanics, so what shatters are supposed to do in your consept?)

    while you think about it pls also consider, that your consept also needs to include a solution to limit uses of mc instead staying with only one dodge.

    A quick and dirty concept. Could probably do with some refinement. (The hope is such a concept can help get some creative juices flowing and hopefully give ideas as opposed to being a fully fledged suggestion)

    New effect: "Mirage Strike" is a new buff icon indicating that Ambush skills are ready. It lasts for 10 seconds and stacks charges. Each Ambush attack consumes a charge.

    Ambush skills now have a 2s shared cooldown on their usage up from 1s.

    F1- Sand StormShatter your clones damaging nearby foes and allowing you to use Ambush skills. Gain increased damage with Ambush skills. The shatter effect also occurs at your location.

    Deals X damage per shatter. Provides 1 charge of "Mirage Strike" and "Sand Strike" per shatter.Sand Strike is a buff that causes Ambush skills to deal increased damage (To be adjusted at balancing stage. Spitball around 20-30% damage increase?) and is consumed by Ambush skills.

    F2- Desert SandsShatter your clones damaging neaby foes and inflicting Torment and allowing you to use Ambush skills. Ambush skills inflict Burning. The shatter effect also occurs at your location.

    Deals Y damage per shatter and applies X stacks of Torment. Provides 1 charge of "Mirage Strike" and "Desert Strike" per shatter.Desert Strike is a buff that causes Ambush skills to inflict a short duration Burning condition and is consumed by Ambush skills.

    F3- Arid NightShatter your clones dazing nearby foes and allowing you to use Ambush skills. Ambush skills inflict Chill. The shatter effect also occurs at your location.

    Dazes for X seconds (0.5? 0.75? 1?) per shatter. Provides 1 charge of "Mirage Strike" and "Arid Strike" per shatter.Arid Strike is a buff that causes Ambush skills to inflict a short duration Chill condition and is consumed by Ambush skills.

    F4- Sands of ReflectionYou and your clones teleport to random locations around your target and then shatter, gaining 1s of Distortion and leaving behind Mirage Mirrors.

    Mirage MirrorReworked.If an enemy touches a Mirror it deals damage to them and inflicts Weakness and Cripple.If you touch a Mirror it grants 25 Endurance and Vigor.

    Infinite HorizonWhenever you gain Mirage Cloak, your clones gain a charge of Mirage Strike (10s CD)

  17. @Lighter.5631 said:i'm not sure you understand, the goal is to buff berserker without touching warrior and giving it's own identity, that's generally a better approach to balancing elite spec.

    There's plenty of ways to buff Berserker without touching core Warrior.

    The Berserk Mode mechanic, Berserker Traits, Berskerk Bursts...

    Rage skills are only one facet of Berserker, one that the E-Spec is already far too reliant on because it's the only way to have their class mechanic function.

    @Lighter.5631 said:Ofc buffing rage skill doesnt mean berserker will take full rage skill, i'm sure shake it off or even stances will still be top picks for berserker, that's just how pvp is.

    Rage skills are heavily used by what Berserkers in all game modes. Since, without them, Berserker mode doesn't last very long, which means the entire E-Spec ceases to function and you're left with worse-than-Core Warrior because it has no class mechanic and only 2 specs due to how Berserker is entirely reliant on being in Berserker Mode for all its traits to function.

    This is without buffing them.

    you are asking too much of impossible. or are you just simply asking for a better warrior.you are basically asking for a berserk that last forever without investment, which also won't solve it's problem in pvp. maybe core war is for you if you want to constantly using burst skill without down time and the need to invest slightess.

    "Better Warrior"... Likely won't be the case due to Berserk Modes 300 toughness penalty, need to get up to Adrenaline 3 to activate Berserk Mode (Let alone then cast Berserk Bursts), cast time on activating Berserk Mode and need to maintain Berserk Mode (Meaning being kited is a significant issue)

    Also, Berserk that lasts forever without investment? No, I suggested Burst skills extending the duration. The investment is the need to build up Adrenaline and use the Burst skills.

    These buffs to Rage skills won't solve its problem in PvP, which is that it's too easy to get focused down or kited when you activate Berserk Mode. (As well as having anemic damage since the nerfs to Berserk Bursts such as Arc Divider)

    Less reliance on Rage skills would help Berserker in PvP, as it means there's less choice between picking crummy Rage skills that are only really usable in PvE so that you can maintain Berserk Mode for any amount of time and taking actual utilities that will help you survive and get to targets.

    @Lan Deathrider.5910 said:Here is my take then:

    Shattering Blow:(normal state) Current skill.(berserk state) leaves aoe damage pulsing field on the ground that also pulse conditionLeaving that as an option because it is interesting, but how about this one:(berserk state) removes all stab and protection from the target.It is a shattering blow right? So, lets shatter their defenses too.

    Wild Blow - Remove the CC, they ruined that part anyway(normal state) 100% crit chance, +50% critical damage, removes vigor and fury from the target, cures blind an activation.(berserk state) 100% crit chance, +50% critical damage, steals vigor and fury from the target, cures blind an activation.Bring some utility in stripping/stealing boons from the target. I'm open to other boon options. I thought about Might stealing, but with our interactions with Might that would be too powerful. I am open to Shattering Blow doing the same thing for Stab and Protection. Other than that return the original damage to the skill with 100% crit chance, and extra critical damage. Added bonus of cleansing blind.

    Cool suggestions.

    Though, I am wary about these 2, since Boonrip is kind of like Spellbreaker entire thing so I'm not so sure it'd be a good fit for Berserker.

    I'd probably suggest gaining Quickness from Wild Blow as opposed to the Boonrip/steal (If the theme of the skill is going ham on them... Let us go ham on them!)

  18. @Lighter.5631 said:

    @Taril.8619 said:Honestly, a better design would be to remove Berserker's reliance on Rage skills. Enabling them to use utility skills for utility, not because their class mechanic literally is a pile of garbage without them.

    Make Burst skills prolong Berserk Mode. Adjust Rage skills so they don't affect Berserk duration.

    Thus enabling Berseker to be able to use a selection of utilities based on their needs. For example taking Mending/Shake it Off for Condi removal. Bulls Charge for mobility/evade/CC. Signet of Stamina for more dodges etc.

    As opposed to being stuck with Blood Reckoning/Outrage/Headbutt irregardless of how useful their actual effects are, just so they can maintain Berserker Mode long enough to maybe kill something.

    at this point its impossible to remove berserker's reliance for rage skills.

    It is entirely possible. You simply make Berserker Mode not require the duration extentions from Rage skills.

    @Lighter.5631 said:since core warrior definitely doesnt have the same effectiveness of a berserker, berserker needs way better skills then core warrior to perform as much in PvP.and rage skill is a good way to buff berserker without buffing all warrior.

    I'm not sure what this has to do with anything.

    @Lighter.5631 said:Ofc buffing rage skill doesnt mean berserker will take full rage skill, i'm sure shake it off or even stances will still be top picks for berserker, that's just how pvp is.

    Rage skills are heavily used by what Berserkers in all game modes. Since, without them, Berserker mode doesn't last very long, which means the entire E-Spec ceases to function and you're left with worse-than-Core Warrior because it has no class mechanic and only 2 specs due to how Berserker is entirely reliant on being in Berserker Mode for all its traits to function.

    This is without buffing them.

  19. Honestly, a better design would be to remove Berserker's reliance on Rage skills. Enabling them to use utility skills for utility, not because their class mechanic literally is a pile of garbage without them.

    Make Burst skills prolong Berserk Mode. Adjust Rage skills so they don't affect Berserk duration.

    Thus enabling Berseker to be able to use a selection of utilities based on their needs. For example taking Mending/Shake it Off for Condi removal. Bulls Charge for mobility/evade/CC. Signet of Stamina for more dodges etc.

    As opposed to being stuck with Blood Reckoning/Outrage/Headbutt irregardless of how useful their actual effects are, just so they can maintain Berserker Mode long enough to maybe kill something.

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